
Jefferson County, MS

Designated Market Area: Jackson, MS
USDA County Type (2015): Low Employment, Persistent Poverty
American Communities Project County Type (2023): African American South

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Click here to view demographic data for Jefferson County, MS

2022 population: 7,087   ( 639 from 2010 , 173 from 2020)
Land area: 519.9 square miles
Population density: 13.6 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:939 13.25% 11.1%
Black:5,98984.51% 9.3%
Indian:160.23% 23.1%
Asian:190.27% 533.3%
2+ races:630.89% 173.9%
Hispanic:610.86% 117.9%
Total non-White:6,14886.75% 7.8%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:168 11.6
Net Migration: -96-6.6
Net Immigration: 10.1
Change in White population:-117 -1.5
Change in Non-White pop.:-522 -6.8

Historical Presidential Election Results for Jefferson County, MS

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2020 71% Joe Biden (D) 3,327 85.1% Donald Trump* (R) 531 13.6% 50 [+] 1.3% 3,908 -44 -33 0.30%
2016 68% Hillary Clinton (D) 3,337 86.5% Donald Trump (R) 490 12.7% 33 [+] 0.9% 3,860 -45 -33 0.32%
2012 76% Barack Obama* (D) 3,951 89.1% Mitt Romney (R) 468 10.6% 14 [+] 0.3% 4,433 -45 -37 0.34%
2008 73% Barack Obama (D) 3,883 86.7% John McCain (R) 551 12.3% 44 [+] 1.0% 4,478 -44 -33 0.35%
2004 53% John Kerry (D) 2,821 81.3% George W. Bush* (R) 630 18.2% 18 [+] 0.5% 3,469 -41 -33 0.30%
2000 49% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 2,786 81.7% George W. Bush (R) 600 17.6% 22 [+] 0.6% 3,408 -40 -30 0.34%
1996 49% Bill Clinton* (D) 2,531 81.1% Robert Dole (R) 489 15.7% 99 [+] 3.2% 3,119 -34 -25 0.35%
1992 60% Bill Clinton (D) 2,796 79.4% George Bush* (R) 562 16.0% 164 [+] 4.7% 3,522 -34 -21 0.36%
1988 60% Michael Dukakis (D) 2,693 79.2% George Bush (R) 702 20.6% 6 [+] 0.2% 3,401 -39 -33 0.37%
1984 68% Walter Mondale (D) 3,049 77.9% Ronald Reagan* (R) 856 21.9% 7 0.2% 3,912 -40 -37 0.42%
1980 64% Jimmy Carter* (D) 2,871 77.1% Ronald Reagan (R) 751 20.2% 102 [+] 2.7% 3,724 -29 -31 0.42%
1976 62% Jimmy Carter (D) 2,562 74.8% Gerald Ford* (R) 782 22.8% 82 [+] 2.4% 3,426 -25 -25 0.45%
1972 47% George McGovern (D) 1,457 55.9% Richard Nixon* (R) 1,131 43.4% 20 [+] 0.8% 2,608 -35 -17 0.40%
1968 71% Hubert Humphrey (D) 2,121 62.8% George Wallace (AIP) 1,112 32.9% 147 [+] 4.3% 3,380 -9 -39 0.52%
1964 27% Barry Goldwater (R) 1,258 94.8% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 69 5.2% 0 0.0% 1,327 8 56 0.32%
1960 22% Write-ins (I) 728 66.5% John Kennedy (D) 229 20.9% 137 [+] 12.5% 1,094 -12 -37 0.37%
1956 18% Adlai Stevenson (D) 440 45.7% Write-ins (I) 333 34.6% 189 [+] 19.6% 962 -5 -38 0.39%
1952 20% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 610 53.1% Adlai Stevenson (D) 539 46.9% 0 0.0% 1,149 14 -2 0.40%
1948 17% Strom Thurmond (StsRts) 967 97.1% Harry Truman* (D) 15 1.5% 14 [+] 1.4% 996 -1 -44 0.52%
1944 12% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 766 96.8% Thomas Dewey (R) 25 3.2% 0 0.0% 791 -3 -43 0.44%
1940 11% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 801 99.1% Wendell Willkie (R) 7 0.9% 0 0.0% 808 -3 -44 0.46%
1936 13% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 884 98.9% Alf Landon (R) 9 1.0% 1 [+] 0.1% 894 -2 -35 0.55%
1932 12% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 753 96.3% Herbert Hoover* (R) 24 3.1% 5 [+] 0.6% 782 0 -37 0.54%
1928 13% Al Smith (D) 830 93.2% Herbert Hoover (R) 61 6.8% 0 0.0% 891 -11 -51 0.59%
1924 8% John Davis (D) 497 90.9% Calvin Coolidge (R) 50 9.1% 0 0.0% 547 2 -45 0.49%
1920 6% James Cox (D) 430 96.6% Warren Harding (R) 14 3.1% 1 [+] 0.2% 445 -11 -57 0.54%
1916 6% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 456 99.1% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 3 0.7% 1 [+] 0.2% 460 -4 -45 0.53%
1912 6% Woodrow Wilson (D) 408 94.7% Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 20 4.6% 3 [+] 0.7% 431 -2 -23 0.67%
1908 5% William J. Bryan (D) 407 99.3% William Taft (R) 3 0.7% 0 0.0% 410 -6 -51 0.61%
1904 5% Alton Parker (D) 392 97.0% Write-ins (I) 8 2.0% 4 [+] 1.0% 404 -5 -55 0.69%
1900 6% William J. Bryan (D) 491 96.3% William McKinley* (R) 18 3.5% 1 [+] 0.2% 510 -6 -48 0.87%
* incumbent         PSV: percent of state vote

2020 President, Jefferson County, MS
Joe Biden (D) 3,327 85.1%
Donald Trump* (R) 531 13.6%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 14 0.4%
Other 36 0.9%
TOTAL 3,908
Turnout: 71% Diff (St): -44 Diff (US): -33

2016 President, Jefferson County, MS
Hillary Clinton (D) 3,337 86.5%
Donald Trump (R) 490 12.7%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 13 0.3%
Jill Stein (Grn) 7 0.2%
Other 13 0.3%
TOTAL 3,860
Turnout: 68% Diff (St): -45 Diff (US): -33

2012 President, Jefferson County, MS
Barack Obama* (D) 3,951 89.1%
Mitt Romney (R) 468 10.6%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 6 0.1%
Other 8 0.2%
TOTAL 4,433
Turnout: 76% Diff (St): -45 Diff (US): -37

2008 President, Jefferson County, MS
Barack Obama (D) 3,883 86.7%
John McCain (R) 551 12.3%
Ralph Nader (I) 6 0.1%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 8 0.2%
Other 30 0.7%
TOTAL 4,478
Turnout: 73% Diff (St): -44 Diff (US): -33

2004 President, Jefferson County, MS
George W. Bush* (R) 630 18.2%
John Kerry (D) 2,821 81.3%
Ralph Nader (I) 2 0.1%
Other 16 0.5%
TOTAL 3,469
Turnout: 53% Diff (St): -41 Diff (US): -33

2000 President, Jefferson County, MS
George W. Bush (R) 600 17.6%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 2,786 81.7%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 6 0.2%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 5 0.1%
Other 11 0.3%
TOTAL 3,408
Turnout: 49% Diff (St): -40 Diff (US): -30

1996 President, Jefferson County, MS
Bill Clinton* (D) 2,531 81.1%
Robert Dole (R) 489 15.7%
Ross Perot (Ref) 89 2.9%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 3 0.1%
Other 7 0.2%
TOTAL 3,119
Turnout: 49% Diff (St): -34 Diff (US): -25

1992 President, Jefferson County, MS
Bill Clinton (D) 2,796 79.4%
George Bush* (R) 562 16.0%
Ross Perot (I) 156 4.4%
Other 8 0.2%
TOTAL 3,522
Turnout: 60% Diff (St): -34 Diff (US): -21

1988 President, Jefferson County, MS
George Bush (R) 702 20.6%
Michael Dukakis (D) 2,693 79.2%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 1 0.0%
Other 5 0.1%
TOTAL 3,401
Turnout: 60% Diff (St): -39 Diff (US): -33

1984 President, Jefferson County, MS
Ronald Reagan* (R) 856 21.9%
Walter Mondale (D) 3,049 77.9%
Other 7 0.2%
TOTAL 3,912
Turnout: 68% Diff (St): -40 Diff (US): -37

1980 President, Jefferson County, MS
Ronald Reagan (R) 751 20.2%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 2,871 77.1%
John Anderson (I) 41 1.1%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 28 0.8%
Other 33 0.9%
TOTAL 3,724
Turnout: 64% Diff (St): -29 Diff (US): -31

1976 President, Jefferson County, MS
Jimmy Carter (D) 2,562 74.8%
Gerald Ford* (R) 782 22.8%
Eugene McCarthy (I) 19 0.6%
Other 63 1.8%
TOTAL 3,426
Turnout: 62% Diff (St): -25 Diff (US): -25

1972 President, Jefferson County, MS
Richard Nixon* (R) 1,131 43.4%
George McGovern (D) 1,457 55.9%
John Schmitz (Amer) 16 0.6%
Other 4 0.2%
TOTAL 2,608
Turnout: 47% Diff (St): -35 Diff (US): -17

1960 President, Jefferson County, MS
John Kennedy (D) 229 20.9%
Richard Nixon (R) 137 12.5%
Other 728 66.5%
TOTAL 1,094
Turnout: 22% Diff (St): -12 Diff (US): -37

1952 President, Jefferson County, MS
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 610 53.1%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 539 46.9%
TOTAL 1,149
Turnout: 20% Diff (St): 14 Diff (US): -2

1948 President, Jefferson County, MS
Harry Truman* (D) 15 1.5%
Thomas Dewey (R) 14 1.4%
Strom Thurmond (StsRts) 967 97.1%
Turnout: 17% Diff (St): -1 Diff (US): -44

1944 President, Jefferson County, MS
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 766 96.8%
Thomas Dewey (R) 25 3.2%
Turnout: 12% Diff (St): -3 Diff (US): -43

1940 President, Jefferson County, MS
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 801 99.1%
Wendell Willkie (R) 7 0.9%
Turnout: 11% Diff (St): -3 Diff (US): -44

1936 President, Jefferson County, MS
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 884 98.9%
Alf Landon (R) 9 1.0%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 1 0.1%
Turnout: 13% Diff (St): -2 Diff (US): -35

1932 President, Jefferson County, MS
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 753 96.3%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 24 3.1%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 5 0.6%
Turnout: 12% Diff (St): 0 Diff (US): -37

1928 President, Jefferson County, MS
Herbert Hoover (R) 61 6.8%
Al Smith (D) 830 93.2%
Turnout: 13% Diff (St): -11 Diff (US): -51

1924 President, Jefferson County, MS
Calvin Coolidge (R) 50 9.1%
John Davis (D) 497 90.9%
Turnout: 8% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): -45

1920 President, Jefferson County, MS
Warren Harding (R) 14 3.1%
James Cox (D) 430 96.6%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 1 0.2%
Turnout: 6% Diff (St): -11 Diff (US): -57

1916 President, Jefferson County, MS
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 456 99.1%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 3 0.7%
Allan Benson (Soc) 1 0.2%
Turnout: 6% Diff (St): -4 Diff (US): -45

1912 President, Jefferson County, MS
Woodrow Wilson (D) 408 94.7%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 20 4.6%
William Taft* (R) 2 0.5%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 1 0.2%
Turnout: 6% Diff (St): -2 Diff (US): -23

1908 President, Jefferson County, MS
William Taft (R) 3 0.7%
William J. Bryan (D) 407 99.3%
Turnout: 5% Diff (St): -6 Diff (US): -51

1904 President, Jefferson County, MS
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 4 1.0%
Alton Parker (D) 392 97.0%
Other 8 2.0%
Turnout: 5% Diff (St): -5 Diff (US): -55

1900 President, Jefferson County, MS
William McKinley* (R) 18 3.5%
William J. Bryan (D) 491 96.3%
Other 1 0.2%
Turnout: 6% Diff (St): -6 Diff (US): -48
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for Jefferson County, MS

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal VotesDiff PSV
2023 G 49% Brandon Presley (D) 2,385 87.9% Tate Reeves* (R) 296 10.9% 32 [+] 1.2% 2,713 -40 0.33%
2020 S2 71% Mike Espy (D) 3,428 87.5% Cindy Hyde-Smith* (R) 476 12.2% 12 [+] 0.3% 3,916 -42 0.30%
2019 G 60% Jim Hood (D) 2,928 87.8% Tate Reeves (R) 369 11.1% 37 [+] 1.1% 3,334 -41 0.38%
2018 S2 57% Mike Espy (D) 2,807 87.9% Cindy Hyde-Smith* (R) 385 12.1% 0 0.0% 3,192 -29 0.34%
2018 S1 55% David Baria (D) 2,398 78.4% Roger Wicker* (R) 562 18.4% 100 [+] 3.3% 3,060 -40 0.33%
2015 G 48% Robert Gray (D) 1,971 72.1% Phil Bryant* (R) 713 26.1% 48 [+] 1.8% 2,732 -40 0.38%
2014 S2 33% Travis Childers (D) 1,455 76.0% Thad Cochran* (R) 444 23.2% 16 [+] 0.8% 1,915 -37 0.30%
2012 S1 71% Albert N. Gore (D) 3,302 80.3% Roger Wicker* (R) 673 16.4% 135 [+] 3.3% 4,110 -41 0.33%
2011 G 55% Johnny DuPree (D) 2,694 84.3% Phil Bryant (R) 503 15.7% 0 0.0% 3,197 -45 0.36%
2008 S2 71% Erik Fleming (D) 3,588 82.7% Thad Cochran* (R) 753 17.3% 0 0.0% 4,341 -44 0.35%
2008 S1 71% Ronnie Musgrove (D) 3,522 81.0% Roger Wicker* (R) 826 19.0% 0 0.0% 4,348 -36 0.35%
2007 G 48% John Eaves (D) 2,372 79.9% Haley Barbour* (R) 597 20.1% 0 0.0% 2,969 -38 0.40%
2006 S1 45% Erik Fleming (D) 2,117 74.5% Trent Lott* (R) 682 24.0% 43 [+] 1.5% 2,842 -40 0.47%
2003 G 52% Ronnie Musgrove* (D) 2,914 84.4% Haley Barbour (R) 503 14.6% 36 [+] 1.0% 3,453 -38 0.39%
2002 S2 29% Thad Cochran* (R) 1,225 63.1% Shawn O'Hara (Reform) 715 36.9% 0 0.0% 1,940 -21 0.31%
2000 S1 50% Troy Brown (D) 2,087 60.3% Trent Lott* (R) 1,270 36.7% 106 [+] 3.1% 3,463 -29 0.35%
1999 G 40% Ronnie Musgrove (D) 2,053 75.0% Mike Parker (R) 647 23.6% 39 [+] 1.4% 2,739 -25 0.36%
1996 S2 48% Thad Cochran* (R) 1,514 49.1% Bootie Hunt (D) 1,485 48.2% 83 [+] 2.7% 3,082 -22 0.35%
1995 G 53% Dick Molpus (D) 2,675 80.9% Kirk Fordice* (R) 630 19.1% 0 0.0% 3,305 -36 0.40%
1994 S1 40% Ken Harper (D) 1,533 62.1% Trent Lott* (R) 935 37.9% 0 0.0% 2,468 -31 0.41%
1991 G 62% Ray Mabus* (D) 2,799 78.9% Kirk Fordice (R) 716 20.2% 34 [+] 1.0% 3,549 -31 0.50%
1990 S2 County data not available for this election: Thad Cochran* (R) was unopposed.
1988 S1 63% Wayne Dowdy (D) 2,893 81.9% Trent Lott (R) 639 18.1% 0 0.0% 3,532 -36 0.37%
1987 G 57% Ray Mabus (D) 2,566 80.1% Jack Reed (R) 639 19.9% 0 0.0% 3,205 -27 0.44%
1984 S2 71% William Winter (D) 3,020 74.3% Thad Cochran* (R) 1,045 25.7% 0 0.0% 4,065 -35 0.43%
1983 G 66% Bill Allain (D) 2,174 57.3% Charles Evers (I) 1,286 33.9% 333 [+] 8.8% 3,793 -30 0.51%
1982 S1 54% John Stennis* (D) 2,648 85.0% Haley Barbour (R) 469 15.0% 0 0.0% 3,117 -21 0.48%
1979 G 63% William Winter (D) 2,498 72.0% Gil Carmichael (R) 973 28.0% 0 0.0% 3,471 -11 0.51%
1978 S2 61% Charles Evers (I) 2,447 72.5% Thad Cochran (R) 638 18.9% 288 [+] 8.5% 3,373 -26 0.58%
1976 S1 County data not available for this election: John Stennis* (D) was unopposed.
1975 G 59% Cliff Finch (D) 2,344 72.2% Gil Carmichael (R) 824 25.4% 79 [+] 2.4% 3,247 -20 0.46%
1972 S2 45% James Eastland* (D) 1,232 49.7% Gil Carmichael (R) 1,053 42.5% 192 [+] 7.8% 2,477 4 0.38%
1971 G 77% Charles Evers (I) 2,372 60.7% William Waller (D) 1,517 38.8% 19 [+] 0.5% 3,908 n/a 0.50%
1970 S1 40% John Stennis* (D) 1,128 55.5% William Thompson (I) 905 44.5% 0 0.0% 2,033 n/a 0.63%
1967 G 48% John Bell Williams (D) 1,248 54.7% Rubel Phillips (R) 1,032 45.3% 0 0.0% 2,280 16 0.51%
1966 S2 57% Prentiss Walker (R) 1,671 60.7% James Eastland* (D) 1,013 36.8% 69 [+] 2.5% 2,753 34 0.70%
1964 S1 County data not available for this election: John Stennis* (D) was unopposed.
1963 G 22% Paul Johnson, Jr. (D) 922 82.9% Rubel Phillips (R) 190 17.1% 0 0.0% 1,112 -21 0.31%
1960 S2 19% James Eastland* (D) 951 96.9% Joe Moore (R) 30 3.1% 0 0.0% 981 -5 0.37%
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election           RO: runoff election           PSV: percent of state vote

Historical U.S. House Election Results for Jefferson County, MS

Click on the District to view county-level data for that election (where available).

DateDistrictWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2022-11-08 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 1,712 84.3% Brian Flowers (R) 319 15.7% 0 0.0% 2,031
County Total for 2022-11-08:   2,031
2020-11-03 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 3,368 87.2% Brian Flowers (R) 494 12.8% 0 0.0% 3,862
County Total for 2020-11-03:   3,862
2018-11-06 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 2,717 84.9% Troy Ray (I) 203 6.3% 282 8.8% 3,202
County Total for 2018-11-06:   3,202
2016-11-08 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 3,346 87.5% John Boule (R) 396 10.4% 81 2.1% 3,823
County Total for 2016-11-08:   3,823
2014-11-04 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 1,679 88.3% Troy Ray (I) 173 9.1% 49 2.6% 1,901
County Total for 2014-11-04:   1,901
2012-11-06 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 3,782 88.5% Bill Marcy (R) 442 10.3% 48 1.1% 4,272
County Total for 2012-11-06:   4,272
2010-11-02 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 2,145 86.7% Bill Marcy (R) 312 12.6% 16 0.6% 2,473
County Total for 2010-11-02:   2,473
2008-11-04 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 3,937 88.8% Richard Cook (R) 497 11.2% 0 0.0% 4,434
County Total for 2008-11-04:   4,434
2006-11-07 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 2,462 86.9% Yvonne Brown (R) 372 13.1% 0 0.0% 2,834
County Total for 2006-11-07:   2,834
2004-11-02 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 3,298 80.6% Clinton LeSueur (R) 759 18.5% 36 0.9% 4,093
County Total for 2004-11-02:   4,093
2002-11-05 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 2,010 83.7% Clinton LeSueur (R) 369 15.4% 23 1.0% 2,402
County Total for 2002-11-05:   2,402
2000-11-07 MS02Bennie Thompson* (D) 3,043 87.2% Hardy Caraway (R) 383 11.0% 65 1.9% 3,491
County Total for 2000-11-07:   3,491
*: incumbent           sp: special election           RO: runoff election

Voter Registration Data for Jefferson County, MS

Party registration is not used in this state, however as of 2022 registrations in Jefferson County, MS were estimated to be 5% Republican and 60% Democrat.

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2020 5,823 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,823 100.0% n/a n/a 106%
1994 6,317 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6,317 100.0% n/a n/a 103%
1986 7,018 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 7,018 100.0% n/a n/a 124%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.