
Demographics and Elections Commentary

5/26/2022: North Dakota governor (R) spends against members of own party in primaries [Yahoo]

Photo credit: yahoo.com

Democrats like this Governor choose the Republican label for themselves because otherwise they couldn't get elected in North Dakota. This trick also works in every other heavily-Republican state. On the flip side, examples of conservative Republicans successfully masquerading as Democrats in hyper-liberal states include. . . uh. . . give us a minute. . .

5/26/2022: [Alaska] Records: Sen. Lisa Murkowski Funded By Lower-48 Donors Despite Her Criticism Of Outside Influence [The Federalist]

Let's see: Murkowski's got Rigged Choice Voting, big money PAC $$$ from out of state, full support from the RNC and the RINO Senate "leadership" who are filling the airwaves with their lies and propaganda. Conservative challenger Kelly Tshibaka has small-money individual donors and support from within the borders of Alaska. I wonder who should be considered the heavy favorite to win? Trump supports Kelly too, but that's a lot of liberal interference to overcome.

5/26/2022: Reality vs. Stacey Abrams: So-Called 'Suppressed' Voter Turnout in Georgia Primaries Blew Away All Previous Records [Townhall]

Read the story but don't look at the picture unless you have a strong stomach. Also, if you're trying to project the general election outcomes in Georgia statewide races based on Tuesday's primary results, keep in mind that almost 10% of "Republican" turnout was Democrats (who won't be voting Republican in November), and that number probably underestimates the number of crossover Democrats. How else could Brad "Sgt. Schultz" Raffensperger have won against an actual Republican in his primary?

5/23/2022: [Michigan] State bureau finds five GOP governor candidates short signatures [WOOD-TV]

Could it be that Democrat operatives posed as signature collectors for several Republican candidates, then committed obvious fraud (knowing it would be caught) regarding "invalid" signatures? That's a clever way for Michigan Democrats to keep their enemies off the ballot and protect their vulnerable unpopular Governor. 5/26/2022 update: That's exactly what happened.

5/22/2022: How the Pa. Republican establishment broke itself trying to stop Doug Mastriano [Inquirer.com]

Since their last minute plot against Mastriano failed, the next step for the liberal Republican establishment in PA is to publicly support savage Democrat Joshie Shapiwo for Governor. They'll also support him behind the scenes with $$$$ and probably Fetterman too, not that either one of them needs it. Democrats, even without RINO help, will spend an astronomical amount to purchase Pennsylvania this year, and it's likely to be money well spent.

5/21/2022: Thunderdome: New York's new congressional maps are creating 'chaos' for Democrats [Hot Air]

It's fantastic that the courts rejected New York's ultra-partisan Democrat gerrymander, but even the replacement plan hardly favors Republicans. The GOP -- absent other factors that determine election outcomes -- is still likely to lose one House seat in New York in November. That's still a lot better than losing 3 or 4.

5/21/2022: Democrats Interfere in Nevada GOP Gubernatorial Primary in Attempt to Stop Trump-Backed Joe Lombardo [Breitbart]

Dirty Democrat operatives and politicians have been discovered creating PACs (with anonymous contributors) that have Republican-sounding names like "Patriot Freedom Fund", spending lots of liberal geld on ads and mailers to try to propagandize GOP voters against conservative primary candidates.

4/22/2022: Here's Why Asian-Americans Are Reportedly Fleeing the Democratic Party [Townhall]

Fleeing? Hardly. It's claimed that Asians voted 68% for Biden in 2020. This article is long on hope and short on facts. Vietnamese immigrants, who are well aware of how the liberal American media and other Democrats destroyed their little country by supporting the Communist invasion, tend to vote Republican to some extent. On the other end of the spectrum are the ultra-liberal immigrants from the fetid shithole of "Tech Support Land".

4/21/2022: Exclusive: Republicans Confident as Vulnerable Virginia Democrats Brace for Tough November [Breitbart]

Photo credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images

The three leftist harpies referenced in the article have all the money in the world to spend. The one from just outside the D.C. beltway area is safe barring a miracle; another got much-needed redistricting help (and will likely get more late-night ballot dumps in her favor, as in 2020); and the third will likely be facing an uninspiring RINO squish in the Virginia Beach area. The GOP could still take 2 of 3 here if the ballots are counted accurately.

4/21/2022: 2020 Census Count Errors & Congressional Apportionment [American Redistricting Project]

Beneficiaries of the census fraud are nearly all Democrat states; the states which were screwed are all Republican states. Talk about coincidences! Florida and Texas would have had one more congressional district -- and therefore one more electoral vote -- if the census had been performed honestly.

4/21/2022: Who Rigged the Census? [Wall Street Journal]

Who do you think? And they didn't just start in 2020 either. We'll have an article on this topic (and historical Census pandering to Democrats) shortly. First line will be something like: "When you hear the term 'Deep State' you probably don't think of the Census Bureau, but maybe you should." A non-paywall link (unlike WSJ dot com) to this story is here. The 2020 rigging involved undercounting population in Republican states and overcounting Democrat states, for the purpose of affecting Congressional reapportionment.

4/21/2022: Should You Move While You Can, Or When You Must? [Charles Hugh Smith blog]

The author's premise as to why people move ("extreme inequality") is humorous, but the question is still a good one and that's why we're here. Click on Demographics, pick a state, county or city and see how the area is trending. You can also view Election Results for all states and counties (and some cities, and even individual precincts) to determine how an area is trending electorally.

The real reason why people move is extremely simple: everyone wants to live in a good area with quality schools, nice neighborhoods, clean streets, lower crime rates, away from the political policies and pathologies which make urban areas and even many suburban areas far less desirable places to live and raise a family than they once were. But invaders who bring those patholigies with them eventually turn the good area around, gradually at first and then much more noticeably, which forces the people who were there first -- the ones who made it good in the first place -- to move even farther out from the cesspool they originally fled, with its bad schools, high crime, corrupt one-party politics, dangerous neighborhoods and shopping areas, etc.

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