
Rob Portman

[Congressional biography]

Born: December 19, 1955 in Cincinnati, OH


  • Dartmouth College, B.A., 1979
  • University of Michigan, J.D., 1984


  • Lawyer
  • Counsel to President Bush, 1989
  • White House Office of Legislative Affairs, 1989-1991
  • U.S. trade rep., 2005-2006
  • Director, Office of Management and Budget, 2006-2007

Key House Vote Data for Rob Portman in 2005

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2005-03-09 New Interstate Tolls [HR3] Rejected
Kennedy (R-MN) amendment that would have authorized new tolls on any existing toll road or newly constructed lane on the interstate system to lower congestion or improve air quality. It also would have allowed new, toll-eligible express traffic lanes.

2005-03-17 Republican Study Committee Substitute Budget [HCONRES95] Rejected
No Vote
Hensarling (R-TX) Republican Study Committee amendment that called for a substitute budget with $58 billion more in mandatory spending cuts, for a total of $125 billion over five years. It would have reduced non-defense and non-homeland discretionary spending by 2 percent, and protected all $106 billion in tax cuts. It proposed a number of procedures to curtail new spending.

2005-04-13 Estate Tax Permanent Repeal [HR8] Passed
A bill making permanent the repeal of the estate tax ("death tax") contained in the 2001 tax cut law, which is set to expire after 2010.

2005-04-14 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act [S256] Passed
A bill requiring debtors who have the ability to pay, to pay back at least a portion of their debts. The bill also requires credit card companies to let card holders know up front what they are expected to pay and the penalties for late payment. The bill makes it more difficult for serial bankruptcy filers to abuse the system by imposing an eight year waiting period between bankruptcy declarations. The bill also allows the federal government to clamp down on bankruptcy mills that make money advising bankruptcy abusers on how to game the system.

2005-04-20 CAFE Standards [HR6] Rejected
Boehlert (R-NY) amendment that would have required the Transportation Department to issue regulations raising fuel efficiency standards to at least 33 miles per gallon in automobiles manufactured by model year 2015.

2005-04-20 ANWR Leasing [HR6] Rejected
Markey (D-MA) amendment that would have prevented leases for oil and gas exploration in a small portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

2005-04-27 Abortion Notification [HR748] Passed
A bill barring the transportation of a minor girl across state lines to obtain an abortion without the consent of a parent, guardian, or judge.

2005-04-28 Fiscal 2006 Budget Resolution -- Conference Report [HCONRES95] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report on the Fiscal 2006 budget resolution, setting broad spending and revenue targets for five years, limiting discretionary spending to $843 billion in fiscal 2006, and requiring $70 billion in tax cuts and $34.7 billion in savings.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).