
2000 Presidential Election Results for Brown County, WI

Election Year:
Election Type:
Runoff Election: No Yes
Congressional District:
(House elections)

Map Data to Display: Vote Margin
Vote Margin %
Total Votes
District Boundaries

Areas won by 3rd party candidates are shown in green on the map regardless of the color used in the data table below.

Click on a municipality in the table or the map to see demographic data for that municipality.
Municipality George W. Bush
Albert Gore, Jr.
Ralph Nader
Pat Buchanan
Allouez village 4,436 54.5% 3,411 41.9% 224 2.8% 0 0.0% 70 0.9% 8,141
Ashwaubenon village 4,641 52.1% 3,931 44.1% 249 2.8% 0 0.0% 95 1.1% 8,916
Bellevue village 2,791 51.8% 2,438 45.3% 121 2.2% 0 0.0% 33 0.6% 5,383
De Pere city 5,347 51.7% 4,563 44.1% 354 3.4% 0 0.0% 83 0.8% 10,347
Denmark village 432 47.0% 445 48.4% 28 3.0% 0 0.0% 14 1.5% 919
Eaton town 301 45.7% 323 49.1% 26 4.0% 0 0.0% 8 1.2% 658
Glenmore town 321 56.3% 220 38.6% 18 3.2% 0 0.0% 11 1.9% 570
Green Bay city 20,511 45.4% 22,574 50.0% 1,608 3.6% 0 0.0% 478 1.1% 45,171
Green Bay town 478 52.0% 411 44.7% 21 2.3% 0 0.0% 10 1.1% 920
Hobart village 1,578 59.1% 1,018 38.1% 52 1.9% 0 0.0% 24 0.9% 2,672
Holland town 407 58.6% 253 36.5% 20 2.9% 0 0.0% 14 2.0% 694
Howard village 3,548 52.2% 3,008 44.2% 177 2.6% 0 0.0% 68 1.0% 6,801
Humboldt town 342 52.6% 275 42.3% 23 3.5% 0 0.0% 10 1.5% 650
Lawrence town 568 60.0% 357 37.7% 15 1.6% 0 0.0% 7 0.7% 947
Ledgeview town 1,181 62.7% 642 34.1% 46 2.4% 0 0.0% 14 0.7% 1,883
Morrison town 538 67.3% 236 29.5% 7 0.9% 0 0.0% 18 2.3% 799
New Denmark town 374 48.4% 359 46.5% 27 3.5% 0 0.0% 12 1.6% 772
Pittsfield town 725 55.8% 530 40.8% 27 2.1% 0 0.0% 17 1.3% 1,299
Pulaski village 663 50.0% 603 45.4% 44 3.3% 0 0.0% 17 1.3% 1,327
Rockland town 502 62.3% 272 33.7% 18 2.2% 0 0.0% 14 1.7% 806
Scott town 908 51.4% 801 45.4% 44 2.5% 0 0.0% 13 0.7% 1,766
Suamico village 2,697 60.0% 1,658 36.9% 96 2.1% 0 0.0% 45 1.0% 4,496
Wrightstown town 490 51.2% 419 43.8% 32 3.3% 0 0.0% 16 1.7% 957
Wrightstown village 479 54.8% 349 39.9% 34 3.9% 0 0.0% 12 1.4% 874
TOTAL 54,25850.3% 49,09645.6% 3,3113.1% 6500.6% 4540.4% 107,769

2000 President, Allouez village
George W. Bush (R) 4,436 54.5%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 3,411 41.9%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 224 2.8%
Other 70 0.9%
TOTAL 8,141
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 7 Diff (US): 7

2000 President, Ashwaubenon village
George W. Bush (R) 4,641 52.1%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 3,931 44.1%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 249 2.8%
Other 95 1.1%
TOTAL 8,916
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 4 Diff (US): 4

2000 President, Bellevue village
George W. Bush (R) 2,791 51.8%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 2,438 45.3%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 121 2.2%
Other 33 0.6%
TOTAL 5,383
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 4 Diff (US): 4

2000 President, Denmark village
George W. Bush (R) 432 47.0%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 445 48.4%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 28 3.0%
Other 14 1.5%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): -1 Diff (US): -1

2000 President, De Pere city
George W. Bush (R) 5,347 51.7%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 4,563 44.1%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 354 3.4%
Other 83 0.8%
TOTAL 10,347
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 4 Diff (US): 4

2000 President, Eaton town
George W. Bush (R) 301 45.7%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 323 49.1%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 26 4.0%
Other 8 1.2%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): -2 Diff (US): -2

2000 President, Glenmore town
George W. Bush (R) 321 56.3%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 220 38.6%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 18 3.2%
Other 11 1.9%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 9 Diff (US): 8

2000 President, Green Bay city
George W. Bush (R) 20,511 45.4%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 22,574 50.0%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 1,608 3.6%
Other 478 1.1%
TOTAL 45,171
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): -2 Diff (US): -2

2000 President, Green Bay town
George W. Bush (R) 478 52.0%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 411 44.7%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 21 2.3%
Other 10 1.1%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 4 Diff (US): 4

2000 President, Hobart village
George W. Bush (R) 1,578 59.1%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 1,018 38.1%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 52 1.9%
Other 24 0.9%
TOTAL 2,672
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 11 Diff (US): 11

2000 President, Holland town
George W. Bush (R) 407 58.6%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 253 36.5%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 20 2.9%
Other 14 2.0%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 11 Diff (US): 11

2000 President, Howard village
George W. Bush (R) 3,548 52.2%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 3,008 44.2%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 177 2.6%
Other 68 1.0%
TOTAL 6,801
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 5 Diff (US): 4

2000 President, Humboldt town
George W. Bush (R) 342 52.6%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 275 42.3%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 23 3.5%
Other 10 1.5%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 5 Diff (US): 5

2000 President, Lawrence town
George W. Bush (R) 568 60.0%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 357 37.7%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 15 1.6%
Other 7 0.7%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 12 Diff (US): 12

2000 President, Ledgeview town
George W. Bush (R) 1,181 62.7%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 642 34.1%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 46 2.4%
Other 14 0.7%
TOTAL 1,883
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 15 Diff (US): 15

2000 President, Morrison town
George W. Bush (R) 538 67.3%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 236 29.5%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 7 0.9%
Other 18 2.3%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 20 Diff (US): 19

2000 President, New Denmark town
George W. Bush (R) 374 48.4%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 359 46.5%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 27 3.5%
Other 12 1.6%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 1 Diff (US): 1

2000 President, Pittsfield town
George W. Bush (R) 725 55.8%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 530 40.8%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 27 2.1%
Other 17 1.3%
TOTAL 1,299
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 8

2000 President, Pulaski village
George W. Bush (R) 663 50.0%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 603 45.4%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 44 3.3%
Other 17 1.3%
TOTAL 1,327
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): 2

2000 President, Rockland town
George W. Bush (R) 502 62.3%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 272 33.7%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 18 2.2%
Other 14 1.7%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 15 Diff (US): 14

2000 President, Scott town
George W. Bush (R) 908 51.4%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 801 45.4%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 44 2.5%
Other 13 0.7%
TOTAL 1,766
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 4 Diff (US): 4

2000 President, Suamico village
George W. Bush (R) 2,697 60.0%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 1,658 36.9%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 96 2.1%
Other 45 1.0%
TOTAL 4,496
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 12 Diff (US): 12

2000 President, Wrightstown village
George W. Bush (R) 479 54.8%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 349 39.9%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 34 3.9%
Other 12 1.4%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 7 Diff (US): 7

2000 President, Wrightstown town
George W. Bush (R) 490 51.2%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 419 43.8%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 32 3.3%
Other 16 1.7%
Turnout: n/a Diff (St): 4 Diff (US): 3
* incumbent