
DeKalb County, IN

Micropolitan Statistical Area: Auburn, IN
Designated Market Area: Fort Wayne, IN-OH
USDA County Type (2015): Manufacturing
American Communities Project County Type (2023): Rural Middle America

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Click here to view demographic data for DeKalb County, IN

2022 population: 43,731   ( 1,508 from 2010 , 458 from 2020)
Land area: 362.8 square miles
Population density: 120.5 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:41,192 94.19% 1.9%
Black:2660.61% 88.7%
Indian:1080.25% 28.6%
Asian:2420.55% 19.2%
2+ races:5151.18% 51.9%
Hispanic:1,4083.22% 36.6%
Total non-White:2,5395.81% 39.7%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:1,186 13.7
Net Migration: 4034.7
Net Immigration: 130.2
Change in White population:786 1.9
Change in Non-White pop.:722 1.7

Historical Presidential Election Results for DeKalb County, IN

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2024 60% Donald Trump (R) 14,376 72.6% Kamala Harris (D) 5,062 25.6% 351 [+] 1.8% 19,789 14 23 0.67%
2020 60% Donald Trump* (R) 14,237 72.4% Joe Biden (D) 4,966 25.3% 453 [+] 2.3% 19,656 16 26 0.65%
2016 53% Donald Trump (R) 12,054 71.3% Hillary Clinton (D) 3,942 23.3% 906 [+] 5.4% 16,902 15 25 0.61%
2012 52% Mitt Romney (R) 10,587 64.7% Barack Obama* (D) 5,419 33.1% 354 [+] 2.2% 16,360 11 18 0.62%
2008 56% John McCain (R) 9,780 56.9% Barack Obama (D) 7,175 41.8% 219 [+] 1.3% 17,174 8 11 0.62%
2004 52% George W. Bush* (R) 10,468 68.0% John Kerry (D) 4,810 31.2% 125 [+] 0.8% 15,403 8 17 0.62%
2000 48% George W. Bush (R) 8,701 63.1% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 4,776 34.6% 308 [+] 2.2% 13,785 6 15 0.63%
1996 49% Robert Dole (R) 6,851 51.4% Bill Clinton* (D) 4,840 36.3% 1,648 [+] 12.4% 13,339 4 11 0.62%
1992 58% George Bush* (R) 6,682 44.5% Bill Clinton (D) 4,652 31.0% 3,688 [+] 24.6% 15,022 2 7 0.65%
1988 56% George Bush (R) 9,018 65.7% Michael Dukakis (D) 4,657 34.0% 41 [+] 0.3% 13,716 6 12 0.63%
1984 57% Ronald Reagan* (R) 8,769 64.8% Walter Mondale (D) 4,617 34.1% 142 1.0% 13,528 3 6 0.61%
1980 61% Ronald Reagan (R) 7,886 56.5% Jimmy Carter* (D) 4,911 35.2% 1,153 [+] 8.3% 13,950 1 6 0.62%
1976 68% Gerald Ford* (R) 7,860 55.2% Jimmy Carter (D) 6,151 43.2% 235 [+] 1.6% 14,246 2 7 0.64%
1972 66% Richard Nixon* (R) 8,834 66.4% George McGovern (D) 4,354 32.7% 109 [+] 0.8% 13,297 0 6 0.63%
1968 76% Richard Nixon (R) 7,650 56.9% Hubert Humphrey (D) 4,790 35.6% 998 [+] 7.4% 13,438 7 14 0.63%
1964 82% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 7,559 54.4% Barry Goldwater (R) 6,210 44.7% 120 0.9% 13,889 1 6 0.66%
1960 87% Richard Nixon (R) 8,957 62.7% John Kennedy (D) 5,277 36.9% 61 0.4% 14,295 8 13 0.67%
1956 80% Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 9,061 66.7% Adlai Stevenson (D) 4,435 32.7% 79 0.6% 13,575 7 9 0.69%
1952 81% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 8,713 64.7% Adlai Stevenson (D) 4,347 32.3% 416 3.1% 13,476 7 9 0.69%
1948 78% Thomas Dewey (R) 6,941 54.9% Harry Truman* (D) 5,439 43.0% 272 [+] 2.1% 12,652 5 10 0.76%
1944 78% Thomas Dewey (R) 7,479 60.4% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 4,810 38.8% 98 0.8% 12,387 8 14 0.74%
1940 86% Wendell Willkie (R) 7,676 57.2% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 5,690 42.4% 60 0.4% 13,426 7 12 0.75%
1936 88% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 6,970 53.5% Alf Landon (R) 5,848 44.9% 209 [+] 1.6% 13,027 3 8 0.79%
1932 87% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 7,235 55.7% Herbert Hoover* (R) 5,590 43.1% 156 [+] 1.2% 12,981 0 3 0.82%
1928 78% Herbert Hoover (R) 7,373 64.0% Al Smith (D) 4,077 35.4% 64 [+] 0.6% 11,514 4 6 0.81%
1924 75% Calvin Coolidge (R) 6,093 54.6% John Davis (D) 4,133 37.1% 928 [+] 8.3% 11,154 -1 1 0.88%
1920 77% Warren Harding (R) 6,514 56.3% James Cox (D) 4,750 41.1% 296 [+] 2.6% 11,560 1 -4 0.92%
1916 46% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 3,372 50.7% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 2,898 43.5% 387 [+] 5.8% 6,657 -4 -3 0.93%
1912 43% Woodrow Wilson (D) 2,766 44.5% Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 1,623 26.1% 1,822 [+] 29.3% 6,211 -5 -5 0.95%
1908 52% William J. Bryan (D) 3,684 52.2% William Taft (R) 2,991 42.4% 377 [+] 5.3% 7,052 -6 -9 0.98%
1904 50% Theodore Roosevelt (R) 3,416 50.0% Alton Parker (D) 2,827 41.4% 593 [+] 8.7% 6,836 -4 -6 1.00%
1900 50% William J. Bryan (D) 3,488 50.0% William McKinley* (R) 3,218 46.1% 273 [+] 3.9% 6,979 -4 -5 1.05%
* incumbent         PSV: percent of state vote

2020 President, DeKalb County, IN
Joe Biden (D) 4,966 25.3%
Donald Trump* (R) 14,237 72.4%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 425 2.2%
Other 28 0.1%
TOTAL 19,656
Turnout: 60% Diff (St): 16 Diff (US): 26

2016 President, DeKalb County, IN
Hillary Clinton (D) 3,942 23.3%
Donald Trump (R) 12,054 71.3%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 821 4.9%
Jill Stein (Grn) 61 0.4%
Other 24 0.1%
TOTAL 16,902
Turnout: 53% Diff (St): 15 Diff (US): 25

2012 President, DeKalb County, IN
Barack Obama* (D) 5,419 33.1%
Mitt Romney (R) 10,587 64.7%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 309 1.9%
Other 45 0.3%
TOTAL 16,360
Turnout: 52% Diff (St): 11 Diff (US): 18

2008 President, DeKalb County, IN
Barack Obama (D) 7,175 41.8%
John McCain (R) 9,780 56.9%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 178 1.0%
Other 41 0.2%
TOTAL 17,174
Turnout: 56% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 11

2004 President, DeKalb County, IN
George W. Bush* (R) 10,468 68.0%
John Kerry (D) 4,810 31.2%
Ralph Nader (I) 1 0.0%
Other 124 0.8%
TOTAL 15,403
Turnout: 52% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 17

2000 President, DeKalb County, IN
George W. Bush (R) 8,701 63.1%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 4,776 34.6%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 71 0.5%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 148 1.1%
Other 89 0.6%
TOTAL 13,785
Turnout: 48% Diff (St): 6 Diff (US): 15

1996 President, DeKalb County, IN
Bill Clinton* (D) 4,840 36.3%
Robert Dole (R) 6,851 51.4%
Ross Perot (Ref) 1,534 11.5%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 103 0.8%
Other 11 0.1%
TOTAL 13,339
Turnout: 49% Diff (St): 4 Diff (US): 11

1992 President, DeKalb County, IN
Bill Clinton (D) 4,652 31.0%
George Bush* (R) 6,682 44.5%
Ross Perot (I) 3,554 23.7%
Other 134 0.9%
TOTAL 15,022
Turnout: 58% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): 7

1988 President, DeKalb County, IN
George Bush (R) 9,018 65.7%
Michael Dukakis (D) 4,657 34.0%
Other 41 0.3%
TOTAL 13,716
Turnout: 56% Diff (St): 6 Diff (US): 12

1984 President, DeKalb County, IN
Ronald Reagan* (R) 8,769 64.8%
Walter Mondale (D) 4,617 34.1%
Other 142 1.0%
TOTAL 13,528
Turnout: 57% Diff (St): 3 Diff (US): 6

1980 President, DeKalb County, IN
Ronald Reagan (R) 7,886 56.5%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 4,911 35.2%
John Anderson (I) 883 6.3%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 160 1.1%
Other 110 0.8%
TOTAL 13,950
Turnout: 61% Diff (St): 1 Diff (US): 6

1976 President, DeKalb County, IN
Jimmy Carter (D) 6,151 43.2%
Gerald Ford* (R) 7,860 55.2%
Other 235 1.6%
TOTAL 14,246
Turnout: 68% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): 7

1972 President, DeKalb County, IN
Richard Nixon* (R) 8,834 66.4%
George McGovern (D) 4,354 32.7%
Other 109 0.8%
TOTAL 13,297
Turnout: 66% Diff (St): 0 Diff (US): 6

1968 President, DeKalb County, IN
Richard Nixon (R) 7,650 56.9%
Hubert Humphrey (D) 4,790 35.6%
George Wallace (AIP) 931 6.9%
Other 67 0.5%
TOTAL 13,438
Turnout: 76% Diff (St): 7 Diff (US): 14

1964 President, DeKalb County, IN
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 7,559 54.4%
Barry Goldwater (R) 6,210 44.7%
Other 120 0.9%
TOTAL 13,889
Turnout: 82% Diff (St): 1 Diff (US): 6

1960 President, DeKalb County, IN
John Kennedy (D) 5,277 36.9%
Richard Nixon (R) 8,957 62.7%
Other 61 0.4%
TOTAL 14,295
Turnout: 87% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 13

1956 President, DeKalb County, IN
Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 9,061 66.7%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 4,435 32.7%
Other 79 0.6%
TOTAL 13,575
Turnout: 80% Diff (St): 7 Diff (US): 9

1952 President, DeKalb County, IN
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 8,713 64.7%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 4,347 32.3%
Other 416 3.1%
TOTAL 13,476
Turnout: 81% Diff (St): 7 Diff (US): 9

1948 President, DeKalb County, IN
Harry Truman* (D) 5,439 43.0%
Thomas Dewey (R) 6,941 54.9%
Henry Wallace (Prog) 36 0.3%
Other 236 1.9%
TOTAL 12,652
Turnout: 78% Diff (St): 5 Diff (US): 10

1944 President, DeKalb County, IN
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 4,810 38.8%
Thomas Dewey (R) 7,479 60.4%
Other 98 0.8%
TOTAL 12,387
Turnout: 78% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 14

1940 President, DeKalb County, IN
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 5,690 42.4%
Wendell Willkie (R) 7,676 57.2%
Other 60 0.4%
TOTAL 13,426
Turnout: 86% Diff (St): 7 Diff (US): 12

1936 President, DeKalb County, IN
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 6,970 53.5%
Alf Landon (R) 5,848 44.9%
William Lemke (Union) 182 1.4%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 25 0.2%
Other 2 0.0%
TOTAL 13,027
Turnout: 88% Diff (St): 3 Diff (US): 8

1932 President, DeKalb County, IN
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 7,235 55.7%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 5,590 43.1%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 61 0.5%
Other 95 0.7%
TOTAL 12,981
Turnout: 87% Diff (St): 0 Diff (US): 3

1928 President, DeKalb County, IN
Herbert Hoover (R) 7,373 64.0%
Al Smith (D) 4,077 35.4%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 12 0.1%
Other 52 0.5%
TOTAL 11,514
Turnout: 78% Diff (St): 4 Diff (US): 6

1924 President, DeKalb County, IN
Calvin Coolidge (R) 6,093 54.6%
John Davis (D) 4,133 37.1%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 872 7.8%
Other 56 0.5%
TOTAL 11,154
Turnout: 75% Diff (St): -1 Diff (US): 1

1920 President, DeKalb County, IN
Warren Harding (R) 6,514 56.3%
James Cox (D) 4,750 41.1%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 101 0.9%
Parley Christiansen (FL) 33 0.3%
Aaron Watkins (Proh) 162 1.4%
TOTAL 11,560
Turnout: 77% Diff (St): 1 Diff (US): -4

1916 President, DeKalb County, IN
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 3,372 50.7%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 2,898 43.5%
Allan Benson (Soc) 136 2.0%
James Hanly (Proh) 232 3.5%
Other 19 0.3%
TOTAL 6,657
Turnout: 46% Diff (St): -4 Diff (US): -3

1912 President, DeKalb County, IN
Woodrow Wilson (D) 2,766 44.5%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 1,623 26.1%
William Taft* (R) 1,125 18.1%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 437 7.0%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 244 3.9%
Other 16 0.3%
TOTAL 6,211
Turnout: 43% Diff (St): -5 Diff (US): -5

1908 President, DeKalb County, IN
William Taft (R) 2,991 42.4%
William J. Bryan (D) 3,684 52.2%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 63 0.9%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 287 4.1%
Thomas Hisgen (I) 20 0.3%
Other 7 0.1%
TOTAL 7,052
Turnout: 52% Diff (St): -6 Diff (US): -9

1904 President, DeKalb County, IN
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 3,416 50.0%
Alton Parker (D) 2,827 41.4%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 154 2.3%
Silas Swallow (Proh) 343 5.0%
Thomas Watson (Pop) 67 1.0%
Other 29 0.4%
TOTAL 6,836
Turnout: 50% Diff (St): -4 Diff (US): -6

1900 President, DeKalb County, IN
William McKinley* (R) 3,218 46.1%
William J. Bryan (D) 3,488 50.0%
John Woolley (Proh) 259 3.7%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 5 0.1%
Other 9 0.1%
TOTAL 6,979
Turnout: 50% Diff (St): -4 Diff (US): -5
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for DeKalb County, IN

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal VotesDiff PSV
2022 S3 36% Todd Young (R) 8,584 73.2% Thomas McDermott (D) 2,773 23.6% 375 [+] 3.2% 11,732 15 0.63%
2020 G 59% Eric Holcomb* (R) 13,042 66.9% Woody Myers (D) 3,293 16.9% 3,158 [+] 16.2% 19,493 10 0.65%
2018 S1 43% Mike Braun (R) 9,167 65.8% Joe Donnelly* (D) 4,204 30.2% 561 [+] 4.0% 13,932 15 0.61%
2016 S3 52% Todd Young (R) 10,229 61.4% Evan Bayh (D) 5,029 30.2% 1,413 [+] 8.5% 16,671 9 0.61%
2016 G 52% Eric Holcomb (R) 10,501 63.4% John Gregg (D) 5,340 32.2% 718 [+] 4.3% 16,559 12 0.61%
2012 S1 51% Richard Mourdock (R) 8,793 55.4% Joe Donnelly (D) 6,059 38.1% 1,033 [+] 6.5% 15,885 11 0.62%
2012 G 51% Mike Pence (R) 9,583 59.9% John Gregg (D) 5,848 36.5% 571 [+] 3.6% 16,002 10 0.62%
2010 S3 37% Dan Coats (R) 7,351 63.9% Brad Ellsworth (D) 3,479 30.2% 671 [+] 5.8% 11,501 9 0.66%
2008 G 55% Mitch Daniels* (R) 9,562 57.1% Jill Long (D) 6,752 40.3% 424 [+] 2.5% 16,738 -1 0.62%
2006 S1 31% Richard Lugar* (R) 7,967 86.4% Steven Osborn (Libertarian) 1,258 13.6% 0 0.0% 9,225 -1 0.69%
2004 S3 51% Evan Bayh* (D) 8,529 56.2% Marvin Scott (R) 6,523 43.0% 132 [+] 0.9% 15,184 6 0.63%
2004 G 52% Mitch Daniels (R) 9,242 59.9% Joe Kernan* (D) 6,012 38.9% 183 [+] 1.2% 15,437 7 0.63%
2000 S1 47% Richard Lugar* (R) 10,116 74.7% David Johnson (D) 3,244 24.0% 184 [+] 1.4% 13,544 8 0.63%
2000 G 47% Frank O'Bannon* (D) 6,819 50.0% David McIntosh (R) 6,599 48.4% 228 [+] 1.7% 13,646 7 0.63%
1998 S3 32% Evan Bayh (D) 5,217 57.3% Paul Helmke (R) 3,736 41.1% 145 [+] 1.6% 9,098 6 0.57%
1996 G 48% Steve Goldsmith (R) 7,098 53.5% Frank O'Bannon (D) 5,929 44.7% 240 [+] 1.8% 13,267 7 0.63%
1994 S1 40% Richard Lugar* (R) 7,223 68.1% Jim Jontz (D) 3,200 30.2% 182 [+] 1.7% 10,605 1 0.69%
1992 S3 56% Dan Coats* (R) 9,117 63.2% Joseph Hogsett (D) 5,099 35.3% 211 [+] 1.5% 14,427 6 0.65%
1992 G 54% Evan Bayh* (D) 7,565 54.1% Linley Pearson (R) 6,357 45.5% 59 [+] 0.4% 13,981 9 0.63%
1990 S3 44% Dan Coats (R) 6,621 60.6% Baron Hill (D) 4,296 39.3% 1 [+] 0.0% 10,918 7 0.73%
1988 S1 54% Richard Lugar* (R) 9,553 71.6% Jack Wickes (D) 3,796 28.4% 0 0.0% 13,349 3 0.64%
1988 G 46% John Mutz (R) 6,672 58.4% Evan Bayh (D) 4,761 41.6% 0 0.0% 11,433 12 0.53%
1986 S3 41% Dan Quayle* (R) 6,343 63.9% Jill Long (D) 3,515 35.4% 72 [+] 0.7% 9,930 3 0.64%
1984 G 56% Robert Orr* (R) 7,444 56.2% Wayne Townsend (D) 5,653 42.7% 144 [+] 1.1% 13,241 4 0.60%
1982 S1 50% Richard Lugar* (R) 6,987 59.9% Floyd Fithian (D) 4,556 39.0% 126 [+] 1.1% 11,669 6 0.64%
1980 S3 60% Dan Quayle (R) 7,730 56.2% Birch Bayh* (D) 6,023 43.8% 0 0.0% 13,753 2 0.63%
1980 G 59% Robert Orr (R) 7,971 58.5% John Hillenbrand (D) 5,588 41.0% 62 [+] 0.5% 13,621 1 0.63%
1976 S1 67% Richard Lugar (R) 8,492 60.9% Vance Hartke* (D) 5,236 37.6% 210 [+] 1.5% 13,938 2 0.64%
1976 G 67% Otis Bowen* (R) 7,930 56.7% Larry Conrad (D) 5,894 42.1% 163 [+] 1.2% 13,987 0 0.64%
1974 S3 55% Richard Lugar (R) 5,417 48.2% Birch Bayh* (D) 5,414 48.2% 406 [+] 3.6% 11,237 2 0.64%
1972 G 66% Otis Bowen (R) 7,698 57.7% Matthew Welsh (D) 5,578 41.8% 65 [+] 0.5% 13,341 1 0.63%
1970 S1 61% Richard Roudebush (R) 5,643 50.9% Vance Hartke* (D) 5,438 49.1% 0 0.0% 11,081 1 0.64%
1968 S3 75% William Ruckelshaus (R) 6,758 51.3% Birch Bayh* (D) 6,392 48.5% 35 [+] 0.3% 13,185 3 0.64%
1968 G 74% Edgar Whitcomb (R) 7,169 55.0% Robert Rock (D) 5,840 44.8% 33 [+] 0.3% 13,042 2 0.64%
1964 S1 82% Vance Hartke* (D) 6,937 50.1% Russell Bontrager (R) 6,842 49.4% 65 [+] 0.5% 13,844 4 0.67%
1964 G 81% Roger Branigin (D) 7,375 53.6% Richard Ristine (R) 6,332 46.0% 60 [+] 0.4% 13,767 3 0.66%
1962 S3 74% Homer Capehart* (R) 6,676 54.3% Birch Bayh (D) 5,628 45.7% 0 0.0% 12,304 5 0.68%
1960 G 87% Crawford Parker (R) 7,493 52.7% Matthew Welsh (D) 6,649 46.7% 82 [+] 0.6% 14,224 3 0.67%
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election           RO: runoff election           PSV: percent of state vote

Historical U.S. House Election Results for DeKalb County, IN

Click on the District to view county-level data for that election (where available).

DateDistrictWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2022-11-08 IN03Jim Banks* (R) 8,382 71.3% Gary Snyder (D) 2,731 23.2% 637 5.4% 11,750
County Total for 2022-11-08:   11,750
2020-11-03 IN03Jim Banks* (R) 14,630 75.7% Chip Coldiron (D) 4,691 24.3% 0 0.0% 19,321
County Total for 2020-11-03:   19,321
2018-11-06 IN03Jim Banks* (R) 9,906 71.1% Courtney Tritch (D) 4,027 28.9% 0 0.0% 13,933
County Total for 2018-11-06:   13,933
2016-11-08 IN03Jim Banks (R) 12,104 73.5% Tommy Schrader (D) 3,080 18.7% 1,274 7.7% 16,458
County Total for 2016-11-08:   16,458
2014-11-04 IN03Marlin Stutzman* (R) 5,303 71.9% Justin Kuhnle (D) 1,763 23.9% 306 4.2% 7,372
County Total for 2014-11-04:   7,372
2012-11-06 IN03Marlin Stutzman* (R) 11,269 70.1% Kevin Boyd (D) 4,812 29.9% 0 0.0% 16,081
County Total for 2012-11-06:   16,081
2010-11-02 IN03Marlin Stutzman (R) 7,215 62.5% Thomas Hayhurst (D) 3,771 32.7% 562 4.9% 11,548
County Total for 2010-11-02:   11,548
2008-11-04 IN03Mark Souder* (R) 9,272 54.7% Mike Montagno (D) 6,754 39.9% 919 5.4% 16,945
County Total for 2008-11-04:   16,945
2006-11-07 IN03Mark Souder* (R) 5,632 53.5% Thomas Hayhurst (D) 4,891 46.5% 0 0.0% 10,523
County Total for 2006-11-07:   10,523
2004-11-02 IN03Mark Souder* (R) 10,509 69.2% Maria Parra (D) 4,681 30.8% 0 0.0% 15,190
County Total for 2004-11-02:   15,190
2002-11-05 IN03Mark Souder* (R) 5,427 61.1% Jay Rigdon (D) 3,224 36.3% 224 2.5% 8,875
County Total for 2002-11-05:   8,875
2000-11-07 IN04Mark Souder* (R) 8,606 63.7% Mike Foster (D) 4,605 34.1% 292 2.2% 13,503
County Total for 2000-11-07:   13,503
1998-11-03 IN04Mark Souder* (R) 5,649 63.3% Mark Wehrle (D) 3,269 36.7% 0 0.0% 8,918
County Total for 1998-11-03:   8,918
1996-11-05 IN04Mark Souder* (R) 7,819 59.1% Gerald Houseman (D) 5,088 38.4% 331 2.5% 13,238
County Total for 1996-11-05:   13,238
1994-11-08 IN04Mark Souder (R) 5,670 53.5% Jill Long* (D) 4,918 46.4% 2 0.0% 10,590
County Total for 1994-11-08:   10,590
1992-11-03 IN04Jill Long* (D) 8,928 61.5% Charles Pierson (R) 5,581 38.5% 0 0.0% 14,509
County Total for 1992-11-03:   14,509
*: incumbent           sp: special election           RO: runoff election

Voter Registration Data for DeKalb County, IN

Party registration is not used in this state, however as of 2022 registrations in DeKalb County, IN were estimated to be 39% Republican and 13% Democrat.

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2022 29,642 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 29,642 100.0% n/a n/a 90%
2020 29,438 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 29,438 100.0% n/a n/a 89%
2018 28,414 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 28,414 100.0% n/a n/a 87%
2016 30,441 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 30,441 100.0% n/a n/a 95%
2014 29,468 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 29,468 100.0% n/a n/a 93%
2012 29,033 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 29,033 100.0% n/a n/a 92%
2010 27,674 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 27,674 100.0% n/a n/a 89%
2008 29,833 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 29,833 100.0% n/a n/a 97%
2006 28,323 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 28,323 100.0% n/a n/a 94%
2004 28,578 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 28,578 100.0% n/a n/a 96%
2002 26,757 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 26,757 100.0% n/a n/a 91%
2000 25,621 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 25,621 100.0% n/a n/a 89%
1994 18,181 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 18,181 100.0% n/a n/a 68%
1986 15,932 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 15,932 100.0% n/a n/a 66%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.