
Gary Peters

[Congressional biography]

Born: December 1, 1958 in Pontiac, MI


  • Alma College, B.A., 1980
  • University of Detroit, M.B.A., 1985
  • Wayne State University, J.D., 1989
  • Michigan State University, M.A., 2007

Military Service:

  • U.S. Navy Reserve, 1993-2005 (Iraq)


  • Investment banker, 1980-2003
  • MI Bureau of Investments, 2003
  • MI Lottery Bureau, 2003-2007
  • Professor, Central Michigan University, 2007-2008

Elected Office:

  • Rochester Hills city council, 1991-1992
  • Candidate for MI Attorney General, 2002

Key Senate Vote Data for Gary Peters in 2023

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2023-01-23 Confirmation of Brendan Owens to the Position of Assistant Secretary of Defense [PN1] Confirmed
This roll call vote was taken in order to confirm Brendan Owens as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations and Environment. Owens is the DoD's Chief Sustainability Officer and was previously a principal at Black Vest Strategies, a consulting firm centered on "...the intersection of health, equity, and climate issues in the built environment." He also helped found Ecountable, Inc. to "democratize" access to ESG scores. CPAC believes that the Department of Defense should focus on promoting U.S. national security interests and not on the promotion of DEI or ESG scores. CPAC opposed this confirmation.

2023-03-01 Protecting Pension Funds from the ESG Regime [HJRES30] Passed
This resolution sponsored by Rep. Barr (R-KY) nullifies the Department of Labor rule titled "Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights." This rule allows public investment managers to invest pension funds based on ESG standards and objectives. CPAC believes that financial managers should make decisions based on the financial interests of those they represent rather than arbitrary and irrelevant woke goals. CPAC therefore supported this resolution.

2023-03-23 Requiring Congress to Reauthorize the Use of Military Force Every Two Years [S316] Rejected
Lee (R-UT) amendment requiring that any law that is passed authorizing the use of military force be terminated after two years unless reauthorized by Congress. CPAC supports efforts to improve congressional oversight over U.S. defense initiatives and supported this amendment.

2023-03-28 Protecting the U.S. From Infringements on its National Sovereignty by Globalist Organizations [S316] Rejected
Johnson (R-WI) amendment requiring that any agreements on pandemic response and preparedness reached by the WHO be subject to Senate ratification prior to taking effect in the United States. In 2024, the board of CPAC alongside leaders from around the globe passed a resolution condemning "the attempts of the World Health Organization, in coordination with the Biden administration, the Chinese Communist Party, and the Gates Foundation, to surrender national sovereignty to a de-facto global government through a radically revised public health 'treaty.'" CPAC therefore supports efforts to reduce the infringements of the WHO on U.S. national sovereignty and supported this amendment.

2023-03-28 Commencing an Investigation Into President Biden's Disastrous Withdrawal From Afghanistan [S316] Rejected
Scott (R-FL) amendment establishing a Joint Committee on Afghanistan tasked with the job of investigating President Biden's withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. CPAC recognizes that the withdrawal from Afghanistan was a major embarrassment for the U.S. and a foreign policy disaster that must be scrutinized. CPAC therefore supported this amendment.

2023-03-29 Disapproving the Biden Administration's Onerous New Definition of WOTUS [HJRES27] Passed
This Congressional Review Act resolution sponsored by Rep. Graves (R-MO) nullifies the Biden administration's new definition of "waters of the U.S." Had the executive branch been left to its own devices, the new definition would have overruled the old 2020 definition by expanding it to include certain wetlands and ephemeral waters. This measure, in turn, would have greatly increased the regulatory power of the EPA and associated entities. CPAC opposes any increase in the regulatory powers of the EPA, opposes major increases in regulatory burdens on American citizens, and supported this resolution.

2023-04-18 Confirmation of Radha Iyengar Plumb to the Position of Deputy Under Secretary of Defense [PN5] Confirmed
This roll call vote was taken to confirm Radha Iyengar Plumb as the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment. Iyengar Plumb previously served as Director of Research and Insights for Trust & Safety at Google and as the Global Head of Policy Analysis at Facebook. Iyengar Plumb held both positions while the companies censored information not deemed acceptable by the radical left.

She is also one of the co-authors of a paper titled "Assessing the Implications of Allowing Transgender Personnel to Serve Openly", in which the authors argue that the Department of Defense should integrate openly serving transgender people into the armed forces, adopt anti-harassment policies for transgender service members, and create gender advisers that can give out advice on gender transition-related issues. CPAC believes that the Department of Defense should focus on promoting U.S. national security interests and not on the promotion of radical gender ideology or censorship of speech. CPAC opposed this confirmation.

2023-04-19 Fewer Taxpayer Dollars for Abortionists [SJRES10] Rejected
This Congressional Review Act resolution sponsored by Sen. Tuberville (R-AL) nullifies an interim rule created by the Department of Veteran Affairs titled "Reproductive Health Services". The rule allows the Department to provide abortion services to veterans. CPAC believes abortion is always a human tragedy, opposes its expansion, and supported this resolution.

2023-04-27 Resurrecting the Long-Dead Equal Rights Amendment [SJRES4] Rejected
This resolution sponsored by Sen. Cardin (D-MD) attempts to ratify the left's Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution by eliminating the 1979 ratification deadline. CPAC recognizes that the ERA is a leftist weapon that activist judges would use to bludgeon conservative entities throughout the United States. CPAC therefore opposes its revival and opposed this resolution.

2023-05-16 Ending Washington D.C.'s Anti-Police, Pro-Crime Policies [HJRES42] Passed
This resolution sponsored by Rep. Clyde (R-GA) nullifies Washington D.C.'s Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Act Amendment of 2022. This legislation siphoned off funds for police operations to pay for DEI programs and placed unnecessary restrictions on law enforcement. CPAC has long worked to make our communities safer and to improve the work of the police in achieving this end. CPAC recognizes that DC's reform will have the opposite effect and therefore supported this resolution. (The House failed to override President Biden's veto of this resolution.)

2023-05-17 Nullifying Bureaucratic Rules That Facilitate Illegal Immigration [SJRES18] Passed
This Congressional Review Act resolution sponsored by Sen. Marshall (R-KS) nullifies a 2022 rule issued by the Department of Homeland Security titled "Public Charge Ground of Inadmissibility." This Biden administration rule overruled a Trump administration rule that made it more difficult for the U.S. to admit a foreign migrant into the U.S. if it was found that the migrant would be likely to depend on the U.S. welfare system. CPAC opposes the expansion of the welfare state, opposes measures that incentivize illegal immigration into the U.S., and supported this resolution.

2023-05-18 Confirmation of Nancy Abudu to Be a United States Circuit Court Judge [PN95] Confirmed
This roll call vote was taken to confirm Nancy Abudu as a judge for the Eleventh United States Circuit Court. Before her appointment, she worked as a staff attorney on the ACLU Voting Rights Project and as a director at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). While she was employed at the SPLC, the organization accused Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee of being "white supremacists." CPAC recognizes that this extensive leftist advocacy work prevents Nancy Abudu from administering justice impartially and opposed this confirmation.

2023-06-01 Cracking on Down Unconstitutional Executive Student Loan Actions [HJRES45] Passed
This Congressional Review Act resolution sponsored by Rep. Good (R-VA) nullifies a rule promulgated by the Department of Education titled "One Time Federal Student Loan Debt Relief". This rule forgave $10,000 of student debt. CPAC believes that taxpayers should not be forced to pay off other people's student debts, believes that this action was clearly unconstitutional, and supported this resolution.

2023-06-01 Requiring the Filing of a Report on the Expenditures of the Federal Government [HR3746] Rejected
Paul (R-KY) amendment to the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 requiring the Office of Management and Budget to annually prepare a report discussing whether outlays for the previous fiscal year were greater than the outlay limit for that year. The amendment then requires the President to issue a sequestration order reducing discretionary spending if outlays are found to be greater than the limit. CPAC supports efforts to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government and supported this amendment.

2023-06-01 Forcing Deficit Reductions During Debt Crises [HR3746] Rejected
Braun (R-IN) amendment to the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 to permanently diminish the discretionary appropriations account by 1% every 30 days during debt ceiling crisis periods. CPAC supports measures that impose fiscal responsibility on Congress and supported this amendment.

2023-06-01 Mitigating President Biden's Border Crisis [HR3746] Rejected
Marshall (R-KS) amendment to the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 requiring the immediate resumption of construction on the border wall and expanding the means officials may use to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country. CPAC supports the enforcement of federal immigration laws and supported this amendment.

2023-06-01 Preserving Work Requirements Within the U.S. Welfare System [HR3746] Rejected
Kennedy (R-LA) amendment to the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 which removes the 2030 sunset date on certain modifications that the bill makes to work requirement exemptions for the SNAP programs. These modifications gradually raise the upper age limit at which individuals are subject to the able-bodied adults without dependents limit to 55. CPAC supports efforts to ensure that the welfare system remains a temporary bridge between jobs, and supported this amendment.

2023-06-01 Rescinding the Apportionment of Unused COVID Funds [HR3746] Rejected
Budd (R-NC) amendment to the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 rescinding the apportionment of any remaining funds appropriated in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and other associated laws. CPAC believes that unused funds appropriated to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic should be rescinded, and supported this amendment.

2023-06-01 Amendment Requiring Balanced Government Spending [HR3746] Rejected
Lee (R-UT) amendment to the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 removing the ability of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to waive PAYGO requirements when attempting to deliver "essential services". The PAYGO system (short for "pay as you go") requires that mandatory spending increases and tax cuts be mitigated by the raising of taxes or cuts to spending. CPAC supports efforts to force the federal government to become more fiscally responsible and supported this amendment.

2023-06-21 Protecting Consumers Against the EPA's Attempts to Crack Down on Gas-Powered Vehicles [SJRES11] Veto Sustained
This Congressional Review Act resolution sponsored by Sen. Fischer (R-NE) nullifies a rule issued by the EPA titled "Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards". The rule sets stringent emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles manufactured in 2027 and in the years after. CPAC opposes the promotion of the left's radical climate agenda through the imposition of costly regulations, and supported this resolution. (A 3/5 vote was required to override President Biden's veto.)

2023-06-22 Nullifying the ATF's Absurd Shoulder Brace Rule [HJRES44] Defeated
This Congressional Review Act resolution sponsored by Rep. Clyde (R-GA) nullifies a rule submitted by the ATF titled "Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached Stabilizing Braces". This rule attempts to classify firearms with stabilizing braces as "rifles", a measure that would subject them to far stricter regulation and place millions of Americans in danger of automatically becoming felons. CPAC opposes the ATF's infringement on the Second Amendment, supports efforts to uphold Second Amendment freedoms, and supported this resolution.

2023-07-19 Preserving Congress' Authority to Declare War. [S2226] Rejected
Paul (R-KY) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2024 clarifying that Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty does not overrule the requirement that Congress declare war before the U.S. goes to war. CPAC supports efforts to properly define the nature of the assistance that the U.S. will give its allies if Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty is triggered, and supported this amendment.

2023-07-19 Ending the Pentagon's Multi-Billion Dollar Accounting Errors [S2226] Rejected
Hawley (R-MO) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2024 clarifying the meaning of "aggregated value" in certain portions of public law to better reflect the full cost of sending military aid to foreign entities. CPAC supports exactness in the tabulation of the cost of providing assistance to other nations, supports government transparency, and supported this amendment.

2023-07-20 Adding Advantageous Conditions to the Continued Funding of Ukraine [S2226] Rejected
Lee (R-UT) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2024 prohibiting the government from expending more than 2 percent of the funds apportioned to Ukraine in this act until the members of NATO meet their financial obligations to the organization. CPAC believes that President Trump's strategy of conditioning increases in funding for the U.S.' European allies on the choice of other countries to contribute their fair share to the cause at hand is an acceptable strategy moving forward. CPAC supported this amendment as a way of driving nations to contribute more to Ukraine's war against Russian aggression and as a means of cracking down on wanton spending in the nation.

2023-07-26 Providing Restitution for Injustices Committed Against Members of the Armed Forces [S2226] Rejected
Cruz (R-TX) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2024 providing remedies to former members of the armed forces who were removed from the military for their refusal to obey the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. It changes their records such that they read that they were honorably discharged and allows such members to be reinstated at the highest grade in which they were employed before their involuntary separation. CPAC supports efforts to reverse the negative consequences occasioned by the military's masochistic vaccine mandates, and supported this amendment.

2023-07-26 Increasing Oversight of Ukraine Aid [S2226] Rejected
Paul (R-KY) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2024 expanding the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction such that it may perform oversight functions over Ukraine aid. CPAC recognizes that, so far, over $40,000,000 has been identified as having been embezzled by Ukrainian officials. CPAC therefore supports efforts to audit the funds sent to Ukraine by the U.S. and supported this amendment.

2023-07-27 Requiring Patriotic Flags to Be Flown at Federal Facilities [S2226] Rejected
Marshall (R-KS) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2024 states that only the American flag, state flags, military service flags and a selection of other flags may be flown at federal facilities. CPAC supports efforts to promote patriotism in the federal government and supported this amendment. (The amendment needed a 3/5 vote to pass.)

2023-07-27 Undermining Countries that Actively Support Terrorist Organizations [S2226] Rejected
Kennedy (R-LA) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2024 prohibiting the President from voting to allocate Special Drawing Rights at the International Monetary Fund to countries that sponsor terrorist organizations or commit genocide. CPAC supports efforts to cut the purse strings of state sponsors of terrorism and supported this amendment. (A 3/5 vote was needed for the amendment to pass.)

2023-07-27 Reauthorizing Portions of an Unconstitutional Act That Further Involves the Government in the Housing Market [S2226] Agreed To
Schatz (D-HI) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2024 reauthorizing portions of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act. The first few sections of the NAHASDA create a grant program that can be used by Native Americans in order to obtain housing assistance. The last title of the NAHASDA authorizes the Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant Program. This program, which excludes non-indigenous Hawaiians from its benefits, assists Native Hawaiians with finding and procuring affordable housing. In doing so, it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. CPAC opposes this breach of constitutionality and opposed this amendment.

2023-09-28 Further Expanding the Government's Abuse of the Endangered Species List [SJRES9] Veto Sustained
This Congressional Review Act resolution sponsored by Sen. Marshall (R-KS) nullifies a rule created by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service titled "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Lesser Prairie-Chicken; Threatened Status with Section 4(d) Rule for the Northern Distinct Population Segment and Endangered Status for the Southern Distinct Population Status". The rule places the Lesser Prairie-Chicken on the endangered species list and extends various protections to it. CPAC recognizes that the endangered species list has been used by left-wing environmental radicals to stop economic development. In the case of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken, its "endangerment" has helped bolster opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, a project particularly hated by the environmental left. CPAC opposes the abuse of the endangered species list in this way and supported this resolution.

2023-09-30 Temporarily Extending Pelosi's Unsustainable Spending Policies [HR5860] Passed
This continuing resolution sponsored by Rep. Granger (R-TX), known as the "Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act", allowed the government to continue spending money at its then-current levels for 45 days. CPAC opposes these extensions and the preservation of irresponsible spending policies, and opposed this bill.

2023-10-18 Cracking Down on Leftist Weapons Against Meritocracy and Business [SJRES32] Passed
This Congressional Review Act resolution sponsored by Sen. Kennedy (R-LA) nullifies a rule created by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau titled "Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)". The rule makes it easier for the CFPB to receive information on the demographics of businesses that submit applications for credit to covered financial institutions. CPAC recognizes that this information is used to promote the left's "equity" agenda, opposes the racist and sexist means employed by the left to reach the goals of this agenda, and supported this resolution.

2023-10-25 Countering Onerous Housing Energy Efficiency Standards [HR4366] Rejected
Rubio (R-FL) amendment to the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2024 prohibiting the Department of Housing and Urban Development from using public funds to update minimum efficiency standards for housing developments that it sponsors. CPAC recognizes that an update of this nature would raise the cost of such housing, opposes this consequence, and supported this amendment.

2023-10-26 Prohibiting the Biden Administration from Starving School Children in Order to Promote the Trans Agenda [SJRES42] Defeated
This resolution sponsored by Sen. Marshall (R-KS) nullifies a rule put forward by the Food and Drug Administration titled "Application of Bostock v. Clayton County to Program Discrimination Complaint Processing-Policy Update". The rule allows adjunct agencies of the FDA to consider discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation to be a violation of public policy. In doing so, it would permit the FDA to cut school lunch funding for schools that don't allow men to enter women's intimate spaces. CPAC opposes this horrific abuse of funding authority and supported this resolution.

2023-10-31 Stopping the Federal Government's Usurpation of the Electoral Process [HR4366] Rejected
Budd (R-NC) amendment to the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2024 prohibiting funds appropriated in the bill from being used to implement Executive Order 14019. This Order directs the heads of executive agencies to develop plans to register people to vote while performing their various duties and responsibilities. CPAC opposes measures that decrease election security and supported this amendment.

2023-11-01 Calling for an Audit of the Fed [HR4366] Rejected
Paul (R-KY) amendment to the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2024 requiring the Comptroller General of the U.S. to conduct an audit of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve banks. CPAC supports efforts to hold the Fed accountable for its impact on the American dollar and supported this amendment.

2023-11-01 Reducing Spending During a Budget Impasse [HR4366] Rejected
Paul (R-KY) amendment to the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2024 cutting funding for programs and bureaucracies funded by the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act and the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. CPAC supports efforts to reduce bureaucratic bloat and supported this amendment.

2023-11-01 Turning Congress into a Watchdog Against Bureaucratic Malfeasance [HR4366] Rejected
Lee (R-UT) amendment to the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2024 requiring federal agencies to, when creating a new rule, publish in the federal registry a list of the information upon which the rule is based. It then requires the agency to submit the rule to Congress such that legislators may approve the rule. CPAC supports efforts to crack down on burdensome and unnecessary regulations and supported this amendment.

2023-11-14 Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act [HR6126] Agreed To
Motion to table (kill) a bill sponsored by Rep. Granger (R-TX), known as the "Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act", appropriates funds to Israel for its Iron Dome system and other defense measures. It then offsets the cost of this appropriation by reducing funds that were eventually to be appropriated to the Internal Revenue Service. CPAC supports Israel's right to defend itself, supports the lowering of funds appropriated to the IRS, and supported this bill.

2023-11-15 Further Extending Pelosi's Unsustainable Spending Policies [HR6363] Passed
This bill sponsored by Rep. Granger (R-TX), known as the "Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024", allowed the government to continue spending money at its then-current levels for 45 days. CPAC opposes these extensions and the preservation of irresponsible spending policies and opposed this bill.

2023-12-13 National Defense Authorization Act [HR2670] Agreed To
The NDAA for FY 2024 sponsored by Rep. Rogers (R-AL) is a gargantuan 3,000+ page piece of legislation that advances various leftist causes under the guise of national security. Firstly, it extends Section 702 of the FISA Act, which allows the government to spy on Americans. Additionally, the bill continues to allow the government to fund travel for abortion purposes. CPAC believes that the Senate should instead be working to curb the growth of domestic surveillance initiatives that have been frequently abused by the government, opposes the public funding of abortion travel, and opposed the passage of this bill.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).