
Honolulu, HI Market Area

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Click here to view demographic data for Honolulu, HI Market Area

2022 population: 1,440,114   ( 79,903 from 2010 , 15,079 from 2020)
Land area: 6410.5 square miles
Population density: 224.7 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:306,564 21.29% 0.9%
Black:28,0431.95% 40.9%
Indian:3,0450.21% 7.9%
Asian:654,26445.43% 2.0%
2+ races:288,09720.01% 9.1%
Hispanic:160,10111.12% 32.5%
Total non-White:1,133,55078.71% 7.9%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:35,139 12.1
Net Migration: -29,684-10.2
Net Immigration: 7,9532.7
Change in White population:-2,755 -0.2
Change in Non-White pop.:82,658 6.1

Historical Presidential Election Results for Honolulu, HI Market Area

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2020 51% Joe Biden (D) 366,130 63.7% Donald Trump* (R) 196,864 34.3% 11,475 [+] 2.0% 574,469 -13 0.36%
2016 39% Hillary Clinton (D) 266,891 62.2% Donald Trump (R) 128,847 30.0% 33,199 [+] 7.7% 428,937 -16 0.31%
2012 40% Barack Obama* (D) 306,266 70.5% Mitt Romney (R) 120,937 27.9% 7,018 [+] 1.6% 434,221 -19 0.34%
2008 44% Barack Obama (D) 325,201 71.8% John McCain (R) 120,429 26.6% 7,112 [+] 1.6% 452,742 -19 0.34%
2004 44% John Kerry (D) 231,335 54.0% George W. Bush* (R) 194,116 45.3% 3,104 [+] 0.7% 428,555 -5 0.35%
2000 40% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 205,242 55.8% George W. Bush (R) 137,819 37.5% 24,810 [+] 6.7% 367,871 -10 0.35%
1996 41% Bill Clinton* (D) 205,012 56.9% Robert Dole (R) 113,943 31.6% 41,165 [+] 11.4% 360,120 -9 0.37%
1992 44% Bill Clinton (D) 179,310 48.1% George Bush* (R) 136,822 36.7% 56,710 [+] 15.2% 372,842 -1 0.36%
1988 44% Michael Dukakis (D) 192,364 54.3% George Bush (R) 158,625 44.8% 3,472 [+] 1.0% 354,461 -9 0.39%
1984 45% Ronald Reagan* (R) 184,999 55.1% Walter Mondale (D) 147,138 43.8% 3,642 1.1% 335,779 -4 0.36%
1980 44% Jimmy Carter* (D) 135,857 44.8% Ronald Reagan (R) 130,085 42.9% 37,286 [+] 12.3% 303,228 -8 0.35%
1976 49% Jimmy Carter (D) 147,375 50.6% Gerald Ford* (R) 140,003 48.1% 3,923 [+] 1.3% 291,301 0 0.36%
1972 50% Richard Nixon* (R) 168,865 62.5% George McGovern (D) 101,409 37.5% 0 0.0% 270,274 2 0.35%
1968 55% Hubert Humphrey (D) 141,324 59.8% Richard Nixon (R) 91,425 38.7% 3,469 [+] 1.5% 236,218 -5 0.32%
1964 52% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 163,249 78.8% Barry Goldwater (R) 44,022 21.2% 0 0.0% 207,271 -17 0.29%
1960 50% John Kennedy (D) 92,410 50.0% Richard Nixon (R) 92,295 50.0% 0 0.0% 184,705 0 0.27%
* incumbent         PSV: percent of state vote

2020 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Joe Biden (D) 366,130 63.7%
Donald Trump* (R) 196,864 34.3%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 5,539 1.0%
Other 5,936 1.0%
TOTAL 574,469
Turnout: 51% Diff (US): -13

2016 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Hillary Clinton (D) 266,891 62.2%
Donald Trump (R) 128,847 30.0%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 15,954 3.7%
Jill Stein (Grn) 12,737 3.0%
Other 4,508 1.1%
TOTAL 428,937
Turnout: 39% Diff (US): -16

2012 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Barack Obama* (D) 306,266 70.5%
Mitt Romney (R) 120,937 27.9%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 3,838 0.9%
Other 3,180 0.7%
TOTAL 434,221
Turnout: 40% Diff (US): -19

2008 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Barack Obama (D) 325,201 71.8%
John McCain (R) 120,429 26.6%
Ralph Nader (I) 3,818 0.8%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 1,311 0.3%
Other 1,983 0.4%
TOTAL 452,742
Turnout: 44% Diff (US): -19

2004 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
George W. Bush* (R) 194,116 45.3%
John Kerry (D) 231,335 54.0%
Other 3,104 0.7%
TOTAL 428,555
Turnout: 44% Diff (US): -5

2000 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
George W. Bush (R) 137,819 37.5%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 205,242 55.8%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 21,614 5.9%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 1,071 0.3%
Other 2,125 0.6%
TOTAL 367,871
Turnout: 40% Diff (US): -10

1996 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Bill Clinton* (D) 205,012 56.9%
Robert Dole (R) 113,943 31.6%
Ross Perot (Ref) 27,358 7.6%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 10,386 2.9%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 2,493 0.7%
Other 928 0.3%
TOTAL 360,120
Turnout: 41% Diff (US): -9

1992 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Bill Clinton (D) 179,310 48.1%
George Bush* (R) 136,822 36.7%
Ross Perot (I) 53,003 14.2%
Other 3,707 1.0%
TOTAL 372,842
Turnout: 44% Diff (US): -1

1988 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
George Bush (R) 158,625 44.8%
Michael Dukakis (D) 192,364 54.3%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 1,999 0.6%
Other 1,473 0.4%
TOTAL 354,461
Turnout: 44% Diff (US): -9

1984 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Ronald Reagan* (R) 184,999 55.1%
Walter Mondale (D) 147,138 43.8%
Other 3,642 1.1%
TOTAL 335,779
Turnout: 45% Diff (US): -4

1980 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Ronald Reagan (R) 130,085 42.9%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 135,857 44.8%
John Anderson (I) 32,011 10.6%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 3,269 1.1%
Other 2,006 0.7%
TOTAL 303,228
Turnout: 44% Diff (US): -8

1976 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Jimmy Carter (D) 147,375 50.6%
Gerald Ford* (R) 140,003 48.1%
Other 3,923 1.3%
TOTAL 291,301
Turnout: 49% Diff (US): 0

1972 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Richard Nixon* (R) 168,865 62.5%
George McGovern (D) 101,409 37.5%
TOTAL 270,274
Turnout: 50% Diff (US): 2

1968 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Richard Nixon (R) 91,425 38.7%
Hubert Humphrey (D) 141,324 59.8%
George Wallace (AIP) 3,469 1.5%
TOTAL 236,218
Turnout: 55% Diff (US): -5

1964 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 163,249 78.8%
Barry Goldwater (R) 44,022 21.2%
TOTAL 207,271
Turnout: 52% Diff (US): -17

1960 President, Honolulu, HI Market Area
John Kennedy (D) 92,410 50.0%
Richard Nixon (R) 92,295 50.0%
TOTAL 184,705
Turnout: 50% Diff (US): 0
* incumbent