
Prairie County, AR

Designated Market Area: Little Rock-Pine Bluff, AR
USDA County Type (2015): Farming
American Communities Project County Type (2023): Evangelical Hubs

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Click here to view demographic data for Prairie County, AR

2022 population: 8,069   ( 646 from 2010 , 215 from 2020)
Land area: 647.5 square miles
Population density: 12.5 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:6,884 85.31% 7.8%
Black:84110.42% 20.7%
Indian:360.45% 38.5%
Asian:150.19% 200.0%
2+ races:1091.35% 51.4%
Hispanic:1842.28% 127.2%
Total non-White:1,18514.69% 4.8%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:162 9.8
Net Migration: -34-2.1
Net Immigration: 00.0
Change in White population:-586 -6.7
Change in Non-White pop.:-60 -0.7

Historical Presidential Election Results for Prairie County, AR

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2020 55% Donald Trump* (R) 2,786 79.7% Joe Biden (D) 654 18.7% 55 [+] 1.6% 3,495 17 33 0.29%
2016 52% Donald Trump (R) 2,505 72.7% Hillary Clinton (D) 814 23.6% 125 [+] 3.6% 3,444 12 27 0.30%
2012 46% Mitt Romney (R) 2,153 68.5% Barack Obama* (D) 880 28.0% 108 [+] 3.4% 3,141 8 21 0.29%
2008 49% John McCain (R) 2,223 65.7% Barack Obama (D) 1,048 31.0% 110 [+] 3.3% 3,381 7 20 0.31%
2004 51% George W. Bush* (R) 2,030 56.0% John Kerry (D) 1,562 43.1% 32 [+] 0.9% 3,624 2 5 0.34%
2000 48% George W. Bush (R) 1,862 53.1% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 1,563 44.6% 82 [+] 2.3% 3,507 2 5 0.38%
1996 50% Bill Clinton* (D) 2,211 61.8% Robert Dole (R) 1,025 28.7% 339 [+] 9.5% 3,575 -8 -12 0.40%
1992 56% Bill Clinton (D) 2,366 59.8% George Bush* (R) 1,154 29.2% 436 [+] 11.0% 3,956 -6 -8 0.42%
1988 52% George Bush (R) 1,947 53.3% Michael Dukakis (D) 1,688 46.2% 21 [+] 0.6% 3,656 -3 0 0.44%
1984 55% Ronald Reagan* (R) 2,407 62.1% Walter Mondale (D) 1,437 37.1% 32 0.8% 3,876 2 3 0.44%
1980 55% Jimmy Carter* (D) 1,928 49.5% Ronald Reagan (R) 1,855 47.6% 112 [+] 2.9% 3,895 -1 -3 0.47%
1976 54% Jimmy Carter (D) 2,836 77.7% Gerald Ford* (R) 813 22.3% 0 0.0% 3,649 -13 -26 0.47%
1972 45% Richard Nixon* (R) 2,186 71.5% George McGovern (D) 873 28.5% 0 0.0% 3,059 3 11 0.47%
1968 60% George Wallace (AIP) 2,014 56.2% Hubert Humphrey (D) 875 24.4% 693 [+] 19.3% 3,582 -11 -24 0.58%
1964 55% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 1,812 54.7% Barry Goldwater (R) 1,476 44.6% 22 0.7% 3,310 1 6 0.59%
1960 44% John Kennedy (D) 1,680 63.7% Richard Nixon (R) 734 27.8% 222 8.4% 2,636 -15 -22 0.62%
1956 36% Adlai Stevenson (D) 1,504 61.6% Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 917 37.6% 19 0.8% 2,440 -8 -20 0.60%
1952 34% Adlai Stevenson (D) 1,664 65.5% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 871 34.3% 6 0.2% 2,541 -9 -21 0.63%
1948 22% Harry Truman* (D) 1,020 60.8% Strom Thurmond (StsRts) 379 22.6% 279 [+] 16.6% 1,678 -6 -30 0.69%
1944 19% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,117 70.5% Thomas Dewey (R) 465 29.3% 3 0.2% 1,585 -1 -17 0.74%
1940 17% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,069 75.9% Wendell Willkie (R) 336 23.9% 3 0.2% 1,408 3 -21 0.70%
1936 21% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,321 82.3% Alf Landon (R) 282 17.6% 3 [+] 0.2% 1,606 0 -19 0.90%
1932 25% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 1,743 91.2% Herbert Hoover* (R) 158 8.3% 10 [+] 0.5% 1,911 -4 -31 0.88%
1928 21% Al Smith (D) 1,000 61.7% Herbert Hoover (R) 613 37.8% 8 [+] 0.5% 1,621 -2 -20 0.82%
1924 15% John Davis (D) 730 61.8% Calvin Coolidge (R) 386 32.7% 65 [+] 5.5% 1,181 3 -21 0.85%
1920 22% James Cox (D) 962 52.1% Warren Harding (R) 842 45.6% 41 [+] 2.2% 1,845 6 -15 1.00%
1916 23% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 1,061 59.3% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 654 36.5% 75 [+] 4.2% 1,790 9 -10 1.06%
1912 17% Woodrow Wilson (D) 649 54.1% William Taft* (R) 376 31.4% 174 [+] 14.5% 1,199 12 8 0.97%
1908 32% William J. Bryan (D) 1,103 55.9% William Taft (R) 812 41.1% 59 [+] 3.0% 1,974 4 -10 1.30%
1904 23% Theodore Roosevelt (R) 648 49.3% Alton Parker (D) 639 48.6% 28 [+] 2.1% 1,315 9 -7 1.12%
1900 25% William J. Bryan (D) 856 62.9% William McKinley* (R) 496 36.4% 9 [+] 0.7% 1,361 1 -15 1.06%
* incumbent         PSV: percent of state vote

2020 President, Prairie County, AR
Joe Biden (D) 654 18.7%
Donald Trump* (R) 2,786 79.7%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 16 0.5%
Other 39 1.1%
TOTAL 3,495
Turnout: 55% Diff (St): 17 Diff (US): 33

2016 President, Prairie County, AR
Hillary Clinton (D) 814 23.6%
Donald Trump (R) 2,505 72.7%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 56 1.6%
Jill Stein (Grn) 10 0.3%
Evan McMullin (I) 36 1.0%
Other 23 0.7%
TOTAL 3,444
Turnout: 52% Diff (St): 12 Diff (US): 27

2012 President, Prairie County, AR
Barack Obama* (D) 880 28.0%
Mitt Romney (R) 2,153 68.5%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 42 1.3%
Other 66 2.1%
TOTAL 3,141
Turnout: 46% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 21

2008 President, Prairie County, AR
Barack Obama (D) 1,048 31.0%
John McCain (R) 2,223 65.7%
Ralph Nader (I) 59 1.7%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 12 0.4%
Other 39 1.2%
TOTAL 3,381
Turnout: 49% Diff (St): 7 Diff (US): 20

2004 President, Prairie County, AR
George W. Bush* (R) 2,030 56.0%
John Kerry (D) 1,562 43.1%
Ralph Nader (I) 16 0.4%
Other 16 0.4%
TOTAL 3,624
Turnout: 51% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): 5

2000 President, Prairie County, AR
George W. Bush (R) 1,862 53.1%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 1,563 44.6%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 29 0.8%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 45 1.3%
Other 8 0.2%
TOTAL 3,507
Turnout: 48% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): 5

1996 President, Prairie County, AR
Bill Clinton* (D) 2,211 61.8%
Robert Dole (R) 1,025 28.7%
Ross Perot (Ref) 305 8.5%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 6 0.2%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 5 0.1%
Other 23 0.6%
TOTAL 3,575
Turnout: 50% Diff (St): -8 Diff (US): -12

1992 President, Prairie County, AR
Bill Clinton (D) 2,366 59.8%
George Bush* (R) 1,154 29.2%
Ross Perot (I) 434 11.0%
Other 2 0.1%
TOTAL 3,956
Turnout: 56% Diff (St): -6 Diff (US): -8

1988 President, Prairie County, AR
George Bush (R) 1,947 53.3%
Michael Dukakis (D) 1,688 46.2%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 1 0.0%
Other 20 0.5%
TOTAL 3,656
Turnout: 52% Diff (St): -3 Diff (US): 0

1984 President, Prairie County, AR
Ronald Reagan* (R) 2,407 62.1%
Walter Mondale (D) 1,437 37.1%
Other 32 0.8%
TOTAL 3,876
Turnout: 55% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): 3

1980 President, Prairie County, AR
Ronald Reagan (R) 1,855 47.6%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 1,928 49.5%
John Anderson (I) 64 1.6%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 35 0.9%
Other 13 0.3%
TOTAL 3,895
Turnout: 55% Diff (St): -1 Diff (US): -3

1976 President, Prairie County, AR
Jimmy Carter (D) 2,836 77.7%
Gerald Ford* (R) 813 22.3%
TOTAL 3,649
Turnout: 54% Diff (St): -13 Diff (US): -26

1972 President, Prairie County, AR
Richard Nixon* (R) 2,186 71.5%
George McGovern (D) 873 28.5%
TOTAL 3,059
Turnout: 45% Diff (St): 3 Diff (US): 11

1964 President, Prairie County, AR
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 1,812 54.7%
Barry Goldwater (R) 1,476 44.6%
Other 22 0.7%
TOTAL 3,310
Turnout: 55% Diff (St): 1 Diff (US): 6

1960 President, Prairie County, AR
John Kennedy (D) 1,680 63.7%
Richard Nixon (R) 734 27.8%
Other 222 8.4%
TOTAL 2,636
Turnout: 44% Diff (St): -15 Diff (US): -22

1956 President, Prairie County, AR
Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 917 37.6%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 1,504 61.6%
Other 19 0.8%
TOTAL 2,440
Turnout: 36% Diff (St): -8 Diff (US): -20

1952 President, Prairie County, AR
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 871 34.3%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 1,664 65.5%
Other 6 0.2%
TOTAL 2,541
Turnout: 34% Diff (St): -9 Diff (US): -21

1948 President, Prairie County, AR
Harry Truman* (D) 1,020 60.8%
Thomas Dewey (R) 260 15.5%
Strom Thurmond (StsRts) 379 22.6%
Henry Wallace (Prog) 1 0.1%
Other 18 1.1%
TOTAL 1,678
Turnout: 22% Diff (St): -6 Diff (US): -30

1944 President, Prairie County, AR
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,117 70.5%
Thomas Dewey (R) 465 29.3%
Other 3 0.2%
TOTAL 1,585
Turnout: 19% Diff (St): -1 Diff (US): -17

1940 President, Prairie County, AR
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,069 75.9%
Wendell Willkie (R) 336 23.9%
Other 3 0.2%
TOTAL 1,408
Turnout: 17% Diff (St): 3 Diff (US): -21

1936 President, Prairie County, AR
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 1,321 82.3%
Alf Landon (R) 282 17.6%
Other 3 0.2%
TOTAL 1,606
Turnout: 21% Diff (St): 0 Diff (US): -19

1932 President, Prairie County, AR
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 1,743 91.2%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 158 8.3%
Other 10 0.5%
TOTAL 1,911
Turnout: 25% Diff (St): -4 Diff (US): -31

1928 President, Prairie County, AR
Herbert Hoover (R) 613 37.8%
Al Smith (D) 1,000 61.7%
Other 8 0.5%
TOTAL 1,621
Turnout: 21% Diff (St): -2 Diff (US): -20

1924 President, Prairie County, AR
Calvin Coolidge (R) 386 32.7%
John Davis (D) 730 61.8%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 65 5.5%
TOTAL 1,181
Turnout: 15% Diff (St): 3 Diff (US): -21

1920 President, Prairie County, AR
Warren Harding (R) 842 45.6%
James Cox (D) 962 52.1%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 41 2.2%
TOTAL 1,845
Turnout: 22% Diff (St): 6 Diff (US): -15

1916 President, Prairie County, AR
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 1,061 59.3%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 654 36.5%
Other 75 4.2%
TOTAL 1,790
Turnout: 23% Diff (St): 9 Diff (US): -10

1912 President, Prairie County, AR
Woodrow Wilson (D) 649 54.1%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 103 8.6%
William Taft* (R) 376 31.4%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 60 5.0%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 11 0.9%
TOTAL 1,199
Turnout: 17% Diff (St): 12 Diff (US): 8

1908 President, Prairie County, AR
William Taft (R) 812 41.1%
William J. Bryan (D) 1,103 55.9%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 41 2.1%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 9 0.5%
Other 9 0.5%
TOTAL 1,974
Turnout: 32% Diff (St): 4 Diff (US): -10

1904 President, Prairie County, AR
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 648 49.3%
Alton Parker (D) 639 48.6%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 9 0.7%
Silas Swallow (Proh) 4 0.3%
Thomas Watson (Pop) 15 1.1%
TOTAL 1,315
Turnout: 23% Diff (St): 9 Diff (US): -7

1900 President, Prairie County, AR
William McKinley* (R) 496 36.4%
William J. Bryan (D) 856 62.9%
John Woolley (Proh) 5 0.4%
Other 4 0.3%
TOTAL 1,361
Turnout: 25% Diff (St): 1 Diff (US): -15
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for Prairie County, AR

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal VotesDiff PSV
2022 S3 42% John Boozman* (R) 2,209 83.1% Natalie James (D) 386 14.5% 63 [+] 2.4% 2,658 17 0.29%
2022 G 42% Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) 2,167 81.2% Chris Jones (D) 459 17.2% 42 [+] 1.6% 2,668 18 0.29%
2020 S2 53% Tom Cotton* (R) 2,849 84.1% Ricky Harrington (Libertarian) 539 15.9% 0 0.0% 3,388 18 0.28%
2018 G 43% Asa Hutchinson* (R) 2,256 78.9% Jared Henderson (D) 560 19.6% 44 [+] 1.5% 2,860 14 0.32%
2016 S3 50% John Boozman* (R) 2,130 64.2% Conner Eldridge (D) 1,093 33.0% 93 [+] 2.8% 3,316 4 0.30%
2014 S2 40% Tom Cotton (R) 1,539 57.9% Mark Pryor* (D) 998 37.5% 121 [+] 4.6% 2,658 1 0.31%
2014 G 40% Asa Hutchinson (R) 1,563 58.8% Mike Ross (D) 1,019 38.3% 77 [+] 2.9% 2,659 3 0.31%
2010 S3 37% John Boozman (R) 1,243 49.4% Blanche Lambert Lincoln* (D) 1,186 47.1% 87 [+] 3.5% 2,516 -8 0.32%
2010 G 37% Mike Beebe* (D) 1,884 74.5% Jim Keet (R) 595 23.5% 51 [+] 2.0% 2,530 -10 0.32%
2008 S2 46% Mark Pryor* (D) 2,814 87.4% Rebekah Kennedy (Green) 405 12.6% 0 0.0% 3,219 n/a 0.32%
2006 G 41% Mike Beebe (D) 1,901 66.0% Asa Hutchinson* (R) 804 27.9% 174 [+] 6.0% 2,879 -13 0.37%
2004 S3 51% Blanche Lambert Lincoln* (D) 2,166 59.3% Jim Holt (R) 1,485 40.7% 0 0.0% 3,651 -3 0.35%
2002 S2 46% Mark Pryor (D) 2,021 60.6% Tim Hutchinson* (R) 1,316 39.4% 0 0.0% 3,337 -7 0.41%
2002 G 46% Mike Huckabee* (R) 1,811 54.6% Jimmie Lou Fisher (D) 1,504 45.4% 0 0.0% 3,315 2 0.41%
1998 S3 43% Blanche Lambert Lincoln (D) 2,048 65.7% Fay Boozman (R) 988 31.7% 81 [+] 2.6% 3,117 -11 0.44%
1998 G 43% Mike Huckabee* (R) 1,916 61.1% Bill Bristow (D) 1,175 37.5% 45 [+] 1.4% 3,136 1 0.44%
1996 S2 49% Winston Bryant (D) 1,847 52.1% Tim Hutchinson (R) 1,695 47.9% 0 0.0% 3,542 -5 0.42%
1994 G 49% Jim Guy Tucker* (D) 2,266 65.3% Sheffield Nelson (R) 1,205 34.7% 0 0.0% 3,471 -5 0.48%
1992 S3 57% Dale Bumpers* (D) 2,934 72.9% Mike Huckabee (R) 1,091 27.1% 0 0.0% 4,025 -13 0.44%
1990 S2 32% David Pryor* (D) 2,254 99.7% Betty White (I) 7 0.3% 0 0.0% 2,261 n/a 0.46%
1990 G 49% Bill Clinton* (D) 1,833 53.3% Sheffield Nelson (R) 1,607 46.7% 0 0.0% 3,440 4 0.49%
1986 S3 47% Dale Bumpers* (D) 2,347 70.4% Asa Hutchinson (R) 985 29.6% 0 0.0% 3,332 -8 0.48%
1986 G 46% Bill Clinton* (D) 2,041 62.8% Frank White (R) 1,209 37.2% 1 [+] 0.0% 3,251 1 0.47%
1984 S2 56% David Pryor* (D) 2,452 62.5% Ed Bethune (R) 1,474 37.5% 0 0.0% 3,926 -5 0.45%
1984 G 56% Bill Clinton* (D) 2,573 65.4% Woody Freeman (R) 1,363 34.6% 0 0.0% 3,936 -3 0.44%
1982 G 60% Bill Clinton (D) 2,628 61.6% Frank White* (R) 1,635 38.4% 0 0.0% 4,263 -7 0.54%
1980 S3 58% Dale Bumpers* (D) 2,756 67.2% Bill Clark (R) 1,344 32.8% 0 0.0% 4,100 -8 0.51%
1980 G 59% Frank White (R) 2,158 52.1% Bill Clinton* (D) 1,982 47.9% 0 0.0% 4,140 0 0.49%
1978 S2 40% David Pryor (D) 2,285 84.5% Tom Kelly (R) 267 9.9% 152 [+] 5.6% 2,704 -6 0.52%
1978 G 40% Bill Clinton (D) 1,954 72.8% Lynn Lowe (R) 729 27.2% 0 0.0% 2,683 -9 0.51%
1976 G 52% David Pryor* (D) 3,229 90.8% Leon Griffith (R) 329 9.2% 0 0.0% 3,558 -7 0.49%
1974 S3 44% Dale Bumpers (D) 2,694 90.7% John Jones (R) 275 9.3% 0 0.0% 2,969 -6 0.55%
1974 G 44% David Pryor (D) 2,064 69.2% Ken Coon (R) 919 30.8% 0 0.0% 2,983 -4 0.55%
1972 S2 45% John McClellan* (D) 2,164 70.2% Wayne Babbitt (R) 920 29.8% 0 0.0% 3,084 -9 0.49%
1972 G 46% Dale Bumpers* (D) 2,404 77.5% Len Blaylock (R) 698 22.5% 0 0.0% 3,102 -2 0.48%
1970 G 53% Dale Bumpers (D) 2,471 74.1% Winthrop Rockefeller* (R) 627 18.8% 238 [+] 7.1% 3,336 -14 0.55%
1968 S3 59% William Fulbright* (D) 2,403 68.5% Charles Bernard (R) 1,103 31.5% 0 0.0% 3,506 -9 0.59%
1968 G 60% Marion Crank (D) 2,327 65.5% Winthrop Rockefeller* (R) 1,226 34.5% 0 0.0% 3,553 -18 0.58%
1966 S2 County data not available for this election: John McClellan* (D) was unopposed.
1966 G 56% Jim Johnson (D) 2,227 66.2% Winthrop Rockefeller (R) 1,139 33.8% 0 0.0% 3,366 -21 0.60%
1964 G 57% Orval Faubus* (D) 2,524 73.9% Winthrop Rockefeller (R) 888 26.0% 2 [+] 0.1% 3,414 -17 0.58%
1962 S3 27% William Fulbright* (D) 1,287 78.4% Kenneth Jones (R) 355 21.6% 0 0.0% 1,642 -10 0.52%
1962 G County data not available for this election: Orval Faubus* (D) defeated Willis Ricketts (R) statewide.
1960 S2 County data not available for this election: John McClellan* (D) was unopposed.
1960 G County data not available for this election: Orval Faubus* (D) defeated Henry Britt (R) statewide.
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election           RO: runoff election           PSV: percent of state vote

Historical U.S. House Election Results for Prairie County, AR

Click on the District to view county-level data for that election (where available).

DateDistrictWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2022-11-08 AR01Rick Crawford* (R) 2,183 84.7% Monte Hodges (D) 394 15.3% 0 0.0% 2,577
County Total for 2022-11-08:   2,577
2020-11-03 AR01Rick Crawford* (R) 3,130 100.0% 0 0.0% 3,130
County Total for 2020-11-03:   3,130
2018-11-06 AR01Rick Crawford* (R) 2,144 75.8% Chintan Desai (D) 628 22.2% 55 1.9% 2,827
County Total for 2018-11-06:   2,827
2016-11-08 AR01Rick Crawford* (R) 2,665 84.3% Mark West (Libertarian) 495 15.7% 0 0.0% 3,160
County Total for 2016-11-08:   3,160
2014-11-04 AR01Rick Crawford* (R) 1,688 64.7% Jackie McPherson (D) 766 29.4% 154 5.9% 2,608
County Total for 2014-11-04:   2,608
2012-11-06 AR01Rick Crawford* (R) 1,904 62.1% Scott Ellington (D) 1,042 34.0% 122 4.0% 3,068
County Total for 2012-11-06:   3,068
2010-11-02 AR01Rick Crawford (R) 1,202 48.3% Chad Causey (D) 1,149 46.2% 138 5.5% 2,489
County Total for 2010-11-02:   2,489
2006-11-07 AR01Marion Berry* (D) 2,036 73.0% Mickey Stumbaugh (R) 753 27.0% 0 0.0% 2,789
County Total for 2006-11-07:   2,789
2004-11-02 AR01Marion Berry* (D) 2,560 70.9% Vernon Humphrey (R) 1,051 29.1% 0 0.0% 3,611
County Total for 2004-11-02:   3,611
2002-11-05 AR01Marion Berry* (D) 2,215 66.7% Tommy Robinson (R) 1,106 33.3% 0 0.0% 3,321
County Total for 2002-11-05:   3,321
2000-11-07 AR01Marion Berry* (D) 2,453 69.9% Susan Myshka (R) 1,057 30.1% 0 0.0% 3,510
County Total for 2000-11-07:   3,510
1996-11-05 AR01Marion Berry (D) 2,052 57.6% Warren Dupwe (R) 1,436 40.3% 77 2.2% 3,565
County Total for 1996-11-05:   3,565
1994-11-08 AR01Blanche Lambert* (D) 2,036 58.7% Warren Dupwe (R) 1,431 41.3% 0 0.0% 3,467
County Total for 1994-11-08:   3,467
1992-11-03 AR01Blanche Lambert (D) 3,014 77.0% Terry Hayes (R) 900 23.0% 0 0.0% 3,914
County Total for 1992-11-03:   3,914
*: incumbent           sp: special election           RO: runoff election

Voter Registration Data for Prairie County, AR

Party registration is not used in this state, however as of 2022 registrations in Prairie County, AR were estimated to be 51% Republican and 19% Democrat.

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2022 4,717 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,717 100.0% n/a n/a 74%
2020 4,971 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,971 100.0% n/a n/a 78%
2018 4,943 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,943 100.0% n/a n/a 76%
2016 4,826 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,826 100.0% n/a n/a 74%
2014 4,633 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,633 100.0% n/a n/a 70%
2012 4,397 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,397 100.0% n/a n/a 65%
2010 4,723 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,723 100.0% n/a n/a 69%
2008 4,821 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,821 100.0% n/a n/a 70%
2006 4,771 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,771 100.0% n/a n/a 68%
2004 4,923 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,923 100.0% n/a n/a 69%
2000 5,619 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,619 100.0% n/a n/a 77%
1994 5,395 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,395 100.0% n/a n/a 76%
1986 5,388 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,388 100.0% n/a n/a 76%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.