
Vote Data for HCON91 (98th Congress)

Date: June 23, 1983

Subject: 1984 Budget Resolution

Description: Jones (D-OK) motion to approve the substitute resolution, agreed to by House-Senate conferees but reported in technical disagreement, to set budget targets for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1984 as follows (totals including reserve fund items in parentheses): budget authority, $919.5 billion ($928.725 billion); outlays, $849.5 billion ($858.925 billion); revenues, $679.6 billion; deficit, $169.9 billion ($179.325 billion). The resolution also set preliminary goals for fiscal 1985-86, revised budget levels for fiscal 1983, and included reconciliation instructions requiring House and Senate committees to recommend legislative savings to meet the budget targets. This resolution increased taxes and domestic spending while cutting the defense hikes proposed by the President.

Result: Agreed to, 239-186

Names ordered: By yea/nay       Order alphabetically       Order by party       Order by state

Click on a Representative's name to see more information for that Representative.

Voted in Favor:

Gary Ackerman (D-NY)  
Joseph Addabbo (D-NY)  
Daniel Akaka (D-HI)  
Don Albosta (D-MI)  
Glenn Anderson (D-CA)  
Ike Andrews (D-NC)  
Mike Andrews (D-TX)  
Frank Annunzio (D-IL)  
Beryl Anthony (D-AR)  
Les Aspin (D-WI)  
Les AuCoin (D-OR)  
Michael Barnes (D-MD)  
Jim Bates (D-CA)  
Berkley Bedell (D-IA)  
Tony Beilenson (D-CA)  
Howard Berman (D-CA)  
Tom Bevill (D-AL)  
Mario Biaggi (D-NY)  
Lindy Boggs (D-LA)  
Edward Boland (D-MA)  
Bill Boner (D-TN)  
David Bonior (D-MI)  
Don Bonker (D-WA)  
Robert Borski (D-PA)  
Douglas Bosco (D-CA)  
Rick Boucher (D-VA)  
Barbara Boxer (D-CA)  
Robin Britt (D-NC)  
Jack Brooks (D-TX)  
George Brown (D-CA)  
John Bryant (D-TX)  
Tom Carper (D-DE)  
Bob Carr (D-MI)  
James Clarke (D-NC)  
William Clay (D-MO)  
Tony Coelho (D-CA)  
Ron Coleman (D-TX)  
Cardiss Collins (D-IL)  
John Conyers (D-MI)  
Jim Cooper (D-TN)  
William Coyne (D-PA)  
George Crockett (D-MI)  
Norman D'Amours (D-NH)  
Tom Daschle (D-SD)  
Kika de la Garza (D-TX)  
Butler Derrick (D-SC)  
Norm Dicks (D-WA)  
John Dingell (D-MI)  
Julian Dixon (D-CA)  
Brian Donnelly (D-MA)  
Byron Dorgan (D-ND)  
Wayne Dowdy (D-MS)  
Thomas Downey (D-NY)  
Richard Durbin (D-IL)  
Bernard Dwyer (D-NJ)  
Mervyn Dymally (D-CA)  
Joseph Early (D-MA)  
Dennis Eckart (D-OH)  
Bob Edgar (D-PA)  
Don Edwards (D-CA)  
Ben Erdreich (D-AL)  
Lane Evans (D-IL)  
Dante Fascell (D-FL)  
Vic Fazio (D-CA)  
Edward Feighan (D-OH)  
Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY)  
Ronnie Flippo (D-AL)  
Jim Florio (D-NJ)  
Thomas Foglietta (D-PA)  
Tom Foley (D-WA)  
Harold Ford (D-TN)  
William Ford (D-MI)  
Wyche Fowler (D-GA)  
Barney Frank (D-MA)  
Martin Frost (D-TX)  
Don Fuqua (D-FL)  
Robert Garcia (D-NY)  
Joe Gaydos (D-PA)  
Sam Gejdenson (D-CT)  
Dick Gephardt (D-MO)  
Sam Gibbons (D-FL)  
Dan Glickman (D-KS)  
Henry B. Gonzalez (D-TX)  
Albert Gore, Jr. (D-TN)  
William Gray (D-PA)  
Bill Green (R-NY)  
Frank Guarini (D-NJ)  
Katie Hall (D-IN)  
Tony Hall (D-OH)  
Lee Hamilton (D-IN)  
Kent Hance (D-TX)  
Tom Harkin (D-IA)  
Frank Harrison (D-PA)  
Charles Hatcher (D-GA)  
Augustus Hawkins (D-CA)  
Bill Hefner (D-NC)  
Dennis Hertel (D-MI)  
Jack Hightower (D-TX)  
James Howard (D-NJ)  
Steny Hoyer (D-MD)  
Carroll Hubbard (D-KY)  
William Hughes (D-NJ)  
Jim Jeffords (R-VT)  
Ed Jenkins (D-GA)  
Nancy Johnson (R-CT)  
Ed Jones (D-TN)  
Jim Jones (D-OK)  
Walter Jones (D-NC)  
Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)  
Abraham Kazen (D-TX)  
Barbara Kennelly (D-CT)  
Dale Kildee (D-MI)  
Ray Kogovsek (D-CO)  
Joe Kolter (D-PA)  
Peter Kostmayer (D-PA)  
John LaFalce (D-NY)  
Tom Lantos (D-CA)  
Richard Lehman (D-CA)  
William Lehman (D-FL)  
Mickey Leland (D-TX)  
Mel Levine (D-CA)  
Sander Levin (D-MI)  
Elliott Levitas (D-GA)  
William Lipinski (D-IL)  
Clarence Long (D-MD)  
Gillis Long (D-LA)  
Mike Lowry (D-WA)  
Thomas Luken (D-OH)  
Stan Lundine (D-NY)  
Buddy MacKay (D-FL)  
Ed Markey (D-MA)  
Robert Matsui (D-CA)  
Nicholas Mavroules (D-MA)  
Romano Mazzoli (D-KY)  
Frank McCloskey (D-IN)  
Dave McCurdy (D-OK)  
Matthew McHugh (D-NY)  
Stewart McKinney (R-CT)  
Jim McNulty (D-AZ)  
Dan Mica (D-FL)  
Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)  
George Miller (D-CA)  
Norman Mineta (D-CA)  
Joseph Minish (D-NJ)  
Parren Mitchell (D-MD)  
Joe Moakley (D-MA)  
Alan Mollohan (D-WV)  
Jim Moody (D-WI)  
Bruce Morrison (D-CT)  
Robert Mrazek (D-NY)  
Austin Murphy (D-PA)  
John Murtha (D-PA)  
William Natcher (D-KY)  
Bill Nelson (D-FL)  
Henry Nowak (D-NY)  
Mary Rose Oakar (D-OH)  
James Oberstar (D-MN)  
David Obey (D-WI)  
Jim Olin (D-VA)  
Solomon Ortiz (D-TX)  
Richard Ottinger (D-NY)  
Major Owens (D-NY)  
Leon Panetta (D-CA)  
Bill Patman (D-TX)  
Jerry Patterson (D-CA)  
Don Pease (D-OH)  
Tim Penny (D-MN)  
Claude Pepper (D-FL)  
Carl Perkins (D-KY)  
Jake Pickle (D-TX)  
Melvin Price (D-IL)  
Joel Pritchard (R-WA)  
Nick Rahall (D-WV)  
Charles Rangel (D-NY)  
William Ratchford (D-CT)  
Harry Reid (D-NV)  
Bill Richardson (D-NM)  
Matthew Rinaldo (R-NJ)  
Peter Rodino (D-NJ)  
Robert Roe (D-NJ)  
Charlie Rose (D-NC)  
Dan Rostenkowski (D-IL)  
Marge Roukema (R-NJ)  
Roy Rowland (D-GA)  
Edward Roybal (D-CA)  
Marty Russo (D-IL)  
Martin Sabo (D-MN)  
Gus Savage (D-IL)  
James Scheuer (D-NY)  
Claudine Schneider (R-RI)  
Pat Schroeder (D-CO)  
Charles Schumer (D-NY)  
John Seiberling (D-OH)  
James Shannon (D-MA)  
Phil Sharp (D-IN)  
Gerry Sikorski (D-MN)  
Paul Simon (D-IL)  
Norman Sisisky (D-VA)  
Jim Slattery (D-KS)  
Chris Smith (R-NJ)  
Larry Smith (D-FL)  
Steven Solarz (D-NY)  
John Spratt (D-SC)  
Harley Staggers, Jr. (D-WV)  
Fernand St. Germain (D-RI)  
Louis Stokes (D-OH)  
Samuel Stratton (D-NY)  
Gerry Studds (D-MA)  
Al Swift (D-WA)  
Mike Synar (D-OK)  
Robin Tallon (D-SC)  
Lindsay Thomas (D-GA)  
Esteban Torres (D-CA)  
Robert Torricelli (D-NJ)  
Edolphus Towns (D-NY)  
Bob Traxler (D-MI)  
Morris Udall (D-AZ)  
Tim Valentine (D-NC)  
Bruce Vento (D-MN)  
Harold Volkmer (D-MO)  
Doug Walgren (D-PA)  
Wes Watkins (D-OK)  
Henry Waxman (D-CA)  
James Weaver (D-OR)  
Ted Weiss (D-NY)  
Alan Wheat (D-MO)  
Charlie Whitley (D-NC)  
Jamie Whitten (D-MS)  
Lyle Williams (R-OH)  
Pat Williams (D-MT)  
Tim Wirth (D-CO)  
Bob Wise (D-WV)  
Howard Wolpe (D-MI)  
Jim Wright (D-TX)  
Ron Wyden (D-OR)  
Sidney Yates (D-IL)  
Gus Yatron (D-PA)  
Bob Young (D-MO)  
Clement Zablocki (D-WI)  

Voted Against:

Doug Applegate (D-OH)  
Bill Archer (R-TX)  
Robert Badham (R-CA)  
Doug Barnard (D-GA)  
Steve Bartlett (R-TX)  
Herb Bateman (R-VA)  
Charles Bennett (D-FL)  
Doug Bereuter (R-NE)  
Ed Bethune (R-AR)  
Mike Bilirakis (R-FL)  
Thomas Bliley (R-VA)  
Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY)  
John Breaux (D-LA)  
William Broomfield (R-MI)  
Hank Brown (R-CO)  
Jim Broyhill (R-NC)  
Dan Burton (R-IN)  
Beverly Byron (D-MD)  
Carroll Campbell (R-SC)  
William Carney (R-NY)  
Rod Chandler (R-WA)  
Bill Chappell (D-FL)  
Gene Chappie (R-CA)  
Dick Cheney (R-WY)  
Bill Clinger (R-PA)  
Dan Coats (R-IN)  
Tom Coleman (R-MO)  
Barber Conable (R-NY)  
Silvio Conte (R-MA)  
Tom Corcoran (R-IL)  
Lawrence Coughlin (R-PA)  
Jim Courter (R-NJ)  
Larry Craig (R-ID)  
Daniel Crane (R-IL)  
Phil Crane (R-IL)  
Dan Daniel (D-VA)  
William Dannemeyer (R-CA)  
Hal Daub (R-NE)  
Robert Davis (R-MI)  
Ron Dellums (D-CA)  
Mike DeWine (R-OH)  
Bill Dickinson (R-AL)  
David Dreier (R-CA)  
John Duncan (R-TN)  
Roy Dyson (D-MD)  
Jack Edwards (R-AL)  
Mickey Edwards (R-OK)  
Bill Emerson (R-MO)  
Glenn English (D-OK)  
Cooper Evans (R-IA)  
Bobbi Fiedler (R-CA)  
Jack Fields (R-TX)  
Hamilton Fish, Jr. (R-NY)  
Edwin Forsythe (R-NJ)  
Webb Franklin (R-MS)  
Bill Frenzel (R-MN)  
George Gekas (R-PA)  
Benjamin Gilman (R-NY)  
Newt Gingrich (R-GA)  
Bill Goodling (R-PA)  
Bill Gradison (R-OH)  
Phil Gramm (R-TX)  
Judd Gregg (R-NH)  
Steve Gunderson (R-WI)  
Ralph Hall (D-TX)  
Sam Hall (D-TX)  
J.P. Hammerschmidt (R-AR)  
George Hansen (R-ID)  
James Hansen (R-UT)  
Thomas Hartnett (R-SC)  
John Hiler (R-IN)  
Elwood Hillis (R-IN)  
Marjorie Holt (R-MD)  
Larry Hopkins (R-KY)  
Frank Horton (R-NY)  
Jerry Huckaby (D-LA)  
Duncan Hunter (R-CA)  
Earl Hutto (D-FL)  
Henry Hyde (R-IL)  
Andy Ireland (D-FL)  
Andy Jacobs, Jr. (D-IN)  
John Kasich (R-OH)  
Robert Kastenmeier (D-WI)  
Jack Kemp (R-NY)  
Thomas Kindness (R-OH)  
Ken Kramer (R-CO)  
Robert Lagomarsino (R-CA)  
Delbert Latta (R-OH)  
Jim Leach (R-IA)  
Marvin Leath (D-TX)  
Norman Lent (R-NY)  
Jerry Lewis (R-CA)  
Tom Lewis (R-FL)  
Bob Livingston (R-LA)  
Marilyn Lloyd (D-TN)  
Tom Loeffler (R-TX)  
Trent Lott (R-MS)  
Bill Lowery (R-CA)  
Manuel Lujan (R-NM)  
Dan Lungren (R-CA)  
Connie Mack (R-FL)  
Edward Madigan (R-IL)  
Ron Marlenee (R-MT)  
David Martin (R-NY)  
James Martin (R-NC)  
Lynn Martin (R-IL)  
John McCain (R-AZ)  
Al McCandless (R-CA)  
Bill McCollum (R-FL)  
Joe McDade (R-PA)  
Larry McDonald (D-GA)  
Bob McEwen (R-OH)  
Raymond McGrath (R-NY)  
John McKernan (R-ME)  
Bob Michel (R-IL)  
Clarence Miller (R-OH)  
Guy Molinari (R-NY)  
Sonny Montgomery (D-MS)  
Henson Moore (R-LA)  
Carlos Moorhead (R-CA)  
Sid Morrison (R-WA)  
John Myers (R-IN)  
Steven Neal (D-NC)  
Bill Nichols (D-AL)  
Howard Nielson (R-UT)  
George O'Brien (R-IL)  
Michael Oxley (R-OH)  
Ron Packard (R-CA)  
Stan Parris (R-VA)  
Chip Pashayan (R-CA)  
Ron Paul (R-TX)  
Tom Petri (R-WI)  
John Porter (R-IL)  
Carl Pursell (R-MI)  
Jimmy Quillen (R-TN)  
Richard Ray (D-GA)  
Ralph Regula (R-OH)  
Tom Ridge (R-PA)  
Don Ritter (R-PA)  
Pat Roberts (R-KS)  
Kenneth Robinson (R-VA)  
Buddy Roemer (D-LA)  
Harold Rogers (R-KY)  
Toby Roth (R-WI)  
Eldon Rudd (R-AZ)  
Harold Sawyer (R-MI)  
Dan Schaefer (R-CO)  
Richard Schulze (R-PA)  
James Sensenbrenner (R-WI)  
Clay Shaw (R-FL)  
Richard Shelby (D-AL)  
Norman Shumway (R-CA)  
Bud Shuster (R-PA)  
Mark Siljander (R-MI)  
Joe Skeen (R-NM)  
Ike Skelton (D-MO)  
Denny Smith (R-OR)  
Neal Smith (D-IA)  
Virginia Smith (R-NE)  
Olympia Snowe (R-ME)  
Gene Snyder (R-KY)  
Gerald Solomon (R-NY)  
Floyd Spence (R-SC)  
Arlan Stangeland (R-MN)  
Pete Stark (D-CA)  
Charlie Stenholm (D-TX)  
Bob Stump (R-AZ)  
Don Sundquist (R-TN)  
Tom Tauke (R-IA)  
Billy Tauzin (D-LA)  
Gene Taylor (R-MO)  
Guy Vander Jagt (R-MI)  
Tom Vandergriff (D-TX)  
Barbara Vucanovich (R-NV)  
Robert Walker (R-PA)  
Vin Weber (R-MN)  
William Whitehurst (R-VA)  
Bob Whittaker (R-KS)  
Charlie Wilson (D-TX)  
Larry Winn (R-KS)  
Frank Wolf (R-VA)  
George Wortley (R-NY)  
Chalmers Wylie (R-OH)  
Bill Young (R-FL)  
Don Young (R-AK)  
Ed Zschau (R-CA)  

Did Not Vote:

Bill Alexander (D-AR)  
John Erlenborn (R-IL)  
Cecil Heftel (D-HI)  
Dan Marriott (R-UT)  
Marty Martinez (D-CA)  
Bob Smith (R-OR)  
Bill Thomas (R-CA)  

Voting data shown on this page comes from Voteview.