
Vote Data for HR13179 (94th Congress)

Date: June 18, 1976

Subject: Panama Canal Control

Description: Snyder (R-KY) amendment to strike out the phrase "protect the vital interests" of the United States in the Panama Canal zone and insert "perpetuate the sovereignty and control" of the United States in the zone. Defeat of the amendment will make it easier for the administration to negotiate a treaty relinquishing U.S. sovereignty and control over the Panama Canal zone.

Result: Amendment Rejected, 157-197

Names ordered: By yea/nay       Order alphabetically       Order by party       Order by state

Click on a Representative's name to see more information for that Representative.

Voted in Favor:

Bill Alexander (D-AR)  
Jerome Ambro (D-NY)  
Glenn Anderson (D-CA)  
Ike Andrews (D-NC)  
Bill Archer (R-TX)  
John Ashbrook (R-OH)  
Skip Bafalis (R-FL)  
Max Baucus (D-MT)  
Robert Bauman (R-MD)  
Robin Beard (R-TN)  
Charles Bennett (D-FL)  
Tom Bevill (D-AL)  
Mario Biaggi (D-NY)  
John Breaux (D-LA)  
Jack Brinkley (D-GA)  
Jim Broyhill (R-NC)  
Clair Burgener (R-CA)  
James Burke (D-MA)  
Omar Burleson (D-TX)  
Caldwell Butler (R-VA)  
Goodloe Byron (D-MD)  
Charles Carney (D-OH)  
Tim Lee Carter (R-KY)  
Donald Clancy (R-OH)  
Don Clausen (R-CA)  
Del Clawson (R-CA)  
James Cleveland (R-NH)  
Thad Cochran (R-MS)  
James Collins (R-TX)  
John Conlan (R-AZ)  
Phil Crane (R-IL)  
Norman D'Amours (D-NH)  
Dan Daniel (D-VA)  
George Danielson (D-CA)  
Robert Daniel (R-VA)  
Mendel Davis (D-SC)  
Kika de la Garza (D-TX)  
James Delaney (D-NY)  
John Dent (D-PA)  
Butler Derrick (D-SC)  
Samuel Devine (R-OH)  
John Dingell (D-MI)  
Thomas Downing (D-VA)  
John Duncan (R-TN)  
David Emery (R-ME)  
Glenn English (D-OK)  
David Evans (D-IN)  
Joe Evins (D-TN)  
Hamilton Fish, Jr. (R-NY)  
Floyd Fithian (D-IN)  
Daniel Flood (D-PA)  
John Flynt (D-GA)  
L.H. Fountain (D-NC)  
Louis Frey (R-FL)  
Don Fuqua (D-FL)  
Joe Gaydos (D-PA)  
Sam Gibbons (D-FL)  
Benjamin Gilman (R-NY)  
Bo Ginn (D-GA)  
Barry Goldwater, Jr. (R-CA)  
Bill Goodling (R-PA)  
Charles Grassley (R-IA)  
Tennyson Guyer (R-OH)  
James Haley (D-FL)  
J.P. Hammerschmidt (R-AR)  
Edward Hebert (D-LA)  
Bill Hefner (D-NC)  
David Henderson (D-NC)  
Jack Hightower (D-TX)  
Ken Holland (D-SC)  
William Hughes (D-NJ)  
Edward Hutchinson (R-MI)  
Henry Hyde (R-IL)  
John Jenrette (D-SC)  
Albert Johnson (R-PA)  
Bizz Johnson (D-CA)  
Ed Jones (D-TN)  
Jim Jones (D-OK)  
Robert Jones (D-AL)  
Walter Jones (D-NC)  
Bob Kasten (R-WI)  
Abraham Kazen (D-TX)  
William Ketchum (R-CA)  
Thomas Kindness (R-OH)  
John Krebs (D-CA)  
Robert Lagomarsino (R-CA)  
Delbert Latta (R-OH)  
Norman Lent (R-NY)  
Elliott Levitas (D-GA)  
Marilyn Lloyd (D-TN)  
Trent Lott (R-MS)  
Edward Madigan (R-IL)  
George Mahon (D-TX)  
James Mann (D-SC)  
Dawson Mathis (D-GA)  
John McCollister (R-NE)  
Robert McEwen (R-NY)  
John Melcher (D-MT)  
Ralph Metcalfe (D-IL)  
Clarence Miller (R-OH)  
Wilbur Mills (D-AR)  
Joseph Minish (D-NJ)  
Donald Mitchell (R-NY)  
Sonny Montgomery (D-MS)  
Henson Moore (R-LA)  
Carlos Moorhead (R-CA)  
Ronald Mottl (D-OH)  
John Murphy (D-NY)  
John Murtha (D-PA)  
John Myers (R-IN)  
William Natcher (D-KY)  
Steven Neal (D-NC)  
Bill Nichols (D-AL)  
George O'Brien (R-IL)  
Otto Passman (D-LA)  
Carl Perkins (D-KY)  
Bob Poage (D-TX)  
Larry Pressler (R-SD)  
Jimmy Quillen (R-TN)  
William Randall (D-MO)  
Kenneth Robinson (R-VA)  
Robert Roe (D-NJ)  
Paul Rogers (D-FL)  
Charlie Rose (D-NC)  
Ronald Sarasin (R-CT)  
David Satterfield (D-VA)  
Richard Schulze (R-PA)  
Keith Sebelius (R-KS)  
George Shipley (D-IL)  
Bud Shuster (R-PA)  
Joe Skubitz (R-KS)  
Virginia Smith (R-NE)  
Gene Snyder (R-KY)  
Floyd Spence (R-SC)  
Harley Staggers (D-WV)  
Robert Stephens (D-GA)  
Samuel Stratton (D-NY)  
Leonor Sullivan (D-MO)  
Steven Symms (R-ID)  
Gene Taylor (R-MO)  
Roy Taylor (D-NC)  
Olin Teague (D-TX)  
Charles Thone (R-NE)  
Ray Thornton (D-AR)  
David Treen (R-LA)  
Joseph Vigorito (D-PA)  
Joe Waggonner (D-LA)  
William Walsh (R-NY)  
William Wampler (R-VA)  
Richard White (D-TX)  
William Whitehurst (R-VA)  
Jamie Whitten (D-MS)  
Lester Wolff (D-NY)  
Gus Yatron (D-PA)  
Bill Young (R-FL)  
John Young (D-TX)  
Leo Zeferetti (D-NY)  

Voted Against:

James Abdnor (R-SD)  
Bella Abzug (D-NY)  
Brock Adams (D-WA)  
Joseph Addabbo (D-NY)  
Clifford Allen (D-TN)  
John Anderson (R-IL)  
Mark Andrews (R-ND)  
Frank Annunzio (D-IL)  
William Armstrong (R-CO)  
Herman Badillo (D-NY)  
Edward Beard (D-RI)  
Berkley Bedell (D-IA)  
Bob Bergland (D-MN)  
Edward Biester (R-PA)  
Jonathan Bingham (D-NY)  
James Blanchard (D-MI)  
Michael Blouin (D-IA)  
Lindy Boggs (D-LA)  
Edward Boland (D-MA)  
Don Bonker (D-WA)  
John Brademas (D-IN)  
John Breckinridge (D-KY)  
William Brodhead (D-MI)  
Jack Brooks (D-TX)  
William Broomfield (R-MI)  
Clarence Brown, Jr. (R-OH)  
Garry Brown (R-MI)  
George Brown (D-CA)  
John Buchanan (R-AL)  
Yvonne Burke (D-CA)  
Bill Burlison (D-MO)  
John Burton (D-CA)  
Phillip Burton (D-CA)  
Bob Carr (D-MI)  
Elford Cederberg (R-MI)  
William Cohen (R-ME)  
Cardiss Collins (D-IL)  
Barber Conable (R-NY)  
John Conyers (D-MI)  
James Corman (D-CA)  
Robert Cornell (D-WI)  
William Cotter (D-CT)  
Lawrence Coughlin (R-PA)  
Edward Derwinski (R-IL)  
Charles Diggs (D-MI)  
Thomas Downey (D-NY)  
Robert Drinan (D-MA)  
Pete duPont (R-DE)  
Joseph Early (D-MA)  
Bob Eckhardt (D-TX)  
Bob Edgar (D-PA)  
Don Edwards (D-CA)  
Jack Edwards (R-AL)  
Joshua Eilberg (D-PA)  
John Erlenborn (R-IL)  
Marvin Esch (R-MI)  
Frank Evans (D-CO)  
John Fary (D-IL)  
Dante Fascell (D-FL)  
Millicent Fenwick (R-NJ)  
Paul Findley (R-IL)  
Joseph Fisher (D-VA)  
Jim Florio (D-NJ)  
Tom Foley (D-WA)  
Harold Ford (D-TN)  
William Ford (D-MI)  
Edwin Forsythe (R-NJ)  
Donald Fraser (D-MN)  
Bill Frenzel (R-MN)  
Robert Giaimo (D-CT)  
Henry B. Gonzalez (D-TX)  
Bill Gradison (R-OH)  
Tim Hall (D-IL)  
Lee Hamilton (D-IN)  
James Hanley (D-NY)  
Mark Hannaford (D-CA)  
Tom Harkin (D-IA)  
Herbert Harris (D-VA)  
Michael Harrington (D-MA)  
Philip Hayes (D-IN)  
Ken Hechler (D-WV)  
Margaret Heckler (R-MA)  
John Heinz (R-PA)  
Floyd Hicks (D-WA)  
Elwood Hillis (R-IN)  
Liz Holtzman (D-NY)  
Frank Horton (R-NY)  
James Howard (D-NJ)  
William Hungate (D-MO)  
John Jarman (R-OK)  
Jim Jeffords (R-VT)  
Jim Johnson (R-CO)  
Barbara Jordan (D-TX)  
Robert Kastenmeier (D-WI)  
Martha Keys (D-KS)  
Ed Koch (D-NY)  
Robert Leggett (D-CA)  
William Lehman (D-FL)  
Jim Lloyd (D-CA)  
Clarence Long (D-MD)  
Gillis Long (D-LA)  
Ray Madden (D-IN)  
Andrew Maguire (D-NJ)  
James Martin (R-NC)  
Romano Mazzoli (D-KY)  
Pete McCloskey (R-CA)  
Robert McClory (R-IL)  
Mike McCormack (D-WA)  
Joe McDade (R-PA)  
John McFall (D-CA)  
Matthew McHugh (D-NY)  
Gunn McKay (D-UT)  
Stewart McKinney (R-CT)  
Helen Meyner (D-NJ)  
Ed Mezvinsky (D-IA)  
Bob Michel (R-IL)  
Abner Mikva (D-IL)  
George Miller (D-CA)  
Norman Mineta (D-CA)  
Parren Mitchell (D-MD)  
Joe Moakley (D-MA)  
Toby Moffett (D-CT)  
Robert Mollohan (D-WV)  
William Moorhead (D-PA)  
Thomas Morgan (D-PA)  
Charles Mosher (R-OH)  
John Moss (D-CA)  
Morgan Murphy (D-IL)  
Gary Myers (R-PA)  
Lucien Nedzi (D-MI)  
Robert Nix (D-PA)  
Richard Nolan (D-MN)  
Henry Nowak (D-NY)  
James Oberstar (D-MN)  
Tip O'Neill (D-MA)  
Richard Ottinger (D-NY)  
Edward Patten (D-NJ)  
Jerry Patterson (D-CA)  
Edward Pattison (D-NY)  
Claude Pepper (D-FL)  
Shirley Pettis (R-CA)  
Jake Pickle (D-TX)  
Otis Pike (D-NY)  
Richardson Preyer (D-NC)  
Melvin Price (D-IL)  
Joel Pritchard (R-WA)  
Albert Quie (R-MN)  
Tom Railsback (R-IL)  
Charles Rangel (D-NY)  
Ralph Regula (R-OH)  
Henry Reuss (D-WI)  
John Rhodes (R-AZ)  
Peter Rodino (D-NJ)  
Teno Roncalio (D-WY)  
Fred Rooney (D-PA)  
Benjamin Rosenthal (D-NY)  
Dan Rostenkowski (D-IL)  
Edward Roush (D-IN)  
Edward Roybal (D-CA)  
Philip Ruppe (R-MI)  
Leo Ryan (D-CA)  
Paul Sarbanes (D-MD)  
James Scheuer (D-NY)  
Herman Schneebeli (R-PA)  
Pat Schroeder (D-CO)  
John Seiberling (D-OH)  
Phil Sharp (D-IN)  
Paul Simon (D-IL)  
B.F. Sisk (D-CA)  
John Slack (D-WV)  
Neal Smith (D-IA)  
Steven Solarz (D-NY)  
Gladys Noon Spellman (D-MD)  
James Stanton (D-OH)  
William Stanton (R-OH)  
Pete Stark (D-CA)  
Tom Steed (D-OK)  
William Steiger (R-WI)  
Fernand St. Germain (D-RI)  
Gerry Studds (D-MA)  
Frank Thompson (D-NJ)  
Bob Traxler (D-MI)  
Paul Tsongas (D-MA)  
Morris Udall (D-AZ)  
Guy Vander Jagt (R-MI)  
Lionel Van Deerlin (D-CA)  
Richard Vander Veen (D-MI)  
Charles Vanik (D-OH)  
James Weaver (D-OR)  
Charles Whalen (R-OH)  
Charles Wilson (D-CA)  
Charlie Wilson (D-TX)  
Jim Wright (D-TX)  
John Wydler (R-NY)  
Chalmers Wylie (R-OH)  
Sidney Yates (D-IL)  
Clement Zablocki (D-WI)  

Did Not Vote:

Thomas Ashley (D-OH)  
Les Aspin (D-WI)  
Les AuCoin (D-OR)  
Alvin Baldus (D-WI)  
Alphonzo Bell (R-CA)  
Richard Bolling (D-MO)  
David Bowen (D-MS)  
Herbert Burke (R-FL)  
Bill Chappell (D-FL)  
Shirley Chisholm (D-NY)  
William Clay (D-MO)  
Silvio Conte (R-MA)  
Dominick Daniels (D-NJ)  
Ron Dellums (D-CA)  
Bill Dickinson (R-AL)  
Christopher Dodd (D-CT)  
Robert Duncan (D-OR)  
Edwin Eshelman (R-PA)  
Walter Flowers (D-AL)  
William Green (D-PA)  
Gilbert Gude (R-MD)  
Tom Hagedorn (R-MN)  
George Hansen (R-ID)  
William Harsha (R-OH)  
Augustus Hawkins (D-CA)  
Wayne Hays (D-OH)  
Henry Helstoski (D-NJ)  
Andrew Hinshaw (R-CA)  
Marjorie Holt (R-MD)  
Allan Howe (D-UT)  
Carroll Hubbard (D-KY)  
Richard Ichord (D-MO)  
Andy Jacobs, Jr. (D-IN)  
Joseph Karth (D-MN)  
Richard Kelly (R-FL)  
Jack Kemp (R-NY)  
Bob Krueger (D-TX)  
John LaFalce (D-NY)  
Phil Landrum (D-GA)  
Jerry Litton (D-MO)  
Manuel Lujan (R-NM)  
Stan Lundine (D-NY)  
Spark Matsunaga (D-HI)  
Larry McDonald (D-GA)  
Lloyd Meeds (D-WA)  
Dale Milford (D-TX)  
Patsy Mink (D-HI)  
David Obey (D-WI)  
James O'Hara (D-MI)  
Ron Paul (R-TX)  
Peter Peyser (R-NY)  
Thomas Rees (D-CA)  
Fred Richmond (D-NY)  
Donald Riegle (D-MI)  
Matthew Rinaldo (R-NJ)  
Ted Risenhoover (D-OK)  
Ray Roberts (D-TX)  
John Rousselot (R-CA)  
Harold Runnels (D-NM)  
Marty Russo (D-IL)  
Jim Santini (D-NV)  
Garner Shriver (R-KS)  
Robert Sikes (D-FL)  
Alan Steelman (R-TX)  
Sam Steiger (R-AZ)  
Louis Stokes (D-OH)  
Bill Stuckey (D-GA)  
James Symington (D-MO)  
Burt Talcott (R-CA)  
Al Ullman (D-OR)  
Henry Waxman (D-CA)  
Charles Wiggins (R-CA)  
Bob Wilson (R-CA)  
Larry Winn (R-KS)  
Tim Wirth (D-CO)  
Andrew Young (D-GA)  
Don Young (R-AK)  

Voting data shown on this page comes from Voteview.