
2016-11-08 Superintendent of Public Instr. Election Results for Indiana

Election Year:
Election Type:
Runoff Election: No Yes
Congressional District:
(House elections)
Show Precincts:
(Statewide elections)
No Yes

Map Data to Display: Vote Margin
Vote Margin %
Total Votes
District Boundaries

Click on a county in the table or the map to see demographic data for that county.

County Turnout Jennifer McCormick
Glenda Ritz*
Other Margin TOTAL
County data not available.
TOTAL 53% 1,423,94253.4% 1,240,47246.6% 00.0% 183,470 2,664,414
Total R vote: 1,423,942 (53.4%)      Total D vote: 1,240,472 (46.6%)      Total Other vote: 0 (0.0%)
* incumbent

Republican Primary
Pos Candidate Votes % $**

No Republican primary

Democrat Primary
Pos Candidate Votes % $**

No Democrat primary