Date: December 17, 2019
Subject: Authorizing an Irresponsible $540 Billion Spending Package
Description: This bill is one of two "minibus" appropriations bills passed at the end of the session. This particular minibus appropriates roughly $540 billion in spending and includes countless irresponsible and wasteful spending provisions. For example, the bill (which includes appropriations for Labor-Health, Agriculture, Energy and Water, Interior and Environment, Legislative Branch, Military Construction, State and Foreign Affairs, and THUD) reauthorizes both the crony Export-Import Bank for seven years and the National Flood Insurance Program through 2020. Additionally, the bill busts discretionary spending caps by $170 billion and contains a laundry list of special interest subsidies and carve-outs to unions. Furthermore, the bill infringes individual liberties of adults by raising the age to use tobacco and nicotine products from 18 to 21. ACU opposes this outrageous spending and unabashed cronyism and believes tobacco and nicotine usage is a personal liberty issue.
Result: Agreed to, 297-120
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