
Jim Risch

[Congressional biography]

Born: May 3, 1943 in Milwaukee, WI


  • Attended Univerity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1961-1963
  • University of Idaho, B.S., 1965
  • J.D., 1968


  • Rancher
  • Partner in law firm
  • Ada County prosecutor, 1970-1974

Elected Office:

  • ID Senate, 1974-1989, 1995-2003
  • ID Lt. Governor, 2003-2006, 2007-2009

Key Senate Vote Data for Jim Risch in 2022

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2022-01-19 Federalizing State Elections and Weakening Ballot Integrity [HR5746] Rejected
This bill, known as the "Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act," federalizes state elections and makes unelected bureaucrats within the Department of Justice arbiters of election law. CPAC opposes this attempt to federalize state elections and weaken election integrity.

2022-02-17 Defunding Chinese Coronavirus Jab Mandates in Schools [HR6617] Rejected
Cruz (R-TX) amendment to the continuing resolution prohibits funding for schools that enforce Chinese Coronavirus jab mandates on children. CPAC believes that parents should make these decisions.

2022-02-17 Stopping the Senate From Violating its Fiscal Rules. [HR6617] Rejected
Braun (R-IN) amendment to the continuing resolution which would force the Senate to abide by rules that prohibit new programs that are not paid for and require balanced budgets when dealing with budget resolutions. CPAC has long opposed the Senate breaking the "pay as you go" rule in order to achieve a balanced budget.

2022-03-02 Preventing The Use Of Government Health Agencies To Force Chinese Coronavirus Jabs [SJRES32] Passed
This Congressional Review Act resolution would disapprove a rule promulgated by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid that withholds federal funds from any organization that does not mandate Chinese Coronavirus jabs for all healthcare staff. CPAC disapproves of government funding used to control people and force behavior.

2022-03-08 Postal "Reform" Act Without Reform [HR3076] Passed
This union-backed bill, known as the "Postal Service Reform Act," does nothing to actually reform the postal service and instead bails out the pension system that is deeply in debt. The bill removes the requirement that USPS prepay its pension health benefits. CPAC believes this is a fiscally irresponsible way of avoiding competition with private delivery services.

2022-03-10 Removing Earmarks [HR2471] Rejected
Braun (R-IN) amendment to the previous year's appropriations bill prohibits funds from being used for earmarks. CPAC has long opposed earmarks that use the taxpayer's money to buy votes.

2022-03-15 Removing Mask Mandates [SJRES37] Passed
This resolution uses the Congressional Review Act to disapprove of a rule that would require people to wear masks on "conveyances and transportation hubs." CPAC believes masks should not be mandated by government and should at most be a personal choice.

2022-03-28 Pouring Gasoline on an Inflationary Fire [HR4521] Passed
This bill, known as the "United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021," spends $320 billion of taxpayer funds on union-favored special interests. CPAC believes the free market, not government, should dictate investment into private industry, and opposes fueling an inflationary fire through $320 billion in new discretionary spending.

2022-04-07 Nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court Confirmed
CPAC opposed the Brown nomination not only because of her judicial philosophy, which dismisses originalism, but because her judicial record showed she was weak in criminal cases, particularly child exploitation cases. CPAC also believes that any judge incapable of defining what a woman is should not be permitted to sit on the Supreme Court.

2022-04-27 Preserving Access to Abortion [SJRES41] Rejected
This resolution uses the Congressional Review Act to disapprove of a rule submitted by Health and Human Services that vaguely ensures "access to family planning services", a euphemism for access to abortion. CPAC believes abortion is always a human tragedy and therefore supports restrictions on the practice.

2022-05-11 Overriding State Restrictions on Abortion [S4132] Rejected
This bill overrides state restrictions on abortion at any time during pregnancy. CPAC believes abortion is always a human tragedy, and should be regulated at the state level.

2022-05-19 Sending Another $40 Billion Overseas Without Proper Oversight [HR7691] Passed
This bill spends an additional $40 billion in taxpayer funds to assist Ukraine through economic, humanitarian, and military aid. This bill does not allow for the spending to be overseen by a special inspector general and was an amount more than three times what European nations as a whole had provided to Ukraine. CPAC believes all foreign aid and assistance should at the very least be targeted and made accountable to U.S. taxpayers.

2022-05-19 More Wasteful Grants for Chinese Coronavirus Relief [S4008] Rejected
Motion to invoke cloture (end debate) on a bill which would set up another grant program in the Small Business Administration to provide funds to certain businesses, such as gyms and concert promoters that were impacted by the pandemic. CPAC opposes this bill knowing that billions of dollars have already been spent on "impact aid" with large sums of it being misused (including millions to groups like Planned Parenthood) and over 100 billion dollars of Chinese Coronavirus aid being stolen due to a lack of oversight.

2022-05-26 Giving Biden's Politicized DOJ More Power to Wield Against Conservatives [HR350] Rejected
This bill would encourage and expand the FBI's targeting of American Citizens. For example, it would authorize the assignment of a special agent for each of 56 field offices to act as a "hate crime liaison." Considering recent abuses by the FBI like labeling parents that attend school board meetings as domestic terrorists and identifying Catholic groups as having a high propensity to produce "white nationalists", CPAC fears the grave misuse of this legislation.

2022-06-23 Expanding Gun Control [S2938] Agreed To
This bill, the so-called "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act," includes various gun control measures including expanded background checks for those under 21 and provides additional funding to states that administer "red flag" laws which allow judges to arbitrarily seize firearms from individuals even when no crime has been committed.

2022-07-27 Stealing from Taxpayers to Fund a Government-Favored Industry [HR4346] Agreed To
This bill, known as the "CHIPS Act," takes $250 billion from taxpayers to give to the government-favored semiconductor industry without necessary protections that would prevent Chinese linked firms from being the primary beneficiaries. CPAC does not believe the government should use taxpayer funds to support one industry over another.

2022-08-03 Putting America First in Foreign Policy Decisions [TREATYDOC1173] Rejected
Paul (R-KY) amendment to the resolution backing Finland's and Sweden's accession to NATO, which would ensure that the treaty does not undermine Artl.S8.C11.3 of the Constitution which grants Congress the exclusive power to declare war. CPAC supports Congress' constitutional oversight on military powers and opposes giving the executive branch unilateral authority to engage in war.

2022-08-04 Repealing Reforms to the Government Permit Process [SJRES55] Passed
This Congressional Review Act resolution overturns elements of the National Environmental Policy Act which delays construction projects, kills jobs and limits much needed American energy infrastructure. CPAC supported these needed reforms.

2022-08-07 More Funding for the Border [HR5376] Rejected
Lankford (R-OK) amendment to the Budget Reconciliation bill, which would provide additional funding for what is known as Title 42, whereby illegal aliens can be turned away at the border before they have claimed asylum. CPAC believes federal immigration laws should be enforced.

2022-08-07 Boosting Domestic Energy Production [HR5376] Rejected
Kennedy (R-LA) amendment to the Budget Reconciliation bill requires lease sales for oil and gas leases on the outer continental shelf. CPAC supports all forms of energy and does not believe government should support one form of energy over another.

2022-08-07 Removing the Massive Funding Increase for the IRS [HR5376] Rejected
Cruz (R-TX), amendment to the Budget Reconciliation bill, which would remove the $80 billion increase for the IRS and the authorization for 87,000 new IRS employees which would make the IRS bigger than the Pentagon, State Department, and Border Patrol combined. CPAC believes the IRS has a poor record regarding harassing and turning down tax exemptions for advocacy organizations among other things.

2022-08-07 Preventing Tax Increases on Small Businesses [HR5376] Agreed To
Thune (R-SD) amendment to the Budget Reconciliation bill reverses a tax provision that unfairly raises taxes for small businesses. The provision requires any small business with private equity in its capital structure to be considered a corporate subsidiary and subject to taxation as a large corporation. CPAC opposes raising taxes on small businesses, especially at a time of rampant inflation.

2022-08-07 The Inflation Expansion Act [HR5376] Passed
This bill, the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act," includes a long list of measures that raise taxes, feed inflation and advance the left's agenda to reduce America's energy independence. Examples include funding for the IRS to add 87,000 employees, price controls on some drugs (which creates shortages and raises prices -- even for other drugs), and adding tax credits for those who get renewable energy (including electric cars) and solar from union-approved sources. The bill "pays" for this through a minimum corporate tax and a 1% stock transfer tax among others. CPAC opposes this massive increase in government.

2022-09-21 Raising the Cost of Air Conditioning [TREATYDOC1171] Agreed To
No Vote
This treaty strengthens Americans' bondage to the liberal climate regime. It bans the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in refrigerants for the U.S. while once again making it easier for China to comply with the Montreal Protocol. Ironically, HFCs were championed as an ozone friendly replacement to Freon. Now, these same HFCs are said to cause "climate change". The treaty will force the U.S. to phase out HFCs quickly, but China will have ten years to comply, a timetable akin to the disastrous Paris Climate Treaty.

2022-09-29 Forcing a Christmas Vote on the Budget [HR6833] Passed
This continuing resolution postpones the Fiscal Year 2023 appropriation until just before Christmas. This move prevents Congress from having time to pass the full 12 appropriation bills separately and continues the trillions of dollars in debt that has fed inflation. CPAC supports a resolution that would extend into the new year when there would be a change in congressional leadership.

2022-11-29 An Attack on Religious Rights [HR8404] Passed
This bill, the so-called "Respect for Marriage Act," is a trojan horse that will be used to decimate religious liberty. This legislation would force people of faith and religious-affiliated institutions to violate their sincerely-held beliefs. Those individuals who choose to adhere to tenets of their faith and moral convictions would face costly litigation. And for religious-affiliated institutions, the legislation would empower President Biden's politicized IRS to threaten their tax-exempt status. Sen. Lee (R-UT) offered an amendment which would have given these necessary protections which are not included in this bill.

2022-12-14 Repealing New Rule That Hurts Charter Schools [SJRES60] Defeated
This resolution repeals a new rule that restricted funds for the Federal Charter School program. CPAC disapproves of the union-backed Biden administration that will do anything to hurt charter schools. CPAC unwaveringly supports school choice and parental rights.

2022-12-15 Giving the Democrats Leverage in the Budget Fight [HR1437] Agreed To
This continuing resolution exacerbated the government's reckless inflationary spending while giving the Democrats leverage in the budget fight by giving Democrats another week to negotiate a spending deal -- allowing for the first-ever lame-duck omnibus before the new Republican majority takes power.

2022-12-22 Waiving All Rules Requiring a Balanced Budget [HR2617] Agreed To
This vote allowed the Senate to disregard rules that prohibit new programs that are not paid for and require balanced budgets when dealing with budget resolutions. CPAC opposes violating budgetary discipline.

2022-12-22 Canceling Earmarks [HR2617] Rejected
Johnson (R-WI) amendment to the Omnibus Appropriations bill, which would cancel all 7,500 earmarks. CPAC opposes these earmarks that have led to corruption in the past and are used to buy votes.

2022-12-22 Imposing Costly New Mandates on Businesses [HR2617] Agreed To
Cassidy (R-LA) amendment to the Omnibus Appropriations Act requires employers to make "reasonable accommodations" in the workplace for pregnant workers. CPAC notes that "reasonable accommodation" is ill defined and could include facilitating an abortion.

2022-12-22 A Lame-Duck Budget With Record Non-Defense Spending Increases. [HR2617] Agreed To
This is the appropriations bill for the entire $1.7 trillion federal budget for Fiscal Year 2023, and it sets overall spending limits by agency or program. This new budget includes nearly $800 billion in non-defense funding, a 9.3% increase -- $68 billion -- over Fiscal Year 2022. This represents the highest level of non-defense funding ever. Passed only 3 days after being introduced, CPAC vehemently opposes this method of passing the budget, including allowing Democrats to pass the first-ever lame-duck omnibus before the new Republican majority takes power.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).