
Antonio Delgado

[Congressional biography]

Born: January 28, 1977 in Schenectady, NY


  • Notre Dame-Bishop Gibbons High School (Schenectady, NY), 1995
  • Colgate University, B.A., 1999
  • Oxford University, M.A., 2001
  • Harvard University, J.D., 2005


  • Music label owner
  • Lawyer

Elected Office:

  • NY Lt. Governor, 2022-

Key House Vote Data for Antonio Delgado in 2022

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2022-01-12 Diminishing Active Military Service [HR1836] Passed
This bill, known as the "Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act," would cost taxpayers $5 billion over 10 years by expanding access to full veterans benefits by rewarding annual training engaged in by National Guard and Reserve members in addition to active military service. The bill provides no spending offset for the costs associated with the increased benefits. CPAC points out any call-up of reserves to active duty is already included in time served and diminishes the role of active military service.

2022-01-13 Federalizing State Elections and Weakening Ballot Integrity [HR5746] Agreed To
This bill, known as the "Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act," federalizes state elections and makes unelected bureaucrats within the Department of Justice arbiters of election law. CPAC opposes this attempt to federalize state elections and weaken election integrity.

2022-02-03 Withdrawing From the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change [HR4521] Rejected
Perry (R-PA) amendment to the "United States Innovation and Competition Act" withdraws the United States from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The UNFCCC requires the U.S. to spend billions of dollars in commitments to other countries and forces changes in U.S. energy production which are not being followed by other countries, such as India and China.

2022-02-04 Pouring Gasoline on an Inflationary Fire [HR4521] Passed
This bill, known as the "United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021," spends $320 billion of taxpayer funds on union-favored special interests. CPAC believes the free market, not government, should dictate investment into private industry, and opposes fueling an inflationary fire through $320 billion in new discretionary spending.

2022-02-08 Postal "Reform" Act Without Reform [HR3076] Passed
This union-backed bill, known as the "Postal Service Reform Act," does nothing to actually reform the postal service and instead bails out the pension system that is deeply in debt. The bill removes the requirement that USPS prepay its pension health benefits. CPAC believes this is a fiscally irresponsible way of avoiding competition with private delivery services.

2022-03-17 Protecting Employers from Costly Litigation [HR963] Rejected
Fitzgerald (R-WI) amendment to the "Fair Act" removes a provision from the bill that bans the use of arbitration for non-union employees while allowing it for unionized employees. CPAC believes this blatant sop to the trial lawyers, as well as the unions, is highly discriminatory.

2022-03-30 New Mandates on the Transportation Industry [HR5706] Agreed To
This bill expands government mandates and the regulatory power of the Department of Transportation under the guise of preventing sexual harassment. CPAC opposes expanding the authority of the federal government over the private sector.

2022-03-30 Complicating the Process for Economic Development [HR5547] Agreed To
This bill, known as the "CEDS Act," would require businesses which request funds from the Economic Development Administration to provide a litany of non-economic impacts from the proposed developments. CPAC believes this policy puts smaller-sized firms at a disadvantage by vastly expanding application requirements.

2022-03-31 Forcing a Christmas Vote on the Budget [HR6833] Agreed To
This continuing resolution postpones the Fiscal Year 2023 appropriation until just before Christmas. This move prevents Congress from having time to pass the full 12 appropriation bills separately and continues the trillions of dollars in debt that has fed inflation. CPAC supports a resolution that would extend into the new year when there would be a change in congressional leadership.

2022-04-04 Health Insurance Mandates [HR1916] Agreed To
This bill, like Obamacare before it, requires private health insurance plans to cover congenital anomalies. The bill also has a price control feature in that coverage limits and co-pays may not be more restrictive than other benefits. CPAC opposes these mandates that drive up the cost of healthcare for everyone.

2022-04-05 Giving NATO New Non-Defense Responsibilities [HRES831] Agreed To
This resolution would establish a "Center for Democratic Resilience" within NATO tasked with "monitoring and identifying challenges to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law." Considering the majority of NATO members fail to meet their defense spending obligations, CPAC believes the alliance should prioritize defense rather than invent new roles which could undermine U.S. sovereignty.

2022-04-07 More Chinese Coronavirus Giveaways [HR3807] Passed
This bill, known as the "Restaurant Revitalization Fund Replenishment Act," includes an additional $42 billion dollars for a restaurant relief fund and money for other small businesses. CPAC points out that hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars have already gone unaccounted for, or gone to ineligible recipients.

2022-05-10 Sending Another $40 Billion Overseas Without Proper Oversight [HR7691] Passed
This bill spends an additional $40 billion in taxpayer funds to assist Ukraine through economic, humanitarian, and military aid. This bill does not allow for the spending to be overseen by a special inspector general and was an amount more than three times what European nations as a whole had provided to Ukraine. CPAC believes all foreign aid and assistance should at the very least be targeted and made accountable to the U.S. taxpayers.

2022-05-11 Wasting Taxpayer Funds To Compete With Private Weather Prediction Services [HR1437] Agreed To
This bill, known as the PRECIP Act, requires the weather service to work with the National Academy of Science to predict precipitation estimates to advise federal agencies, at a cost of $31 million. CPAC knows it's tough enough to predict tomorrow's weather without devising meaningless forecasts of precipitation in a certain place. The Weather Service already competes with private enterprise on specific forecasts and CPAC considers this a further waste of taxpayers' money.

2022-05-11 Diverting Tax Dollars to "Blue" Cities [HR6531] Failed
This bill, known as the "Targeting Resources to Communities in Need Act" allows the Biden administration to send taxpayer funds with limited oversight to a narrowly defined "area of persistent poverty." CPAC recognizes many low-income rural areas would be excluded from receiving funds, while cities which persistently vote Democrat to their own demise would be rewarded.

2022-05-13 Expanding the "Community Services" Program [HR5129] Passed
This bill reauthorizes the Community Services Block Grant program and redirects it to satisfy the left's agenda of increasing taxpayer funds to certain areas and increasing handouts to those with higher incomes (for example, increasing the threshold for grants to 200% of poverty levels) all at an increase in spending of more than $1 billion for the first five years. CPAC opposes these grant programs that can easily be corrupted for political purposes.

2022-05-18 Giving Biden's Politicized DOJ More Power to Wield Against Conservatives [HR350] Passed
This bill would encourage and expand the FBI's targeting of American Citizens. For example, it would authorize the assignment of a special agent for each of 56 field offices to act as a "hate crime liaison." Considering recent abuses by the FBI like labeling parents that attend school board meetings as domestic terrorists and identifying Catholic groups as having a high propensity to produce "white nationalists", CPAC fears the grave misuse of this legislation.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).