
Demographics and Elections Commentary tagged with Racial categories

3/13/2023: U.S. govt. contemplates updating the nation's racial and ethnic categories [NBC News]

Photo credit: Jeenah Moon / Bloomberg via Getty Images

The government wishes to add numerous politically correct categories to their already-flawed laundry list of races, but there are only three biological races: Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid. Always trust the science! Or doesn't that apply to liberal bureaucrats?

Even now the government additionally claims the existence of "races" like Native American, Alaska Native, Pacific Islander and of course Other. Just what the hell would Other be? Klingon?

Then there's the relatively new (as of the 2000 Census) category of "2+ races" or, more accurately, allowing respondents to select as many different races as they desire to identify themselves. Seeing as how the leftist puppetmasters/media-controllers began in the 1990s their ceaseless campaign for miscegenation, that category had to be officially added as of 2000 so they could measure their progress.

Nevermind that at least as of the 2020 Census if not earlier, those multi-racial figures are MASSIVELY inflated -- coincidentally by almost the exact proportion that the White category has allegedly declined. You can see the evidence for yourself on this very website by looking at the breakdowns for practically any city, county, state or metro area in the nation.

Despite all that, anyone who advocates complete removal of the Race question on the Census, as some do, is an idiot. The purpose of the Census is to gather important information about the population. And if someone doesn't think race qualifies as demographically important no matter how the Bureau of the Census bastardizes the definition, then he/she/it (just wait until you see how the Bureau handles "gender" in 2030 if not sooner) is an even greater idiot.

Now as to things that information on race is used for -- such as discriminating against certain races in college admissions, and for any number of other discriminatory purposes by governments and liberal institutions -- that's a different story. There are good reasons to be color-blind in many instances, but being totally ignorant of racial demographics is the height of stupidity, and in some cases is quite dangerous.


Demographics Census Racial categories