
Lewis County, WA

Micropolitan Statistical Area: Centralia, WA
Designated Market Area: Seattle-Tacoma, WA
USDA County Type (2015): Low Employment, Retirement Destination
American Communities Project County Type (2023): Rural Middle America

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Click here to view demographic data for Lewis County, WA

2022 population: 85,370   ( 9,915 from 2010 , 3,218 from 2020)
Land area: 2402.8 square miles
Population density: 35.5 persons per square mile

2022 Census data
White:69,447 81.35% 7.0%
Black:7200.84% 94.6%
Indian:1,1301.32% 18.7%
Asian:1,1471.34% 53.8%
2+ races:2,9543.46% 55.0%
Hispanic:9,97211.68% 52.8%
Total non-White:15,92318.65% 50.6%

2020-2022 ComponentsNumberRate
Births:2,022 12.3
Net Migration: 3,61122.0
Net Immigration: 1140.7
Change in White population:4,566 6.1
Change in Non-White pop.:5,349 7.1

Historical Presidential Election Results for Lewis County, WA

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes Diff
2020 68% Donald Trump* (R) 29,391 64.9% Joe Biden (D) 14,520 32.0% 1,398 [+] 3.1% 45,309 26 18 1.11%
2016 57% Donald Trump (R) 21,992 62.5% Hillary Clinton (D) 9,654 27.4% 3,553 [+] 10.1% 35,199 26 17 1.06%
2012 58% Mitt Romney (R) 20,452 59.6% Barack Obama* (D) 12,664 36.9% 1,204 [+] 3.5% 34,320 19 12 1.09%
2008 62% John McCain (R) 20,278 58.0% Barack Obama (D) 13,624 39.0% 1,067 [+] 3.1% 34,969 18 12 1.15%
2004 61% George W. Bush* (R) 21,042 64.9% John Kerry (D) 10,726 33.1% 660 [+] 2.0% 32,428 19 14 1.13%
2000 59% George W. Bush (R) 18,565 61.9% Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 9,891 33.0% 1,530 [+] 5.1% 29,986 17 14 1.20%
1996 58% Robert Dole (R) 13,238 47.9% Bill Clinton* (D) 10,331 37.4% 4,075 [+] 14.7% 27,644 11 7 1.23%
1992 62% George Bush* (R) 12,316 45.3% Bill Clinton (D) 7,810 28.7% 7,042 [+] 25.9% 27,168 13 8 1.19%
1988 56% George Bush (R) 14,184 61.0% Michael Dukakis (D) 8,629 37.1% 425 [+] 1.8% 23,238 13 8 1.25%
1984 59% Ronald Reagan* (R) 15,846 66.2% Walter Mondale (D) 7,634 31.9% 451 1.9% 23,931 10 7 1.27%
1980 58% Ronald Reagan (R) 13,636 59.9% Jimmy Carter* (D) 6,962 30.6% 2,151 [+] 9.5% 22,749 10 9 1.31%
1976 65% Gerald Ford* (R) 10,933 51.7% Jimmy Carter (D) 9,026 42.6% 1,208 [+] 5.7% 21,167 2 4 1.36%
1972 69% Richard Nixon* (R) 12,071 58.6% George McGovern (D) 6,946 33.7% 1,568 [+] 7.6% 20,585 2 -2 1.40%
1968 72% Richard Nixon (R) 8,779 47.0% Hubert Humphrey (D) 8,444 45.2% 1,445 [+] 7.7% 18,668 2 4 1.43%
1964 76% Lyndon Johnson* (D) 12,070 63.5% Barry Goldwater (R) 6,933 36.4% 19 0.1% 19,022 -1 -2 1.51%
1960 81% Richard Nixon (R) 11,012 56.5% John Kennedy (D) 8,411 43.2% 57 0.3% 19,480 6 7 1.57%
1956 75% Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 11,949 60.7% Adlai Stevenson (D) 7,714 39.2% 25 0.1% 19,688 7 3 1.71%
1952 73% Dwight Eisenhower (R) 12,287 62.8% Adlai Stevenson (D) 7,115 36.4% 169 0.9% 19,571 8 8 1.77%
1948 64% Thomas Dewey (R) 9,047 50.4% Harry Truman* (D) 8,394 46.8% 512 [+] 2.9% 17,953 8 5 1.98%
1944 61% Thomas Dewey (R) 8,896 53.2% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 7,706 46.1% 124 0.7% 16,726 11 7 1.95%
1940 69% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 9,280 49.6% Wendell Willkie (R) 9,228 49.3% 218 1.2% 18,726 9 4 2.36%
1936 66% Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 9,619 57.6% Alf Landon (R) 5,885 35.2% 1,201 [+] 7.2% 16,705 5 -1 2.41%
1932 63% Franklin Roosevelt (D) 8,454 54.2% Herbert Hoover* (R) 4,647 29.8% 2,493 [+] 16.0% 15,594 -4 -10 2.54%
1928 55% Herbert Hoover (R) 9,253 71.1% Al Smith (D) 3,591 27.6% 166 [+] 1.3% 13,010 4 13 2.60%
1924 52% Calvin Coolidge (R) 6,973 58.1% Robert LaFollette (Prog) 3,392 28.3% 1,642 [+] 13.7% 12,007 6 4 2.85%
1920 51% Warren Harding (R) 6,160 54.6% Parley Christiansen (FL) 2,520 22.3% 2,605 [+] 23.1% 11,285 -1 -6 2.83%
1916 48% Charles Evans Hughes (R) 5,186 48.9% Woodrow Wilson* (D) 4,318 40.7% 1,097 [+] 10.3% 10,601 5 3 2.78%
1912 47% William Taft* (R) 3,200 32.7% Woodrow Wilson (D) 2,471 25.3% 4,115 [+] 42.0% 9,786 11 9 3.03%
1908 30% William Taft (R) 3,170 60.5% William J. Bryan (D) 1,412 26.9% 662 [+] 12.6% 5,244 3 9 2.86%
1904 33% Theodore Roosevelt (R) 3,098 69.9% Alton Parker (D) 896 20.2% 436 [+] 9.8% 4,430 0 14 3.05%
1900 37% William McKinley* (R) 1,907 55.4% William J. Bryan (D) 1,382 40.2% 153 [+] 4.4% 3,442 2 4 3.20%
* incumbent         PSV: percent of state vote

2020 President, Lewis County, WA
Joe Biden (D) 14,520 32.0%
Donald Trump* (R) 29,391 64.9%
Jo Jorgensen (Lbt) 927 2.0%
Other 471 1.0%
TOTAL 45,309
Turnout: 68% Diff (St): 26 Diff (US): 18

2016 President, Lewis County, WA
Hillary Clinton (D) 9,654 27.4%
Donald Trump (R) 21,992 62.5%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 1,664 4.7%
Jill Stein (Grn) 514 1.5%
Other 1,375 3.9%
TOTAL 35,199
Turnout: 57% Diff (St): 26 Diff (US): 17

2012 President, Lewis County, WA
Barack Obama* (D) 12,664 36.9%
Mitt Romney (R) 20,452 59.6%
Gary Johnson (Lbt) 508 1.5%
Other 696 2.0%
TOTAL 34,320
Turnout: 58% Diff (St): 19 Diff (US): 12

2008 President, Lewis County, WA
Barack Obama (D) 13,624 39.0%
John McCain (R) 20,278 58.0%
Ralph Nader (I) 403 1.2%
Bob Barr (Lbt) 138 0.4%
Other 526 1.5%
TOTAL 34,969
Turnout: 62% Diff (St): 18 Diff (US): 12

2004 President, Lewis County, WA
George W. Bush* (R) 21,042 64.9%
John Kerry (D) 10,726 33.1%
Ralph Nader (I) 343 1.1%
Other 317 1.0%
TOTAL 32,428
Turnout: 61% Diff (St): 19 Diff (US): 14

2000 President, Lewis County, WA
George W. Bush (R) 18,565 61.9%
Albert Gore, Jr. (D) 9,891 33.0%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 980 3.3%
Pat Buchanan (Ref) 171 0.6%
Other 379 1.3%
TOTAL 29,986
Turnout: 59% Diff (St): 17 Diff (US): 14

1996 President, Lewis County, WA
Bill Clinton* (D) 10,331 37.4%
Robert Dole (R) 13,238 47.9%
Ross Perot (Ref) 3,373 12.2%
Ralph Nader (Grn) 390 1.4%
Harry Browne (Lbt) 112 0.4%
Other 200 0.7%
TOTAL 27,644
Turnout: 58% Diff (St): 11 Diff (US): 7

1992 President, Lewis County, WA
Bill Clinton (D) 7,810 28.7%
George Bush* (R) 12,316 45.3%
Ross Perot (I) 6,684 24.6%
Other 358 1.3%
TOTAL 27,168
Turnout: 62% Diff (St): 13 Diff (US): 8

1988 President, Lewis County, WA
George Bush (R) 14,184 61.0%
Michael Dukakis (D) 8,629 37.1%
Ron Paul (Lbt) 257 1.1%
Other 168 0.7%
TOTAL 23,238
Turnout: 56% Diff (St): 13 Diff (US): 8

1984 President, Lewis County, WA
Ronald Reagan* (R) 15,846 66.2%
Walter Mondale (D) 7,634 31.9%
Other 451 1.9%
TOTAL 23,931
Turnout: 59% Diff (St): 10 Diff (US): 7

1980 President, Lewis County, WA
Ronald Reagan (R) 13,636 59.9%
Jimmy Carter* (D) 6,962 30.6%
John Anderson (I) 1,603 7.0%
Edward Clark (Lbt) 443 1.9%
Other 105 0.5%
TOTAL 22,749
Turnout: 58% Diff (St): 10 Diff (US): 9

1976 President, Lewis County, WA
Jimmy Carter (D) 9,026 42.6%
Gerald Ford* (R) 10,933 51.7%
Eugene McCarthy (I) 557 2.6%
Other 651 3.1%
TOTAL 21,167
Turnout: 65% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): 4

1972 President, Lewis County, WA
Richard Nixon* (R) 12,071 58.6%
George McGovern (D) 6,946 33.7%
John Schmitz (Amer) 1,520 7.4%
Other 48 0.2%
TOTAL 20,585
Turnout: 69% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): -2

1968 President, Lewis County, WA
Richard Nixon (R) 8,779 47.0%
Hubert Humphrey (D) 8,444 45.2%
George Wallace (AIP) 1,428 7.6%
Other 17 0.1%
TOTAL 18,668
Turnout: 72% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): 4

1964 President, Lewis County, WA
Lyndon Johnson* (D) 12,070 63.5%
Barry Goldwater (R) 6,933 36.4%
Other 19 0.1%
TOTAL 19,022
Turnout: 76% Diff (St): -1 Diff (US): -2

1960 President, Lewis County, WA
John Kennedy (D) 8,411 43.2%
Richard Nixon (R) 11,012 56.5%
Other 57 0.3%
TOTAL 19,480
Turnout: 81% Diff (St): 6 Diff (US): 7

1956 President, Lewis County, WA
Dwight Eisenhower* (R) 11,949 60.7%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 7,714 39.2%
Other 25 0.1%
TOTAL 19,688
Turnout: 75% Diff (St): 7 Diff (US): 3

1952 President, Lewis County, WA
Dwight Eisenhower (R) 12,287 62.8%
Adlai Stevenson (D) 7,115 36.4%
Other 169 0.9%
TOTAL 19,571
Turnout: 73% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 8

1948 President, Lewis County, WA
Harry Truman* (D) 8,394 46.8%
Thomas Dewey (R) 9,047 50.4%
Henry Wallace (Prog) 415 2.3%
Other 97 0.5%
TOTAL 17,953
Turnout: 64% Diff (St): 8 Diff (US): 5

1944 President, Lewis County, WA
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 7,706 46.1%
Thomas Dewey (R) 8,896 53.2%
Other 124 0.7%
TOTAL 16,726
Turnout: 61% Diff (St): 11 Diff (US): 7

1940 President, Lewis County, WA
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 9,280 49.6%
Wendell Willkie (R) 9,228 49.3%
Other 218 1.2%
TOTAL 18,726
Turnout: 69% Diff (St): 9 Diff (US): 4

1936 President, Lewis County, WA
Franklin Roosevelt* (D) 9,619 57.6%
Alf Landon (R) 5,885 35.2%
William Lemke (Union) 932 5.6%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 25 0.1%
Other 244 1.5%
TOTAL 16,705
Turnout: 66% Diff (St): 5 Diff (US): -1

1932 President, Lewis County, WA
Franklin Roosevelt (D) 8,454 54.2%
Herbert Hoover* (R) 4,647 29.8%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 87 0.6%
Other 2,406 15.4%
TOTAL 15,594
Turnout: 63% Diff (St): -4 Diff (US): -10

1928 President, Lewis County, WA
Herbert Hoover (R) 9,253 71.1%
Al Smith (D) 3,591 27.6%
Norman Thomas (Soc) 79 0.6%
Other 87 0.7%
TOTAL 13,010
Turnout: 55% Diff (St): 4 Diff (US): 13

1924 President, Lewis County, WA
Calvin Coolidge (R) 6,973 58.1%
John Davis (D) 1,544 12.9%
Robert LaFollette (Prog) 3,392 28.3%
Other 98 0.8%
TOTAL 12,007
Turnout: 52% Diff (St): 6 Diff (US): 4

1920 President, Lewis County, WA
Warren Harding (R) 6,160 54.6%
James Cox (D) 2,212 19.6%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 259 2.3%
Parley Christiansen (FL) 2,520 22.3%
Aaron Watkins (Proh) 117 1.0%
Other 17 0.2%
TOTAL 11,285
Turnout: 51% Diff (St): -1 Diff (US): -6

1916 President, Lewis County, WA
Woodrow Wilson* (D) 4,318 40.7%
Charles Evans Hughes (R) 5,186 48.9%
Allan Benson (Soc) 845 8.0%
James Hanly (Proh) 239 2.3%
Other 13 0.1%
TOTAL 10,601
Turnout: 48% Diff (St): 5 Diff (US): 3

1912 President, Lewis County, WA
Woodrow Wilson (D) 2,471 25.3%
Theodore Roosevelt (Prog) 2,032 20.8%
William Taft* (R) 3,200 32.7%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 1,637 16.7%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 410 4.2%
Other 36 0.4%
TOTAL 9,786
Turnout: 47% Diff (St): 11 Diff (US): 9

1908 President, Lewis County, WA
William Taft (R) 3,170 60.5%
William J. Bryan (D) 1,412 26.9%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 528 10.1%
Eugene Chafin (Proh) 120 2.3%
Thomas Hisgen (I) 14 0.3%
TOTAL 5,244
Turnout: 30% Diff (St): 3 Diff (US): 9

1904 President, Lewis County, WA
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 3,098 69.9%
Alton Parker (D) 896 20.2%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 251 5.7%
Silas Swallow (Proh) 129 2.9%
Thomas Watson (Pop) 25 0.6%
Other 31 0.7%
TOTAL 4,430
Turnout: 33% Diff (St): 0 Diff (US): 14

1900 President, Lewis County, WA
William McKinley* (R) 1,907 55.4%
William J. Bryan (D) 1,382 40.2%
John Woolley (Proh) 94 2.7%
Eugene Debs (Soc) 43 1.2%
Other 16 0.5%
TOTAL 3,442
Turnout: 37% Diff (St): 2 Diff (US): 4
* incumbent

Historical Statewide Election Results for Lewis County, WA

Click on the Year to view county-level data for that election.

YearTypeTurnout WinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal VotesDiff PSV
2022 S3 54% Tiffany Smiley (R) 24,654 68.5% Patty Murray* (D) 11,263 31.3% 75 [+] 0.2% 35,992 26 1.18%
2020 G 68% Loren Culp (R) 31,306 69.2% Jay Inslee* (D) 13,821 30.5% 122 [+] 0.3% 45,249 26 1.12%
2018 S1 53% Susan Hutchison (R) 22,793 67.3% Maria Cantwell* (D) 11,078 32.7% 0 0.0% 33,871 26 1.10%
2016 S3 56% Chris Vance (R) 21,319 61.5% Patty Murray* (D) 13,266 38.3% 83 [+] 0.2% 34,668 21 1.07%
2016 G 56% Bill Bryant (R) 23,539 67.7% Jay Inslee* (D) 11,163 32.1% 86 [+] 0.2% 34,788 22 1.07%
2012 S1 57% Michael Baumgartner (R) 19,139 57.0% Maria Cantwell* (D) 14,445 43.0% 0 0.0% 33,584 17 1.09%
2012 G 57% Rob McKenna (R) 22,002 65.0% Jay Inslee (D) 11,865 35.0% 0 0.0% 33,867 17 1.10%
2010 S3 53% Dino Rossi (R) 20,354 66.3% Patty Murray* (D) 10,352 33.7% 0 0.0% 30,706 19 1.22%
2008 G 61% Dino Rossi (R) 22,347 64.5% Christine Gregoire* (D) 12,283 35.5% 0 0.0% 34,630 18 1.15%
2006 S1 46% Mike McGavick (R) 14,517 57.5% Maria Cantwell* (D) 9,898 39.2% 834 [+] 3.3% 25,249 18 1.21%
2004 S3 60% George Nethercutt (R) 19,474 61.1% Patty Murray* (D) 11,583 36.3% 830 [+] 2.6% 31,887 18 1.13%
2004 G 60% Dino Rossi (R) 20,851 65.5% Christine Gregoire (D) 10,247 32.2% 757 [+] 2.4% 31,855 17 1.13%
2000 S1 59% Slade Gorton* (R) 19,904 66.8% Maria Cantwell (D) 8,843 29.7% 1,031 [+] 3.5% 29,778 18 1.21%
2000 G 59% John Carlson (R) 16,422 55.2% Gary Locke* (D) 12,545 42.2% 777 [+] 2.6% 29,744 16 1.20%
1998 S3 51% Linda Smith (R) 14,697 59.4% Patty Murray* (D) 10,045 40.6% 0 0.0% 24,742 18 1.31%
1996 G 57% Ellen Craswell (R) 15,613 57.8% Gary Locke (D) 11,377 42.2% 0 0.0% 26,990 16 1.21%
1994 S1 50% Slade Gorton* (R) 15,634 68.4% Ron Sims (D) 7,237 31.6% 0 0.0% 22,871 13 1.35%
1992 S3 60% Rod Chandler (R) 16,573 62.2% Patty Murray (D) 10,066 37.8% 0 0.0% 26,639 16 1.20%
1992 G 61% Ken Eikenberry (R) 19,003 70.5% Mike Lowry (D) 7,938 29.5% 0 0.0% 26,941 23 1.19%
1988 S1 56% Slade Gorton (R) 14,254 60.5% Mike Lowry (D) 9,287 39.5% 0 0.0% 23,541 9 1.27%
1988 G 56% Bob Williams (R) 13,380 56.6% Booth Gardner* (D) 10,256 43.4% 0 0.0% 23,636 19 1.26%
1986 S3 46% Slade Gorton* (R) 10,445 55.2% Brock Adams (D) 8,246 43.6% 237 [+] 1.3% 18,928 7 1.42%
1984 G 59% Booth Gardner (D) 13,811 58.1% John Spellman* (R) 9,969 41.9% 0 0.0% 23,780 -5 1.26%
1983 S1 41% Daniel Evans (R) 8,681 53.3% Mike Lowry (D) 7,613 46.7% 0 0.0% 16,294 -2 1.34%
1982 S1 49% Henry Jackson* (D) 13,163 67.5% Doug Jewett (R) 5,179 26.6% 1,159 [+] 5.9% 19,501 2 1.43%
1980 S3 58% Slade Gorton (R) 15,020 65.8% Warren Magnuson* (D) 7,809 34.2% 0 0.0% 22,829 12 1.32%
1980 G 58% John Spellman (R) 14,230 62.4% Jim McDermott (D) 8,580 37.6% 0 0.0% 22,810 6 1.32%
1976 S1 64% Henry Jackson* (D) 13,579 65.0% George Brown (R) 6,282 30.1% 1,040 [+] 5.0% 20,901 6 1.40%
1976 G 65% Dixy Lee Ray (D) 13,109 61.4% John Spellman (R) 7,633 35.8% 597 [+] 2.8% 21,339 -9 1.38%
1974 S3 49% Warren Magnuson* (D) 8,630 56.9% Jack Metcalf (R) 5,999 39.5% 545 [+] 3.6% 15,174 3 1.51%
1972 G 70% Albert Rosellini (D) 10,955 52.7% Daniel Evans* (R) 8,339 40.1% 1,496 [+] 7.2% 20,790 -11 1.41%
1970 S1 59% Henry Jackson* (D) 12,295 78.6% Charles Elicker (R) 3,222 20.6% 116 [+] 0.7% 15,633 5 1.47%
1968 S3 70% Warren Magnuson* (D) 10,506 58.7% Jack Metcalf (R) 7,394 41.3% 12 [+] 0.1% 17,912 6 1.45%
1968 G 71% Daniel Evans* (R) 9,462 51.5% John O'Connell (D) 8,808 48.0% 89 [+] 0.5% 18,359 -3 1.45%
1964 S1 73% Henry Jackson* (D) 12,545 68.6% Lloyd Andrews (R) 5,754 31.4% 0 0.0% 18,299 4 1.51%
1964 G 76% Daniel Evans (R) 10,636 56.3% Albert Rosellini* (D) 8,256 43.7% 13 [+] 0.1% 18,905 0 1.51%
1962 S3 64% Richard Christensen (R) 8,596 54.7% Warren Magnuson* (D) 7,111 45.2% 18 [+] 0.1% 15,725 7 1.67%
1960 G 80% Lloyd Andrews (R) 10,318 53.9% Albert Rosellini* (D) 8,797 45.9% 31 [+] 0.2% 19,146 5 1.57%
*: incumbent               +: ran on additional party lines               Type: G: Governor; S1,S2,S3: Senate Class 1, 2 or 3
italics: special election           RO: runoff election           PSV: percent of state vote

Historical U.S. House Election Results for Lewis County, WA

Click on the District to view county-level data for that election (where available).

DateDistrictWinnerRunner-Up OtherTotal Votes
2022-11-08 WA03Joe Kent (R) 22,981 64.4% Marie Gluesenkamp-Perez (D) 12,507 35.1% 176 0.5% 35,664
County Total for 2022-11-08:   35,664
2020-11-03 WA03Jaime Herrera Beutler* (R) 31,344 70.3% Carolyn Long (D) 13,202 29.6% 55 0.1% 44,601
County Total for 2020-11-03:   44,601
2018-11-06 WA03Jaime Herrera Beutler* (R) 22,875 67.6% Carolyn Long (D) 10,939 32.4% 0 0.0% 33,814
County Total for 2018-11-06:   33,814
2016-11-08 WA03Jaime Herrera Beutler* (R) 25,095 74.0% Jim Moeller (D) 8,824 26.0% 0 0.0% 33,919
County Total for 2016-11-08:   33,919
2014-11-04 WA03Jaime Herrera Beutler* (R) 18,522 77.5% Bob Dingethal (D) 5,376 22.5% 0 0.0% 23,898
County Total for 2014-11-04:   23,898
2012-11-06 WA03Jaime Herrera Beutler* (R) 23,811 72.1% Jon Haugen (D) 9,206 27.9% 0 0.0% 33,017
County Total for 2012-11-06:   33,017
2010-11-02 WA03Jaime Herrera (R) 20,351 66.9% Denny Heck (D) 10,052 33.1% 0 0.0% 30,403
County Total for 2010-11-02:   30,403
2008-11-04 WA03Brian Baird* (D) 19,745 59.0% Michael Delavar (R) 13,705 41.0% 0 0.0% 33,450
County Total for 2008-11-04:   33,450
2006-11-07 WA03Brian Baird* (D) 13,888 55.6% Michael Messmore (R) 11,071 44.4% 0 0.0% 24,959
County Total for 2006-11-07:   24,959
2004-11-02 WA03Brian Baird* (D) 17,024 54.8% Thomas Crowson (R) 14,047 45.2% 0 0.0% 31,071
County Total for 2004-11-02:   31,071
2002-11-05 WA03Brian Baird* (D) 11,378 50.1% Joseph Zarelli (R) 11,314 49.9% 0 0.0% 22,692
County Total for 2002-11-05:   22,692
2000-11-07 WA03Trent Matson (R) 15,372 53.0% Brian Baird* (D) 12,715 43.8% 924 3.2% 29,011
County Total for 2000-11-07:   29,011
1998-11-03 WA03Don Benton (R) 14,162 58.8% Brian Baird (D) 9,939 41.2% 0 0.0% 24,101
County Total for 1998-11-03:   24,101
1996-11-05 WA03Linda Smith* (R) 16,977 62.3% Brian Baird (D) 10,277 37.7% 0 0.0% 27,254
County Total for 1996-11-05:   27,254
1994-11-08 WA03Linda Smith (R) 15,616 68.3% Jolene Unsoeld* (D) 6,508 28.5% 734 3.2% 22,858
County Total for 1994-11-08:   22,858
1992-11-03 WA03Pat Fiske (R) 15,679 59.1% Jolene Unsoeld* (D) 10,870 40.9% 0 0.0% 26,549
County Total for 1992-11-03:   26,549
*: incumbent           sp: special election           RO: runoff election

Voter Registration Data for Lewis County, WA

Party registration is not used in this state, however as of 2022 registrations in Lewis County, WA were estimated to be 44% Republican and 33% Democrat.

YearTotalRepublicanDemocratOtherR/D EdgeR/D Edge %VAPOP %
2023 55,260 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 55,260 100.0% n/a n/a 83%
2022 54,448 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 54,448 100.0% n/a n/a 81%
2020 53,976 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 53,976 100.0% n/a n/a 81%
2018 47,540 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 47,540 100.0% n/a n/a 73%
2016 46,041 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 46,041 100.0% n/a n/a 73%
2014 43,513 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 43,513 100.0% n/a n/a 71%
2012 44,320 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 44,320 100.0% n/a n/a 74%
2010 41,675 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 41,675 100.0% n/a n/a 72%
2008 41,574 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 41,574 100.0% n/a n/a 74%
2006 38,750 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 38,750 100.0% n/a n/a 71%
2004 38,007 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 38,007 100.0% n/a n/a 71%
2002 41,543 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 41,543 100.0% n/a n/a 80%
2000 42,308 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 42,308 100.0% n/a n/a 84%
1994 35,983 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 35,983 100.0% n/a n/a 79%
1986 28,148 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 28,148 100.0% n/a n/a 68%
VAPOP% is the estimated percentage of voting age population that is registered.
Registration data may include "inactive" voters.   Data for each year pertains to the November elections.