7/23/2024: Who Will Be Cackles' Veep? [RightDataUSA] |
![]() Photo credit: Robert Deutsch, USA Today
This may become a pertinent question even sooner than expected. Kamala "Cackles" Harris isn't merely the presumptive Democrat nominee for the 2024 presidential election, she may be elevated to President any time now. Although President Biden's personal physician, who is apparently Dr. Nick Riviera, assured the nation on Monday that the President was still alive and continuing to "perform all his presidential duties", this is the same doctor who recently insisted -- everyone's lying eyes notwithstanding -- that Biden was fit as a fiddle and sharp as a tack. The comparison of those items to Biden is valid only if they had just been run over by a train. ![]() Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images
Candidates from the gubernatorial ranks include: Andy Beshear (D-KY), J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) and Tim Walz (D-MN). Beshear, a pretty boy in an empty suit, could (or so the Democrats think) plausibly pose as a moderate, but the reality is that he's no such thing, and he probably wouldn't even be able to deliver Kentucky's 8 electoral votes. Pritzker's usefulness on the ticket would be limited to donut-eating contests; Illinois is in no danger of voting anything other than Democrat for president anyway. The same applies to Walz except for maybe the donut-eating part, though there are (or at least were) some fever dreams on the right about Minnesota going for Trump in November. Democrats are rightfully unconcerned about that possibility, and will not select Walz simply to defend against it.
![]() mynewsgh.com
The favorite among these has to be Pennsylvania Governor Joshua Shapiro. Shapiro is from the most important of all swing states, is known to be highly covetous of national office, and PA would instantly go from "tossup" to "likely Democrat" in the 2024 presidential election if Shapiro gets the VP slot. As we mentioned just a few days ago, without Pennsylvania's 19 electoral votes Trump is going to have pull off a major upset somewhere else in order to get to 270 EV. The Democrat Veep is still unknown at this moment, but whoever it is will not have a tremendous effect on the national polls; it will be sufficient if he impacts the polls in just one swing state. Some on the right are still nervously reciting (at least for a few more days) polls showing Trump "crushing" Cackles in now-irrelevant surveys which were taken before Biden dropped out of the 2024 race. Even before this week Harris was speculatively included in some polls of course, but only since Sunday have we been inundated -- and will continue to be inundated -- by liberal media shills puffing about how wonderful, competent and "brat" Cackles is. [We don't speak punkie or monkey around here or whatever language that is, so we don't know what the hell "brat" means, but adolescent voters seem to consider it to be a positive thing.] Ignorant, gullible, non-adolescent voters who weren't overly familiar with Harris up to now will be told that she's Cleopatra, Indira Gandhi, Eva Peron and Golda Meir all rolled into one; not that any of those are good things, but we're talking about gullible voters here who are easily impressed by whatever lies the media feeds them. When Harris' approval begins to skyrocket, however astroturfed that skyrocketing is, Trump isn't going to be "crushing" her in any polls -- and he already isn't; at least not in any legitimate polls which were taken beginning on 7/21. And just wait a few weeks, or days (or hours) before Biden croaks or resigns and this thoroughly unqualified dunce is suddenly "President Kamala Harris, Commander-in-Chief"! If you think the hysterical media worship and adulation for B. Hussein Obama back in 2008 was ridiculous, you ain't seen nothing yet. Take Bonzo, make him a female (a real one, not a closet homo), and run him/her against the most media-despised presidential candidate in U.S. history. Wait a short period of time for the effect of the 100% positive stories about Harris, combined with the 100% negative media stories about Trump. . . and THEN take a gander at those supposedly crushing polls. They will likely be crushing in a way that the good people of America do not want to believe. Until actually forced to face reality, some will continue to deny it. They will rely on outdated polls which are no longer relevant, and claim that Trump's overall lead is holding steady. As if that lead was ever much to brag about. Even considering things as they were prior to Biden's dropout, Trump leading only by 1 or 2 percent, or slightly more but within the small margin of error against a comatose candidate like Biden should hardly fill anyone with confidence. Basement Biden was practically as somnolent in 2020 as he is now, and he still "somehow" won. No matter whether Harris, Newsom, Whitmer, Manchin or whoever were tested in some previous polls, Trump's Democrat opponent had been Joe Biden and only Joe Biden up until Sunday. Past data on any other matchup is not remotely as meaningful. Now of course, even the Trump-Biden or Trump-Biden-RFK polls are not meaningful anymore. Those who foolishly believe that Trump was going to cruise (and that cruising was barely above water level anyway) better have their shocked faces ready when the polls come out after the media REALLY goes into overdrive for Kamala, especially when they do so for "President Harris" once Biden croaks/resigns. You've never seen anything like it unless you were in the Soviet Union to observe how their obedient media treated Joseph Stalin, or how our own New York Times adored Uncle Joe -- or Fidel Castro. True Trump supporters aren't going to be fooled by 24/7 Harris Hagiography; no matter how desperately the Democrat media tries to spin Kamala's record, we know that she got to where she is today because of what's between her. . . well, it's not because of what's between her ears. But enough ignorant "independent" voters WILL be influenced by the daily coronation ceremonies, and the Rats only need to swing a small percentage of the ignorati back in the Democrat direction. The Trump campaign team better all have their thinking caps on regarding how they're going to combat this. Given Cackles' past, it sounds like it should be fairly easy. But it won't be -- the media won't allow it. July 25 update: It's fashionable to claim that Shapiro as V.P. would effectively concede the state of Michigan to Trump, and that's a poor trade considering that the Democrats can win Pennsylvania even without Shapiro. That forfeiture of Michigan is not certain by any means. Don't overrate the Muslim vote in Michigan, it's not all that substantial. Anyway, why would those Muslims bypass Kamala Harris, who for all intents and purposes is a Muslim in a political sense, just because of who her VP is? The answer is: they won't. A lot of them in Michigan will look past the VP selection (Josh Shapiro hates Benjamin Netanyahu as much as a typical Dearbornistan resident does anyway) and vote (D) as they normally do. They will not defect nearly enough to throw Michigan to Trump. Also: the state of Florida better not even be close in November, but if it is then a pick of Shapiro would be a master stroke, for the obvious reason. Tags: |