
Dan Sullivan

[Congressional biography]

Born: November 13, 1964 in Fairview Park, OH


  • Harvard University, B.A., 1987
  • Georgetown University, J.D., 1993, M.S., 1993

Military Service:

  • U.S. Marine Corps, 1993-1997 (Afghanistan)
  • U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, 1997-


  • Law clerk, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, 1997-1998
  • Law clerk, AK Supreme Court, 1998-1999
  • Asst. Secretary in State Department, 2006-2009
  • AK Dept. of Natural Resources, 2010-2013

Elected Office:

  • AK Attorney General, 2009-2010

Key Senate Vote Data for Dan Sullivan in 2021

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the Americans For Democratic Action (ADA) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2021-02-04 Preventing Illegal Immigrants from Receiving Stimulus Checks [SCONRES5] Agreed To
Young (R-IN) amendment allowing for legislation related to federal tax law changes, including changes to limit or prevent undocumented immigrants from receiving economic impact payments or similar direct, tax-based temporary financial assistance.

2021-02-04 Ensuring Hydraulic Fracking Remains Legal [SCONRES5] Agreed To
Braun (R-IN), amendment no. 833 allowing for legislation related to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and other environmental laws and policies, including to limit or prohibit the Council on Environmental Quality or the Environmental Protection Agency from proposing, finalizing or implementing a rule or guidance that bans fracking in the United States.

2021-02-05 Religious Freedom [SCONRES5] Rejected
Lee (R-UT) amendment that would create a spending-neutral reserve fund to allow for legislation related to prohibiting infringement on the free exercise of religion with regard to employment; commerce; social services; faith and community partnerships; and access to housing, health care or education.

2021-02-05 Preventing an Expansion of the Supreme Court [SCONRES5] Rejected
Cotton (R-AR) amendment which would create a 60-vote point of order against the consideration of any legislation that would increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court.

2021-02-05 Extend Income Tax Reductions [SCONRES5] Rejected
Crapo R-ID) amendment allowing for legislation related to reducing the tax liability of individuals and small businesses, including to permanently extend the reductions to the federal income tax rates made by the 2017 tax overhaul.

2021-02-13 Convicting President Donald J. Trump -- Second Impeachment [HRES24] Not Guilty
Conviction of the article of impeachment that would find President Donald Trump guilty of the charge of incitement of insurrection by "inciting violence against the government of the United States".

2021-03-05 Increasing Unemployment by Hiking the Federal Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour [HR1319] Rejected
Sanders (I-VT) motion to waive all applicable sections of the Congressional Budget Act with respect to the Schumer (D-NY) substitute amendment. The amendment would gradually increase the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour over five years. It would also gradually eliminate the existing separate minimum wages for tipped workers, teens and individuals with disabilities.

2021-03-06 Socially Disadvantaged Farmers Assistance [HR1319] Rejected
No Vote
Toomey (R-PA) amendment to the Schumer (D-NY) substitute amendment to the bill that would strike a provision that would provide farm loan assistance for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers.

2021-03-06 Girls' Sports [HR1319] Rejected
No Vote
Tuberville (R-AL) amendment to require states and education agencies or institutes of higher education to bar transgender students from participating in an athletic program or activity that is designated for women or girls.

2021-05-11 Disapprove True Lender Rule [SJRES15] Passed
Passage of the joint resolution that would provide for congressional disapproval of an October 2020 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency rule stating that national banks are considered the "true lender" of a loan if, at the date of the loan's origination, the bank funds the loan or is named as lender in the loan agreement, including in the case of loans issued in partnerships between banks and third parties, such as online financial firms. The rule went into effect on Dec. 29, 2020, and effectively allows non-bank lenders to offer loans not subject to higher state interest rate caps by originating loans in partnership with a national bank in another state. Under the provisions of the joint resolution, the October 2020 rule would have no force or effect.

2021-05-28 Advancing a Partisan Political Attack Through the Establishment of a January 6th National Commission [HR3233] Rejected
Schumer (D-NY) motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Schumer motion to proceed to the bill that would establish a national commission to investigate facts and examine evidence related to the Jan. 6, 2021, domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol.

2021-06-08 Subjecting Businesses to Frivolous Litigation via the "Paycheck Fairness Act" [HR7] Rejected
Schumer (D-NY) motion to invoke cloture on the Schumer motion to proceed to the bill that would narrow the legal defense an employer may use in a lawsuit alleging pay discrimination on the basis of sex. Specifically, it would require employers to demonstrate that a difference in pay between employees is based on a business-related bona fide factor other than sex, such as education, training, or experience as opposed to being based on any factor other than sex.

2021-08-10 Progressive Tax Code Changes [SCONRES14] Rejected
Wyden (D-OR) amendment allowing for legislation related to changes in federal tax law, including to raise taxes for the wealthiest 0.1 percent of taxpayers while reducing taxes for low and middle-income taxpayers.

2021-08-10 Fossil Fuel Power Plants [SCONRES14] Agreed To
Boozman (R-AR) amendment allowing for legislation related to agriculture policy, including to prohibit or limit the Agriculture Department from making the construction, maintenance or improvement of fossil fuel-burning power plants ineligible for financing.

2021-08-10 Prohibit Federal Funding for Abortions [SCONRES14] Agreed To
Lankford (R-OK) amendment allowing for legislation related to improving health programs, including to prohibit federal funding for abortions or federal funding to state or local governments that discriminate against entities that do not provide, cover or refer for abortions, consistent with the Hyde (R-IL) and Weldon (R-FL) amendments.

2021-08-11 Combatting "Critical Race Theory" at Public Schools [SCONRES14] Agreed To
Cotton (R-AR) amendment allowing for legislation related to providing quality education in U.S. schools, including to prohibit or limit the use of federal funding to promote or compel teachers or students to affirm critical race theory in pre-kindergarten through secondary schools.

2021-08-11 Protecting Life by Restricting Abortion Once an Unborn Child is "Pain Capable" at 20 Weeks [SCONRES14] Rejected
Kennedy (R-LA) amendment allowing for legislation related to improving health programs, including to establish penalties for providers of elective abortions at or after 20 weeks of gestation.

2021-08-11 Defunding Localities which Fail to Prosecute Violent Crime [SCONRES14] Rejected
Hyde-Smith (R-MS) amendment allowing for legislation related to adjustments to federal funds for local governments, including to limit or eliminate federal law enforcement grant payments to any local government whose district attorney directs its prosecutors to not prosecute certain violent or serious offenses that result in damage or injury to the property of any other person.

2021-10-20 Voting and Election Reform [S2747] Rejected
Schumer (D-NY) motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the bill that would include provisions related to voter access, election administration and campaign finance and disclosures. The text of includes provisions from the "For the People Act" (HR 1) passed by the House on March 3 and its Senate companion measure (S 1), as well as a similar measure (S 2093) on which cloture was not invoked on a motion to proceed in July.

2021-11-03 Federalizing State Elections and Weakening Ballot Integrity via the "John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act" [S4] Rejected
Schumer (D-NY) motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the motion to proceed to the bill that would include a number of provisions to strengthen anti-discrimination enforcement authorities in relation to voting practices, including to effectively restore preclearance requirements under the Voting Rights Act for any changes to voting practices in states and localities with a history of voting rights violations within the previous 25 years.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the liberal position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).