
Wahkiakum County, WA

Designated Market Area: Portland, OR-WA
USDA County Type (2015): Low Employment, Retirement Destination
American Communities Project County Type (2023): Graying America

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Tracts in Wahkiakum County, WA


Click here to view demographic data for Wahkiakum County, WA

2022 population: 4,688   ( 710 from 2010 , 269 from 2020)
Land area: 262.9 square miles
Population density: 17.8 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:4,017 85.69% 9.2%
Black:230.49% 187.5%
Indian:691.47% 43.8%
Asian:921.96% 228.6%
2+ races:1793.82% 72.1%
Hispanic:3086.57% 185.2%
Total non-White:67114.31% 123.7%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:62 7.0
Net Migration: 34438.9
Net Immigration: 20.2
Change in White population:339 8.5
Change in Non-White pop.:371 9.3

Historical Presidential Election Results for Wahkiakum County, WA

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2024 79% Donald Trump (R) 1,757 57.4% Kamala Harris (D) 1,204 39.3% 101 [+] 3.3% 3,062 18 8 0.08%
2020 77% Donald Trump* (R) 1,741 58.4% Joe Biden (D) 1,165 39.1% 75 [+] 2.5% 2,981 20 12 0.07%
2016 69% Donald Trump (R) 1,344 55.3% Hillary Clinton (D) 832 34.3% 253 [+] 10.4% 2,429 18 9 0.07%
2012 69% Mitt Romney (R) 1,119 48.4% Barack Obama* (D) 1,094 47.3% 100 [+] 4.3% 2,313 7 1 0.07%
2008 72% Barack Obama (D) 1,121 48.6% John McCain (R) 1,105 47.9% 80 [+] 3.5% 2,306 8 2 0.08%
2004 73% George W. Bush* (R) 1,171 52.4% John Kerry (D) 1,021 45.7% 43 [+] 1.9% 2,235 7 2 0.08%
2000 67% George W. Bush (R) 1,033 52.4% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 803 40.7% 137 [+] 6.9% 1,973 8 4 0.08%
1996 66% Bill Clinton* (D) 924 50.3% Robert Dole (R) 619 33.7% 293 [+] 16.0% 1,836 -4 -7 0.08%
1992 69% Bill Clinton (D) 696 38.8% Ross Perot (I) 584 32.5% 516 [+] 28.7% 1,796 -5 -10 0.08%
1988 64% Michael Dukakis (D) 961 59.1% George Bush (R) 629 38.7% 36 [+] 2.2% 1,626 -10 -15 0.09%
1984 67% Walter Mondale (D) 930 53.5% Ronald Reagan* (R) 776 44.6% 33 1.9% 1,739 -11 -14 0.09%
1980 68% Ronald Reagan (R) 828 46.6% Jimmy Carter* (D) 751 42.2% 199 [+] 11.2% 1,778 -3 -4 0.10%
1976 74% Jimmy Carter (D) 942 55.1% Gerald Ford* (R) 704 41.2% 64 [+] 3.7% 1,710 -9 -7 0.11%
1972 77% Richard Nixon* (R) 818 47.4% George McGovern (D) 796 46.1% 112 [+] 6.5% 1,726 -10 -13 0.12%
1968 83% Hubert Humphrey (D) 899 53.7% Richard Nixon (R) 641 38.3% 135 [+] 8.1% 1,675 -7 -5 0.13%
1964 82% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 1,175 72.4% Barry Goldwater (R) 446 27.5% 3 0.2% 1,624 -10 -11 0.13%
1960 89% John Kennedy (D) 923 53.6% Richard Nixon (R) 796 46.2% 3 0.2% 1,722 -4 -3 0.14%
1956 81% Adlai Stevenson (D) 953 53.9% Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 808 45.7% 6 0.3% 1,767 -8 -12 0.15%
1952 77% Adlai Stevenson (D) 928 52.7% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 815 46.3% 17 1.0% 1,760 -8 -9 0.16%
1948 64% Harry Truman* (D) 877 54.9% Thomas Dewey (R) 622 38.9% 98 [+] 6.1% 1,597 -4 -6 0.18%
1944 59% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,003 64.9% Thomas Dewey (R) 532 34.4% 10 0.6% 1,545 -8 -11 0.18%
1940 67% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,164 63.8% Wendell Willkie (R) 642 35.2% 19 1.0% 1,825 -5 -10 0.23%
1936 64% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,098 69.4% Alf Landon (R) 419 26.5% 66 [+] 4.2% 1,583 -3 -10 0.23%
1932 57% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 730 53.5% Herbert Hoover* (R) 442 32.4% 192 [+] 14.1% 1,364 -2 -7 0.22%
1928 44% Herbert Hoover (R) 578 59.3% Al Smith (D) 382 39.2% 15 [+] 1.5% 975 -8 1 0.19%
1924 38% Calvin Coolidge (R) 496 60.5% Robert LaFollette (Prog) 228 27.8% 96 [+] 11.7% 820 8 6 0.19%
1920 42% Warren Harding (R) 494 57.6% James Cox (D) 164 19.1% 199 [+] 23.2% 857 2 -3 0.21%
1916 45% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 490 52.1% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 340 36.1% 111 [+] 11.8% 941 8 6 0.25%
1912 43% Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 287 32.5% William Taft* (R) 282 31.9% 315 [+] 35.6% 884 10 9 0.27%
1908 36% William Taft (R) 485 71.2% William J. Bryan (D) 146 21.4% 50 [+] 7.3% 681 13 20 0.37%
1904 36% Theodore Roosevelt (R) 473 72.9% Alton Parker (D) 101 15.6% 75 [+] 11.6% 649 3 16 0.45%
1900 38% William McKinley* (R) 396 61.8% William J. Bryan (D) 207 32.3% 38 [+] 5.9% 641 8 10 0.60%
* incumbent         PSV: percent of state vote

2020 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Joe Biden (D) 1,165 39.1%
Donald Trump* (R) 1,741 58.4%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 45 1.5%
Other 30 1.0%
TOTAL 2,981
Turnout: 77% Diff (St): 20 Diff (US): 12

2016 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Hillary Clinton (D) 832 34.3%
Donald Trump (R) 1,344 55.3%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 111 4.6%
Jill Stein (Grn) 50 2.1%
Other 92 3.8%
TOTAL 2,429
Turnout: 69% Diff (St): 18 Diff (US): 9

2012 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Barack Obama* (D) 1,094 47.3%
Mitt Romney (R) 1,119 48.4%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 34 1.5%
Other 66 2.9%
TOTAL 2,313
Turnout: 69% Diff (St): 7 Diff (US): 1

2008 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Barack Obama (D) 1,121 48.6%
John McCain (R) 1,105 47.9%
Ralph Nader (I) 44 1.9%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 10 0.4%
Other 26 1.1%
TOTAL 2,306
Turnout: 72% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 2

2004 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
George W. Bush* (R) 1,171 52.4%
John Kerry (D) 1,021 45.7%
Ralph Nader (I) 22 1.0%
Other 21 0.9%
TOTAL 2,235
Turnout: 73% Diff (St): 7 Diff (US): 2

2000 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
George W. Bush (R) 1,033 52.4%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 803 40.7%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 97 4.9%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 12 0.6%
Other 28 1.4%
TOTAL 1,973
Turnout: 67% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 4

1996 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Bill Clinton* (D) 924 50.3%
Robert Dole (R) 619 33.7%
Ross Perot (Ref) 215 11.7%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 43 2.3%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 13 0.7%
Other 22 1.2%
TOTAL 1,836
Turnout: 66% Diff (St): -4 Diff (US): -7

1992 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Bill Clinton (D) 696 38.8%
George Bush* (R) 488 27.2%
Ross Perot (I) 584 32.5%
Other 28 1.6%
TOTAL 1,796
Turnout: 69% Diff (St): -5 Diff (US): -10

1988 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
George Bush (R) 629 38.7%
Michael Dukakis (D) 961 59.1%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 27 1.7%
Other 9 0.6%
TOTAL 1,626
Turnout: 64% Diff (St): -10 Diff (US): -15

1984 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Ronald Reagan* (R) 776 44.6%
Walter Mondale (D) 930 53.5%
Other 33 1.9%
TOTAL 1,739
Turnout: 67% Diff (St): -11 Diff (US): -14

1980 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Ronald Reagan (R) 828 46.6%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 751 42.2%
John Anderson (I) 148 8.3%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 40 2.2%
Other 11 0.6%
TOTAL 1,778
Turnout: 68% Diff (St): -3 Diff (US): -4

1976 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Jimmy Carter (D) 942 55.1%
Gerald Ford* (R) 704 41.2%
Eugene McCarthy (I) 32 1.9%
Other 32 1.9%
TOTAL 1,710
Turnout: 74% Diff (St): -9 Diff (US): -7

1972 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Richard Nixon* (R) 818 47.4%
George McGovern (D) 796 46.1%
John Schmitz (Amer) 108 6.3%
Other 4 0.2%
TOTAL 1,726
Turnout: 77% Diff (St): -10 Diff (US): -13

1968 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Richard Nixon (R) 641 38.3%
Hubert Humphrey (D) 899 53.7%
George Wallace (AIP) 131 7.8%
Other 4 0.2%
TOTAL 1,675
Turnout: 83% Diff (St): -7 Diff (US): -5

1964 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 1,175 72.4%
Barry Goldwater (R) 446 27.5%
Other 3 0.2%
TOTAL 1,624
Turnout: 82% Diff (St): -10 Diff (US): -11

1960 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
John Kennedy (D) 923 53.6%
Richard Nixon (R) 796 46.2%
Other 3 0.2%
TOTAL 1,722
Turnout: 89% Diff (St): -4 Diff (US): -3

1956 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 808 45.7%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 953 53.9%
Other 6 0.3%
TOTAL 1,767
Turnout: 81% Diff (St): -8 Diff (US): -12

1952 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 815 46.3%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 928 52.7%
Other 17 1.0%
TOTAL 1,760
Turnout: 77% Diff (St): -8 Diff (US): -9

1948 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Harry Truman* (D) 877 54.9%
Thomas Dewey (R) 622 38.9%
Henry Wallace (Prog) 80 5.0%
Other 18 1.1%
TOTAL 1,597
Turnout: 64% Diff (St): -4 Diff (US): -6

1944 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,003 64.9%
Thomas Dewey (R) 532 34.4%
Other 10 0.6%
TOTAL 1,545
Turnout: 59% Diff (St): -8 Diff (US): -11

1940 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,164 63.8%
Wendell Willkie (R) 642 35.2%
Other 19 1.0%
TOTAL 1,825
Turnout: 67% Diff (St): -5 Diff (US): -10

1936 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,098 69.4%
Alf Landon (R) 419 26.5%
William Lemke (Union) 52 3.3%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 6 0.4%
Other 8 0.5%
TOTAL 1,583
Turnout: 64% Diff (St): -3 Diff (US): -10

1932 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 730 53.5%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 442 32.4%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 14 1.0%
Other 178 13.0%
TOTAL 1,364
Turnout: 57% Diff (St): -2 Diff (US): -7

1928 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Herbert Hoover (R) 578 59.3%
Al Smith (D) 382 39.2%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 8 0.8%
Other 7 0.7%
Turnout: 44% Diff (St): -8 Diff (US): 1

1924 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Calvin Coolidge (R) 496 60.5%
John Davis (D) 89 10.9%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 228 27.8%
Other 7 0.9%
Turnout: 38% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 6

1920 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Warren Harding (R) 494 57.6%
James Cox (D) 164 19.1%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 109 12.7%
Parley Christiansen (FL) 75 8.8%
Aaron Watkins (Proh) 3 0.4%
Other 12 1.4%
Turnout: 42% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): -3

1916 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 340 36.1%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 490 52.1%
Allan Benson (Soc) 103 10.9%
James Hanly (Proh) 7 0.7%
Other 1 0.1%
Turnout: 45% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 6

1912 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Woodrow Wilson (D) 185 20.9%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 287 32.5%
William Taft* (R) 282 31.9%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 111 12.6%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 14 1.6%
Other 5 0.6%
Turnout: 43% Diff (St): 10 Diff (US): 9

1908 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
William Taft (R) 485 71.2%
William J. Bryan (D) 146 21.4%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 46 6.8%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 3 0.4%
Thomas Hisgen (I) 1 0.1%
Turnout: 36% Diff (St): 13 Diff (US): 20

1904 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 473 72.9%
Alton Parker (D) 101 15.6%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 63 9.7%
Silas Swallow (Proh) 7 1.1%
Thomas Watson (Pop) 2 0.3%
Other 3 0.5%
Turnout: 36% Diff (St): 3 Diff (US): 16

1900 President, Wahkiakum County, WA
William McKinley* (R) 396 61.8%
William J. Bryan (D) 207 32.3%
John Woolley (Proh) 10 1.6%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 20 3.1%
Other 8 1.2%
Turnout: 38% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 10
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for Wahkiakum County, WA

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal VotesDiff PSV
2024 S1 77% Raul Garcia (R) 1,641 55.6% Maria Cantwell* (D) 1,305 44.2% 8 [+] 0.3% 2,954 15 0.08%
2024 G 78% Dave Reichert (R) 1,845 61.3% Bob Ferguson (D) 1,158 38.5% 6 [+] 0.2% 3,009 17 0.08%
2022 S3 66% Tiffany Smiley (R) 1,551 60.5% Patty Murray* (D) 1,007 39.3% 7 [+] 0.3% 2,565 18 0.08%
2020 G 77% Loren Culp (R) 1,862 62.7% Jay Inslee* (D) 1,102 37.1% 6 [+] 0.2% 2,970 20 0.07%
2018 S1 67% Susan Hutchison (R) 1,341 55.3% Maria Cantwell* (D) 1,082 44.7% 0 0.0% 2,423 14 0.08%
2016 S3 67% Chris Vance (R) 1,217 51.6% Patty Murray* (D) 1,129 47.9% 11 [+] 0.5% 2,357 11 0.07%
2016 G 67% Bill Bryant (R) 1,413 59.9% Jay Inslee* (D) 941 39.9% 5 [+] 0.2% 2,359 14 0.07%
2012 S1 68% Maria Cantwell* (D) 1,253 55.3% Michael Baumgartner (R) 1,012 44.7% 0 0.0% 2,265 5 0.07%
2012 G 67% Rob McKenna (R) 1,287 57.2% Jay Inslee (D) 964 42.8% 0 0.0% 2,251 9 0.07%
2010 S3 62% Dino Rossi (R) 1,112 54.9% Patty Murray* (D) 915 45.1% 0 0.0% 2,027 7 0.08%
2008 G 72% Dino Rossi (R) 1,330 58.1% Christine Gregoire* (D) 960 41.9% 0 0.0% 2,290 11 0.08%
2006 S1 58% Maria Cantwell* (D) 1,010 55.6% Mike McGavick (R) 733 40.4% 72 [+] 4.0% 1,815 0 0.09%
2004 S3 71% Patty Murray* (D) 1,086 50.1% George Nethercutt (R) 1,018 47.0% 63 [+] 2.9% 2,167 4 0.08%
2004 G 70% Dino Rossi (R) 1,099 51.0% Christine Gregoire (D) 993 46.1% 61 [+] 2.8% 2,153 2 0.08%
2000 S1 66% Slade Gorton* (R) 1,105 57.2% Maria Cantwell (D) 762 39.4% 65 [+] 3.4% 1,932 9 0.08%
2000 G 67% Gary Locke* (D) 1,112 57.0% John Carlson (R) 770 39.5% 69 [+] 3.5% 1,951 0 0.08%
1998 S3 65% Patty Murray* (D) 991 53.3% Linda Smith (R) 869 46.7% 0 0.0% 1,860 5 0.10%
1996 G 65% Gary Locke (D) 1,013 56.5% Ellen Craswell (R) 781 43.5% 0 0.0% 1,794 1 0.08%
1994 S1 62% Slade Gorton* (R) 958 57.2% Ron Sims (D) 716 42.8% 0 0.0% 1,674 1 0.10%
1992 S3 66% Patty Murray (D) 932 54.6% Rod Chandler (R) 775 45.4% 0 0.0% 1,707 -1 0.08%
1992 G 67% Ken Eikenberry (R) 966 55.5% Mike Lowry (D) 775 44.5% 0 0.0% 1,741 8 0.08%
1988 S1 60% Mike Lowry (D) 804 52.9% Slade Gorton (R) 716 47.1% 0 0.0% 1,520 -4 0.08%
1988 G 62% Booth Gardner* (D) 820 52.1% Bob Williams (R) 755 47.9% 0 0.0% 1,575 10 0.08%
1986 S3 59% Brock Adams (D) 920 60.8% Slade Gorton* (R) 574 37.9% 19 [+] 1.3% 1,513 -11 0.11%
1984 G 66% Booth Gardner (D) 1,078 63.5% John Spellman* (R) 619 36.5% 0 0.0% 1,697 -10 0.09%
1983 S1 47% Mike Lowry (D) 690 56.3% Daniel Evans (R) 535 43.7% 0 0.0% 1,225 -12 0.10%
1982 S1 62% Henry Jackson* (D) 1,246 76.9% Doug Jewett (R) 283 17.5% 91 [+] 5.6% 1,620 -7 0.12%
1980 S3 64% Warren Magnuson* (D) 856 51.2% Slade Gorton (R) 816 48.8% 0 0.0% 1,672 -5 0.10%
1980 G 65% Jim McDermott (D) 926 54.7% John Spellman (R) 767 45.3% 0 0.0% 1,693 -11 0.10%
1976 S1 67% Henry Jackson* (D) 1,197 77.8% George Brown (R) 320 20.8% 22 [+] 1.4% 1,539 -3 0.10%
1976 G 73% Dixy Lee Ray (D) 938 56.1% John Spellman (R) 692 41.4% 41 [+] 2.5% 1,671 -3 0.11%
1974 S3 67% Warren Magnuson* (D) 1,057 69.7% Jack Metcalf (R) 353 23.3% 106 [+] 7.0% 1,516 -13 0.15%
1972 G 76% Albert Rosellini (D) 817 48.1% Daniel Evans* (R) 793 46.7% 89 [+] 5.2% 1,699 -4 0.12%
1970 S1 71% Henry Jackson* (D) 1,183 81.6% Charles Elicker (R) 249 17.2% 18 [+] 1.2% 1,450 2 0.14%
1968 S3 78% Warren Magnuson* (D) 1,020 65.5% Jack Metcalf (R) 533 34.2% 4 [+] 0.3% 1,557 -1 0.13%
1968 G 80% Daniel Evans* (R) 812 50.4% John O'Connell (D) 793 49.2% 7 [+] 0.4% 1,612 -4 0.13%
1964 S1 78% Henry Jackson* (D) 1,092 71.0% Lloyd Andrews (R) 447 29.0% 0 0.0% 1,539 1 0.13%
1964 G 82% Daniel Evans (R) 971 60.4% Albert Rosellini* (D) 635 39.5% 1 [+] 0.1% 1,607 5 0.13%
1962 S3 69% Warren Magnuson* (D) 793 58.9% Richard Christensen (R) 551 40.9% 2 [+] 0.1% 1,346 -6 0.14%
1960 G 87% Lloyd Andrews (R) 856 51.0% Albert Rosellini* (D) 818 48.8% 3 [+] 0.2% 1,677 2 0.14%
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election           RO: runoff election           PSV: percent of state vote

Historical U.S. House Election Results for Wahkiakum County, WA

Click on the District to view county-level data for that election (where available).

DateDistrictWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2024-11-05 WA03Joe Kent (R) 1,598 52.9% Marie Gluesenkamp Perez* (D) 1,415 46.8% 10 0.3% 3,023
County Total for 2024-11-05:   3,023
2022-11-08 WA03Joe Kent (R) 1,416 55.5% Marie Gluesenkamp-Perez (D) 1,125 44.1% 10 0.4% 2,551
County Total for 2022-11-08:   2,551
2020-11-03 WA03Jaime Herrera Beutler* (R) 1,916 64.7% Carolyn Long (D) 1,043 35.2% 1 0.0% 2,960
County Total for 2020-11-03:   2,960
2018-11-06 WA03Jaime Herrera Beutler* (R) 1,416 58.1% Carolyn Long (D) 1,022 41.9% 0 0.0% 2,438
County Total for 2018-11-06:   2,438
2016-11-08 WA03Jaime Herrera Beutler* (R) 1,522 65.3% Jim Moeller (D) 810 34.7% 0 0.0% 2,332
County Total for 2016-11-08:   2,332
2014-11-04 WA03Jaime Herrera Beutler* (R) 1,062 60.1% Bob Dingethal (D) 706 39.9% 0 0.0% 1,768
County Total for 2014-11-04:   1,768
2012-11-06 WA03Jaime Herrera Beutler* (R) 1,379 61.6% Jon Haugen (D) 861 38.4% 0 0.0% 2,240
County Total for 2012-11-06:   2,240
2010-11-02 WA03Jaime Herrera (R) 1,072 54.0% Denny Heck (D) 914 46.0% 0 0.0% 1,986
County Total for 2010-11-02:   1,986
2008-11-04 WA03Brian Baird* (D) 1,505 67.4% Michael Delavar (R) 728 32.6% 0 0.0% 2,233
County Total for 2008-11-04:   2,233
2006-11-07 WA03Brian Baird* (D) 1,230 68.0% Michael Messmore (R) 578 32.0% 0 0.0% 1,808
County Total for 2006-11-07:   1,808
2004-11-02 WA03Brian Baird* (D) 1,519 70.4% Thomas Crowson (R) 640 29.6% 0 0.0% 2,159
County Total for 2004-11-02:   2,159
2002-11-05 WA03Brian Baird* (D) 1,276 70.3% Joseph Zarelli (R) 538 29.7% 0 0.0% 1,814
County Total for 2002-11-05:   1,814
2000-11-07 WA03Brian Baird* (D) 1,185 62.2% Trent Matson (R) 678 35.6% 41 2.2% 1,904
County Total for 2000-11-07:   1,904
1998-11-03 WA03Brian Baird (D) 1,124 62.3% Don Benton (R) 680 37.7% 0 0.0% 1,804
County Total for 1998-11-03:   1,804
1996-11-05 WA03Brian Baird (D) 946 52.5% Linda Smith* (R) 857 47.5% 0 0.0% 1,803
County Total for 1996-11-05:   1,803
1994-11-08 WA03Jolene Unsoeld* (D) 888 52.0% Linda Smith (R) 770 45.1% 50 2.9% 1,708
County Total for 1994-11-08:   1,708
1992-11-03 WA03Jolene Unsoeld* (D) 981 56.2% Pat Fiske (R) 764 43.8% 0 0.0% 1,745
County Total for 1992-11-03:   1,745
*: incumbent           sp: special election           RO: runoff election

Voter Registration Data for Wahkiakum County, WA

Party registration is not used in this state, however as of 2022 registrations in Wahkiakum County, WA were estimated to be 43% Republican and 39% Democrat.

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2024 3,619 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,619 100.0% n/a n/a 104%
2022 3,468 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,468 100.0% n/a n/a 90%
2020 3,452 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,452 100.0% n/a n/a 89%
2018 3,095 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,095 100.0% n/a n/a 83%
2016 3,005 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,005 100.0% n/a n/a 83%
2014 2,878 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,878 100.0% n/a n/a 82%
2012 2,829 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,829 100.0% n/a n/a 84%
2010 2,639 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,639 100.0% n/a n/a 81%
2008 2,719 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,719 100.0% n/a n/a 85%
2006 2,633 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,633 100.0% n/a n/a 84%
2004 2,592 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,592 100.0% n/a n/a 85%
2002 2,484 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,484 100.0% n/a n/a 83%
2000 2,553 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,553 100.0% n/a n/a 87%
1994 2,272 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,272 100.0% n/a n/a 85%
1986 2,001 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,001 100.0% n/a n/a 78%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.