
Demographics and Elections Commentary

6/12/2022: Sarah Palin advances in special primary for Alaska's House seat [NBC News]

Photo credit: Will Peebles / USA Today Network

Palin received the most votes by far, which was not a surprise. Al Gross, the big-spending liberal Democrat who disguised himself as an "independent", got only 12% of the vote and that was somewhat surprising. When you can't even fool the low-info voters anymore, that's a bad sign for any Democrat no matter how they identify themselves. Even though the two Republicans, Palin and Begich, combined to take nearly 50% of the overall vote (and 71% of the vote among the 4 candidates who advanced), Rigged Choice Voting gives the Democrats one more chance to steal this in August when liberals unite behind Gross.

6/10/2022: Trump endorses Britt in Alabama Senate runoff months after dumping Brooks [Washington Examiner]

Photo credit: Katie Britt

Another mistake from the master of 4D chess. Britt, as mentioned before, is nothing more than Richard Shelby in drag and, when elected, will be just another Mitch Bitch. Brooks is anathema to Trump because Brooks doesn't drool constantly over the Democrats' 2020 election fraud. Yes that is an important issue, but you know what? As Senator, there are going to be votes on all sorts of issues other than that particular one, and Brooks would be a solid conservative on all issues just as he has been in the past.

Britt will vote the way Mitch tells her to and will be as popular among patriotic Americans as Mitt Romney or Mitch McConnell a few months into her term.

6/9/2022: Alaska's June 11 Special Primary Draws 48 Candidates, Including Santa Claus [wlvrns.io]

Photo credit: The Epoch Times

The primary outcome is a foregone conclusion: Sarah Palin, Nick Begich and ultra-rich, ultra-liberal Democrat Al Gross who is calling himself an "independent". In August, hopefully (but very unlikely) it will come down to Palin vs. Begich when Rigged Choice Voting (RCV) kicks in. Begich isn't a bad candidate at all, but lacks Palin's cult following. They are both good and infinitely better than the Democrat-in-disguise.

Unfortunately the more likely outcome is the liberal (Gross) and one of the Republicans being the final competitors left standing. So the winner will be determined by whoever the second choice of the second Republican was. Safe bet that many Begich supporters despise Sarah (and perhaps vice-versa?) so they might spitefully put Gross as their #2 choice. In which case it's probably "Hello, Congressman Al Gross" -- at least until November when Republicans will hopefully stop being stupid and splitting the R vote.

If this sounds confusing, it's supposed to: that's how Rigged Choice Voting works, and that's why liberals of both parties love it so much.

6/8/2022: South Carolina provides next test of Trump's endorsement power [Washington Examiner]

Photo credit: Greg Nash

This will be the true test for Trump, much more so than simply picking incumbents who have a 98% chance of winning whether he endorses them or not, like the vast majority of Trump's wins. RINOs and other Democrats are going to go all-in to support the liberal incumbents, Rice and Mace, who already have astronomical advantages in cash and other support from the liberal Uniparty establishment. It would be great for Fry and Arrington to win outright next week, but the more likely outcome is a runoff which will be held two weeks later.

6/8/2022: Lessons for Biden from the Democrats' blowout in California [Yahoo]

If primary turnout means anything:

Trump-hating Republican David Valadao will be defeated in November. The bad news is that he'll be replaced by a Democrat. Young Kim (incumbent Republican) got only 34% in District 40 though all Republicans combined to take 60% of the vote which means -- "ballot harvesting" notwithstanding -- she should be OK in November. Long-time incumbent Republican Ken Calvert got only 43.6%. He's probably in big trouble in November. His district is allegedly R+4 yet Democrats got more primary votes than Republicans as the numbers stand now.

6/7/2022: [Pennsylvania] Republican insiders begin to reluctantly support Doug Mastriano, as Democrats tout unity [WESA]

The establishment begins to admit what has been apparent to everyone all along, even before the primary votes were counted. RINO election-fraud deniers were certainly not fans of Mastriano when all he wanted to do was investigate the issue, and they don't like him any more now than they did then.

6/4/2022: Trump Endorses Kevin McCarthy, Pisses Off His Own Supporters [The Daily Beast]

There are no serious challengers to McCarthy in either the primary or the general election in his district. There was no reason for Trump to endorse this squish. If Republicans win back the House in November, America needs a Speaker who will do the right thing -- and that's clearly not a task which Frank Luntz's boy toy is up to accomplishing.

6/3/2022: Dave McCormick concedes to Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania Republican Senate primary [Fox News]

Photo credit: AP

At least now we know which RINO will be losing this race in November. As far as Pennsylvania, it will be no surprise whatsoever when some polls are published soon showing Republicans (especially Mastriano, who is already under severe attack) trailing badly in both statewide races in what is setting up to be a repeat of the 2018 disaster here. Mastriano's a good man, but the Uniparty establishment is going to hang him out to dry.

As for Oz, establishment leaders are already prepared for the November results, when they will sneeringly declare: "Oh yeah? Well, Kathy Barnette would have lost by EeVeN MoaR!", as they declare a moral victory for themselves because at least no yucky conservative won.

6/3/2022: [New York] Rep. Chris Jacobs announces he will not run for re-election [WIVB]

Photo credit: WIVB

A leftist nutzoid shoots up a grocery store in Buffalo and Democrats cheer because there's one less Republican in Congress as a result; the incumbent Republican Congressman in the area, who has other issues in addition to his cowardice, has decided to cut and run while making himself appear "virtuous" -- to the uninformed. Exchanging a few lives for more power is a trade Democrats will make every chance they get.

6/2/2022: Republican Hispanic Candidate Surges In Texas -- Could Be First House Seat Flip Of The Year [Gateway Pundit]

Photo credit: Gateway Pundit

The June 14th election is just a primary election which will feature 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats all running against each other on the same ballot; not two separate primaries for R and D. If nobody gets 50% of the vote -- which nobody will unless that "surge" being reported for Flores continues -- there will be a runoff election between the top 2 vote-getters at a later date. This will be a good measure of whether the 2020 trend of south Texas Hispanics towards the right is actually a trend or just a temporary phenomenon.

6/2/2022: Open primaries open the door to suspiciously fraudulent victories [American Thinker]

This topic keeps coming up, so try to understand this once and for all: there is effectively no such thing as a closed primary anymore. States which do not require party registration for voters have no choice but to make primaries open, and even states with party registration make it very easy to (temporarily) switch parties and sabotage the other side's primary election. Surely you remember "Operation Chaos" from 2008? That was the one Republican attempt to do what Democrats now do regularly. The difference is that the Democrat infiltration sometimes succeeds.

6/1/2022: Shock Poll: Republican Leads Oregon Governor Race [Breitbart]

Photo credit: Christine Drazen for Oregon

An independent candidate polls at 19%, showing how much the Democrat really is despised. But this is Oregon, with its 100% mail-in voting, and you can count on one hand the number of times a Republican has prevailed statewide in the 20+ years since Oregon decided that votes in all elections must go through the Democrat Postal Workers Union before they can be counted. The current Democrat Governor was easily re-elected despite her massive unpopularity, and the new boss as of 2023 is likely to be pretty much the same as the old boss.

6/1/2022: [South Carolina] Rep. Mace Leads Katie Arrington In Trafalgar Poll [OANN]

But maybe not by enough to avoid a runoff against Arrington, her conservative opponent. Farther up the South Carolina coast, Trump-hating RINO Tom Rice is going down in flames against his conservative challenger, however that race might require a runoff as well. For all the wishful thinking nationwide about RINOs being beaten by solid conservatives in U.S. House primaries, it has happened exactly one time so far in 2022: David McKinley in West Virginia. It could happen two more times in South Carolina alone.

6/1/2022: Ohio Senate race in virtual deadlock: poll [The Hill]

This race is absolutely NOT the slam-dunk the wishful thinkers want it to be: "Ohio is solidly Republican! Trump easily won Ohio twice!" -- yeah, and so did Sherrod Brown and so did Barack Hussein Obama. The Democrat nominee talks a nice "moderate" game when necessary, and given the acrimonious Republican primary, voters who opposed Vance and favored a more leftist candidate such as Timken or Dolan may do what RINO squishes so very often do when they don't get their way in a primary: run shrieking to the left and support the Rat.

5/29/2022: Gerrymandering, a legal form of vote stealing, more entrenched now than ever [The Hill]

Easily the most laughable, biased, error-filled rant on the subject you'll ever read. They are righteously outraged now, but what was the liberal media doing between 2014 and 2020 when partisan Democrat judges were ignoring state laws in Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina and implementing Democrat gerrymanders in place of legitimate Republican-created maps? Laughing about Republicans getting screwed, that's what.

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