
Joseph Rosier

[Congressional biography]

Born: January 24, 1870 in Wilsonburg, WV
Died: October 7, 1951 in Fairmont, WV

Elected Office:

  • WV House, 1947-1949
  • Appointed to the U.S. Senate on January 13, 1941 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Matthew Neely

Election Results for Joseph Rosier

Click on the Year to see the results of that election.

1942 72 WV D U.S. Senate Class 2 Special Primary 1 94,684 61.6%
1942 72 WV D U.S. Senate Class 2 Special 2 207,678 42.8%

Age: Age as of July 1 of the year pertaining to this election.