
Vote Data for HR10904 (87th Congress)

Date: July 20, 1962

Subject: Funds for Segregated Hospitals

Description: Mansfield (D-MT) motion to table (kill) Javits (R-NY) amendment to prohibit use of federal funds for segregated hospitals or related facilities.

Result: Motion to Table Agreed to, 37-33

Names ordered: By yea/nay       Order alphabetically       Order by party       Order by state

Click on a Senator's name to see more information for that Senator.

Voted in Favor:

George Aiken (R-VT)  
Clinton Anderson (D-NM)  
Bob Bartlett (D-AK)  
Alan Bible (D-NV)  
Robert Byrd (D-WV)  
Frank Church (D-ID)  
Norris Cotton (R-NH)  
Carl Curtis (R-NE)  
Henry Dworshak (R-ID)  
James Eastland (D-MS)  
Allen Ellender (D-LA)  
Sam Ervin (D-NC)  
Joe Hickey (D-WY)  
Lister Hill (D-AL)  
Spessard Holland (D-FL)  
Roman Hruska (R-NE)  
Henry Jackson (D-WA)  
Olin Johnston (D-SC)  
Estes Kefauver (D-TN)  
Robert Kerr (D-OK)  
Warren Magnuson (D-WA)  
Mike Mansfield (D-MT)  
John McClellan (D-AR)  
Gale McGee (D-WY)  
Patrick McNamara (D-MI)  
Lee Metcalf (D-MT)  
John Pastore (D-RI)  
Claiborne Pell (D-RI)  
Willis Robertson (D-VA)  
Richard Russell (D-GA)  
John Sparkman (D-AL)  
John Stennis (D-MS)  
Herman Talmadge (D-GA)  
Strom Thurmond (D-SC)  
John Williams (R-DE)  
Ralph Yarborough (D-TX)  
Milton Young (R-ND)  

Voted Against:

Glenn Beall (R-MD)  
Caleb Boggs (R-DE)  
Joe Bottum (R-SD)  
Prescott Bush (R-CT)  
Howard Cannon (D-NV)  
Frank Carlson (R-KS)  
John Carroll (D-CO)  
Clifford Case (R-NJ)  
Joseph Clark (D-PA)  
John Sherman Cooper (R-KY)  
Everett Dirksen (R-IL)  
Paul Douglas (D-IL)  
Clair Engle (D-CA)  
Hiram Fong (R-HI)  
Vance Hartke (D-IN)  
Philip Hart (D-MI)  
Jacob Javits (R-NY)  
Kenneth Keating (R-NY)  
Thomas Kuchel (R-CA)  
Frank Lausche (D-OH)  
Edward Long (D-MO)  
Frank Moss (D-UT)  
Karl Mundt (R-SD)  
Maurine Neuberger (D-OR)  
Winston Prouty (R-VT)  
William Proxmire (D-WI)  
Jennings Randolph (D-WV)  
Benjamin Smith (D-MA)  
Margaret Chase Smith (R-ME)  
Stuart Symington (D-MO)  
Alexander Wiley (R-WI)  
Harrison Williams (D-NJ)  
Stephen Young (D-OH)  

Voted 'Present':

Wallace Bennett (R-UT)  
John Marshall Butler (R-MD)  
Homer Capehart (R-IN)  
William Fulbright (D-AR)  
Barry Goldwater (R-AZ)  
Albert Gore (D-TN)  
Bourke Hickenlooper (R-IA)  
Edmund Muskie (D-ME)  
Leverett Saltonstall (R-MA)  

Did Not Vote:

Gordon Allott (R-CO)  
Quentin Burdick (D-ND)  
Harry Byrd (D-VA)  
Dennis Chavez (D-NM)  
Thomas Dodd (D-CT)  
Ernest Gruening (D-AK)  
Carl Hayden (D-AZ)  
Hubert Humphrey (D-MN)  
Everett Jordan (D-NC)  
Oren Long (D-HI)  
Russell Long (D-LA)  
Eugene McCarthy (D-MN)  
Jack Miller (R-IA)  
Mike Monroney (D-OK)  
Wayne Morse (D-OR)  
Thruston Morton (R-KY)  
Maurice Murphy (R-NH)  
James Pearson (R-KS)  
Hugh Scott (R-PA)  
George Smathers (D-FL)  
John Tower (R-TX)  

Voting data shown on this page comes from Voteview.