
James Byrnes

[Congressional biography]

Born: May 2, 1882 in Charleston, SC
Died: April 9, 1972 in Columbia, SC


  • Court reporter, 1900-1908
  • Editor of Aiken Journal & Review, 1903-1907
  • Solicitor, 1908-1910
  • U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1941-1942
  • Office of Economic Stabilization, 1942-1943
  • Office of War Mobilization, 1943-1945
  • U.S. Secretary of State, 1945-1947

Elected Office:

  • Resigned from Congress on July 8, 1941

Election Results for James Byrnes

Click on the Year to see the results of that election.

1936 54 SC D U.S. Senate Class 2 Primary 1 257,247 87.1%
1936 54 SC D U.S. Senate Class 2 General 1 113,696 98.6%
1950 68 SC D Governor Primary 1 248,069 71.6%
1950 68 SC D Governor General 1 50,633 100.0%

Age: Age as of July 1 of the year pertaining to this election.