Year | Age | State | Party | Office | District | Stage | Pos | Votes | % |
1992 | 47 | IN | R | Superintendent of Public Instr. | General | 1 | 1,066,385 | 50.9% | |
1996 | 51 | IN | R | Superintendent of Public Instr. | General | 1 | 1,052,826 | 53.3% | |
2000 | 55 | IN | R | Superintendent of Public Instr. | General | 1 | 1,181,678 | 56.9% | |
2004 | 59 | IN | R | Superintendent of Public Instr. | General | 1 | 1,317,612 | 56.1% |
Age: Age as of July 1 of the year pertaining to this election. |