[Congressional biography]
Born: August 23, 1968 in Los Angeles, CA
Date | Subject | Result | Liberal Position | Schrier Voted | |
2020-01-09 | Iran Withdrawal [HCONRES83] | Passed (224-194) |
Directing the President under the War Powers Resolution to end the use of U.S. Armed Forces to fight Iran. | |||||
2020-01-15 | Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act [HR1230] | Passed (261-155) |
Amends the ADEA Act making it illegal for age to be a motivating factor. It nullifies the Supreme Court decision in Gross v. FBL Financial that required proof that age be the sole motivating factor for adverse action on the basis of age. | |||||
2020-01-16 | Cancel Student Loans [HJRES76] | Passed (231-180) |
To override the President's veto of Congress' making it easier to cancel student loans where the educational institution misrepresented material facts. | |||||
2020-01-29 | Student Borrower Credit Improvement Act [HR3621] | Passed (221-189) |
Pressley (D-MA) bill which adds student credit protection against predatory and misleading student loans. | |||||
2020-02-05 | Increasing Unfunded Liabilities by Removing a Fiscal Safeguard at the U.S. Postal Service [HR2382] | Agreed To (309-106) |
Repeals the requirement that USPS prepay future retirement health benefits. | |||||
2020-02-06 | Protecting the Right to Organize Act [HR2474] | Passed (224-194) |
A comprehensive strengthening and restoring of the National Labor Relations Act, this bill expands various labor protections related to employees' rights to organize and collectively bargain in the workplace. | |||||
2020-02-06 | Medicaid Block Grants [HRES826] | Passed (223-190) |
Disapproving President Trump's harmful actions toward Medicaid and expressing the sense of the House that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services should withdraw recent guidance regarding the approval of block grants under Medicaid demonstration waivers. | |||||
2020-02-07 | Channeling Billions of Additional Funds to Puerto Rico under the Guise of "Disaster Relief" [HR5687] | Passed (237-161) |
Provides FY2020 supplemental appropriations and expands tax credits to respond to recent natural disasters and emergencies that affected Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. | |||||
2020-02-12 | Protecting America's Wilderness Act [HR2546] | Passed (231-183) |
This bill designates wilderness areas, potential wilderness areas, recreation areas, scenic areas, trails and wild and scenic rivers in Colorado, California and Washington, among others. | |||||
2020-02-13 | Violating the Constitutional Amendment Process in Order to Advance the Long-Expired Equal Rights Amendment [HJRES79] | Agreed To (232-183) |
This joint resolution eliminates the deadline for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, which prohibits discrimination based on sex. The amendment was proposed to the states in House Joint Resolution 208 of the 92nd Congress, as agreed to in the Senate on March 22, 1972. The amendment shall be part of the Constitution whenever ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states. | |||||
2020-02-28 | Infringing Individual Liberties by Imposing Draconian Restrictions on the Nicotine Industry [HR2339] | Passed (213-195) |
The Protecting American Lungs and Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2020 regulates e-cigarettes and limits flavored tobacco products, and revises requirements related to the safety, sale, and advertisement of tobacco products. | |||||
2020-03-05 | Rights for Transportation Security Officers Act [HR1140] | Passed (230-171) |
No Vote | ||
Restores federal employment rights of TSA employees. | |||||
2020-03-11 | USA Freddom Reauthorization Act [HR6172] | Passed (278-136) |
Reauthorizes gathering intelligence under FISA, somewhat limiting the FBI's obtaining records under FISA and opens some records, allowing the court to appoint amicus. | |||||
2020-05-15 | Advancing an Endless List of Leftist Initiatives through the $3.4 Trillion HEROES Act [HR6800] | Passed (208-199) |
Responds to Covid-19 and its impact on the economy, public health, state and local government, $1,200 for individuals, expands sick days, family and medical leave, unemployment insurance, food and housing assistance, aids farmers, small business and non-profits, helps employers pay premium pay to essential workers, expands some tax credits and deductions, funds for covid tests and contact tracing, no cost-sharing for covid treatment, expands moratorium on evictions and foreclosures, provisions for health insurance, student loans, prisons, and elections. | |||||
2020-06-26 | Expanding Democratic Political Power through DC Statehood [HR51] | Passed (232-180) |
null | |||||
2020-07-01 | INVEST in America Act [HR2] | Passed (233-188) |
Multi-areas of investment, including Surface Transportation program and Hazardous Materials Transportation; Buy American for highways, mass transit and rail; Water Resources Infrastructure housing and community development improvements such as retrofitting for broadband; USPS modernization including zero emission postal vehicles. | |||||
2020-07-21 | Undermining the Trump Administration's Afghanistan Withdrawal Strategy [HR6395] | Rejected (129-284) |
Omar (D-MN) amendment to National Defense Authorization Act for withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. | |||||
2020-07-21 | National Defense Authorization Act [HR6395] | Failed (93-324) |
Pocan (D-WI) amendment which would reduce overall military allocation except for workforce and health care. | |||||
2020-07-29 | Child Care Economic Recovery Act [HR7327] | Passed (250-161) |
Increases and makes refundable the child and dependent care tax credit, increases the exclusion from employee income and allows employer tax credit for certain fixed expenses for COVID-related closures. | |||||
2020-09-16 | Equity and Inclusion Enforcement Act [HR2574] | Passed (232-188) |
Authorizes private civil action for disparate impact violations of civil rights laws related to race, color or national origin (including anti-semitism), the same as for intentional violations. |
Represents a "Yes" vote. Represents a "No" vote. Indicates that this member voted against the liberal position on a particular vote. "No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No). |