
Demographics and Elections Commentary

7/9/2022: Alaska Survey Research Poll: Murkowski wins, Palin loses? [Hot Air]

Photo credit: AP Photo/Scott Eklund

A conservative-hating website pushes a biased left-wing online (LOL) poll which shows conservatives losing in Alaska. The clumsy methodology of the poll notwithstanding, the outcome which the haters are hoping for is not impossible or even unlikely.

Even though Al Gross flamed out -- or perhaps because he did, since his withdrawal removes the split in the liberal vote -- the heavily-fractured Republican side of the special election ballot (Palin vs. Begich) will remain fractured to a sufficient degree to allow the lone remaining Democrat to advance to the "second ballot" in the Rigged Choice Voting (RCV) scheme which Alaska has adopted. That being the case, if Begich is eliminated his votes will be re-allocated to a very large extent to the Democrat instead of going to Palin. Therefore the Democrat-media focus for the next month will be on making Begich more unpopular so that he finishes no higher than third place on the first ballot.

On the Senate side in November, unless Kelly Tshibaka can get to 50% and win on the first ballot, the same thing will happen -- the votes of the eliminated candidates will be re-allocated far more toward liberal incumbent Lisa Murkowski and she will win re-election even though the vast majority of her own party rightfully despises her. At this point liberals will declare Rigged Choice Voting a resounding success, having handed them a pair of victories which would have been highly unlikely under a normal (non-rigged) electoral system. Look for RCV to become much more widespread after 2022 as Democrats and other liberals push for it everywhere.

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