
1924 Presidential Election Results for New Mexico

Election Year:
Election Type:
Runoff Election: No Yes
Congressional District:
(House elections)

Map Data to Display: Vote Margin
Vote Margin %
Total Votes
District Boundaries

Areas won by 3rd party candidates are shown in green on the map regardless of the color used in the data table below.

Click on a county in the table or the map to see demographic data for that county.

County Turnout Calvin Coolidge
John Davis
Robert LaFollette
Bernalillo 75% 7,078 49.6% 6,023 42.2% 1,183 8.3% 0 0.0% 14,284
Catron 157% 499 47.3% 418 39.6% 138 13.1% 0 0.0% 1,055
Chaves 49% 1,519 39.4% 2,168 56.2% 168 4.4% 0 0.0% 3,855
Colfax 70% 3,512 48.1% 3,067 42.0% 728 10.0% 0 0.0% 7,307
Curry 50% 669 20.6% 1,738 53.4% 848 26.1% 0 0.0% 3,255
De Baca 55% 270 29.0% 574 61.7% 86 9.2% 0 0.0% 930
Dona Ana 46% 2,823 58.6% 1,775 36.8% 221 4.6% 0 0.0% 4,819
Eddy 39% 658 28.4% 1,524 65.7% 138 5.9% 0 0.0% 2,320
Grant 43% 1,756 39.6% 2,085 47.0% 595 13.4% 0 0.0% 4,436
Guadalupe 69% 1,329 51.8% 1,056 41.2% 179 7.0% 0 0.0% 2,564
Harding 180% 721 42.1% 714 41.7% 276 16.1% 0 0.0% 1,711
Hidalgo 42% 261 28.2% 476 51.4% 189 20.4% 0 0.0% 926
Lea 33% 138 18.8% 552 75.0% 46 6.2% 0 0.0% 736
Lincoln 55% 1,087 49.1% 837 37.8% 292 13.2% 0 0.0% 2,216
Luna 32% 709 43.3% 596 36.4% 333 20.3% 0 0.0% 1,638
McKinley 45% 1,653 51.2% 1,150 35.6% 423 13.1% 0 0.0% 3,226
Mora 70% 2,197 50.9% 2,087 48.4% 32 0.7% 0 0.0% 4,316
Otero 47% 852 41.7% 886 43.4% 303 14.8% 0 0.0% 2,041
Quay 56% 851 27.8% 1,548 50.6% 658 21.5% 0 0.0% 3,057
Rio Arriba 69% 3,707 56.2% 2,734 41.5% 150 2.3% 0 0.0% 6,591
Roosevelt 45% 398 19.5% 1,340 65.8% 299 14.7% 0 0.0% 2,037
San Juan 39% 889 44.9% 819 41.3% 273 13.8% 0 0.0% 1,981
San Miguel 65% 3,894 50.6% 3,543 46.0% 265 3.4% 0 0.0% 7,702
Sandoval 56% 1,587 58.5% 1,096 40.4% 29 1.1% 0 0.0% 2,712
Santa Fe 78% 4,010 59.0% 2,602 38.3% 179 2.6% 0 0.0% 6,791
Sierra 47% 632 48.2% 546 41.6% 134 10.2% 0 0.0% 1,312
Socorro 62% 2,332 62.3% 1,251 33.4% 159 4.2% 0 0.0% 3,742
Taos 64% 2,470 58.7% 1,655 39.3% 84 2.0% 0 0.0% 4,209
Torrance 68% 1,666 51.2% 1,269 39.0% 320 9.8% 0 0.0% 3,255
Union 50% 1,415 37.8% 1,735 46.3% 596 15.9% 0 0.0% 3,746
Valencia 29% 3,183 78.0% 678 16.6% 219 5.4% 00.0% 4,080
TOTAL 57% 54,74548.5% 48,54243.0% 9,5438.5% 00.0% 112,830

1924 President, Bernalillo County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 7,078 49.6%
John Davis (D) 6,023 42.2%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 1,183 8.3%
TOTAL 14,284
Turnout: 75% Diff (St): 1 Diff (US): -4

1924 President, Catron County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 499 47.3%
John Davis (D) 418 39.6%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 138 13.1%
TOTAL 1,055
Turnout: 157% Diff (St): -1 Diff (US): -7

1924 President, Chaves County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 1,519 39.4%
John Davis (D) 2,168 56.2%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 168 4.4%
TOTAL 3,855
Turnout: 49% Diff (St): -9 Diff (US): -15

1924 President, Colfax County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 3,512 48.1%
John Davis (D) 3,067 42.0%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 728 10.0%
TOTAL 7,307
Turnout: 70% Diff (St): 0 Diff (US): -6

1924 President, Curry County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 669 20.6%
John Davis (D) 1,738 53.4%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 848 26.1%
TOTAL 3,255
Turnout: 50% Diff (St): -28 Diff (US): -33

1924 President, De Baca County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 270 29.0%
John Davis (D) 574 61.7%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 86 9.2%
Turnout: 55% Diff (St): -19 Diff (US): -25

1924 President, Dona Ana County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 2,823 58.6%
John Davis (D) 1,775 36.8%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 221 4.6%
TOTAL 4,819
Turnout: 46% Diff (St): 10 Diff (US): 5

1924 President, Eddy County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 658 28.4%
John Davis (D) 1,524 65.7%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 138 5.9%
TOTAL 2,320
Turnout: 39% Diff (St): -20 Diff (US): -26

1924 President, Grant County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 1,756 39.6%
John Davis (D) 2,085 47.0%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 595 13.4%
TOTAL 4,436
Turnout: 43% Diff (St): -9 Diff (US): -14

1924 President, Guadalupe County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 1,329 51.8%
John Davis (D) 1,056 41.2%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 179 7.0%
TOTAL 2,564
Turnout: 69% Diff (St): 3 Diff (US): -2

1924 President, Harding County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 721 42.1%
John Davis (D) 714 41.7%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 276 16.1%
TOTAL 1,711
Turnout: 180% Diff (St): -6 Diff (US): -12

1924 President, Hidalgo County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 261 28.2%
John Davis (D) 476 51.4%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 189 20.4%
Turnout: 42% Diff (St): -20 Diff (US): -26

1924 President, Lea County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 138 18.8%
John Davis (D) 552 75.0%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 46 6.2%
Turnout: 33% Diff (St): -30 Diff (US): -35

1924 President, Lincoln County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 1,087 49.1%
John Davis (D) 837 37.8%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 292 13.2%
TOTAL 2,216
Turnout: 55% Diff (St): 1 Diff (US): -5

1924 President, Luna County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 709 43.3%
John Davis (D) 596 36.4%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 333 20.3%
TOTAL 1,638
Turnout: 32% Diff (St): -5 Diff (US): -11

1924 President, McKinley County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 1,653 51.2%
John Davis (D) 1,150 35.6%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 423 13.1%
TOTAL 3,226
Turnout: 45% Diff (St): 3 Diff (US): -3

1924 President, Mora County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 2,197 50.9%
John Davis (D) 2,087 48.4%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 32 0.7%
TOTAL 4,316
Turnout: 70% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): -3

1924 President, Otero County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 852 41.7%
John Davis (D) 886 43.4%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 303 14.8%
TOTAL 2,041
Turnout: 47% Diff (St): -7 Diff (US): -12

1924 President, Quay County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 851 27.8%
John Davis (D) 1,548 50.6%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 658 21.5%
TOTAL 3,057
Turnout: 56% Diff (St): -21 Diff (US): -26

1924 President, Rio Arriba County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 3,707 56.2%
John Davis (D) 2,734 41.5%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 150 2.3%
TOTAL 6,591
Turnout: 69% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 2

1924 President, Roosevelt County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 398 19.5%
John Davis (D) 1,340 65.8%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 299 14.7%
TOTAL 2,037
Turnout: 45% Diff (St): -29 Diff (US): -34

1924 President, Sandoval County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 1,587 58.5%
John Davis (D) 1,096 40.4%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 29 1.1%
TOTAL 2,712
Turnout: 56% Diff (St): 10 Diff (US): 5

1924 President, San Juan County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 889 44.9%
John Davis (D) 819 41.3%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 273 13.8%
TOTAL 1,981
Turnout: 39% Diff (St): -4 Diff (US): -9

1924 President, San Miguel County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 3,894 50.6%
John Davis (D) 3,543 46.0%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 265 3.4%
TOTAL 7,702
Turnout: 65% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): -3

1924 President, Santa Fe County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 4,010 59.0%
John Davis (D) 2,602 38.3%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 179 2.6%
TOTAL 6,791
Turnout: 78% Diff (St): 11 Diff (US): 5

1924 President, Sierra County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 632 48.2%
John Davis (D) 546 41.6%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 134 10.2%
TOTAL 1,312
Turnout: 47% Diff (St): 0 Diff (US): -6

1924 President, Socorro County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 2,332 62.3%
John Davis (D) 1,251 33.4%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 159 4.2%
TOTAL 3,742
Turnout: 62% Diff (St): 14 Diff (US): 8

1924 President, Taos County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 2,470 58.7%
John Davis (D) 1,655 39.3%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 84 2.0%
TOTAL 4,209
Turnout: 64% Diff (St): 10 Diff (US): 5

1924 President, Torrance County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 1,666 51.2%
John Davis (D) 1,269 39.0%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 320 9.8%
TOTAL 3,255
Turnout: 68% Diff (St): 3 Diff (US): -3

1924 President, Union County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 1,415 37.8%
John Davis (D) 1,735 46.3%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 596 15.9%
TOTAL 3,746
Turnout: 50% Diff (St): -11 Diff (US): -16

1924 President, Valencia County
Calvin Coolidge (R) 3,183 78.0%
John Davis (D) 678 16.6%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 219 5.4%
TOTAL 4,080
Turnout: 29% Diff (St): 29 Diff (US): 24
* incumbent