
Alcee Hastings

[Congressional biography]

Born: September 5, 1936 in Altamonte Springs, FL
Died: April 6, 2021


  • Fisk University, B.A., 1958
  • Attended Howard University, 1958-1960
  • Florida A&M University, J.D., 1963


  • Lawyer
  • Broward County circuit court judge, 1977-1979
  • U.S. District court judge, 1979-1989

Other notes:

  • Impeached for bribery and perjury by the United States House of Representatives in 1988 and convicted by the United States Senate on October 20, 1989. While Hastings was removed from the bench, the Senate did not bar him from holding public office in the future.

Key House Vote Data for Alcee Hastings in 2021

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2021-01-13 Impeaching President Donald J. Trump -- Second Impeachment [HRES24] Agreed To
This resolution represents Speaker Pelosi's (D-CA) and Democratic Majority Leader Schumer's (D-NY) second politicized impeachment attack on President Donald J. Trump. This resolution wrongfully alleges that President Trump incited a crowd to breach the Capitol on January 6th and threatened the integrity of the democratic system by highlighting credible cases of vote fraud in the 2020 election. ACU recognizes that on multiple occasions President Trump called for the protests on that day to remain peaceful. ACU further recognizes that at the time of this vote President Trump was a private citizen and this impeachment solely served as a personal political attack to prevent President Trump from seeking a future term and deny him government benefits and Secret Service protection as a private citizen.

2021-02-05 Enriching Labor Unions via the "National Apprenticeship Act" [HR447] Passed
The National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, sponsored by Rep. Scott (D-VA), serves as a giveaway to union bosses and includes over $3.9 billion in new spending over the next five years. The bill also contains numerous provisions that grow federal control over apprenticeship programs and discriminate against non-union apprenticeships. ACU opposes enriching greedy union bosses at the expense of taxpayers and other non-union workers and employers.

2021-02-25 Expanding Lawsuit Abuse and Attacking Women's Sports via the "Equality Act" [HR5] Passed
The so-called Equality Act, sponsored by Rep. Cicilline (D-RI), serves as a new tool to enrich plaintiffs' attorneys and attack women's and girl's athletics. Specifically, the bill would expand the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, thus exposing private businesses to new avenues of frivolous litigation and forcing women to compete against biological males. ACU opposes this measure which is designed to destroy the institution of women's sports and enrich plaintiffs' attorneys through frivolous litigation.

2021-02-26 Waging War on American Energy Production via the "Protecting America's Wilderness and Public Lands Act" [HR803] Passed
The Protecting America's Wilderness and Public Lands Act, sponsored by Rep. DeGette (D-CO), combines eight public land bills. This draconian land conservation package wages war on American energy production by blocking mining, oil and natural gas extraction on an additional 1.2 million acres of public land. Furthermore, the bill completely eliminates recreation and responsible forest management on 1.5 million acres of federal land across multiple states. ACU supports growing American energy production, and opposes the federal government's enormous holdings and gross mismanagement of public land.

2021-02-27 Advancing $1.9 Trillion in Unnecessary COVID-19 Relief Spending via the "American Rescue Plan" [HR1319] Agreed To
This resolution, the so-called American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, unnecessarily plunges the nation trillions of dollars into additional debt under the guise of relief for COVID-19. This massive bill includes $1,400 checks for all individuals earning under $75,000 and further extends the $300 weekly federal unemployment benefits throughout the summer. ACU recognizes this program is rife with fraud and waste, supports the full reopening of the economy, and opposes discouraging employment and ruinous deficit spending.

2021-03-03 Authorizing Children to Vote in Federal Elections to Increase Democrat Political Power [HR1] Rejected
Pressley (D-MA) amendment to the "For the People Act" which is designed to boost the voting base of the Democratic party by lowering the federal voting age from 18 to 16. ACU recognizes that countless studies have shown brain development and maturity is not reached until an individual reaches their early 20s, hence multiple rights are age-restricted including military service (18) and tobacco and alcohol (21). ACU opposes this ploy by Democrats to prey on children who are not yet mature enough to comprehend the outcomes of their policies.

2021-03-03 Advancing the Left's All-Out Attack on the Police via the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act [HR1280] Passed
The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021, sponsored by Rep. Bass (D-CA), serves as an all-out attack on law enforcement and would have tremendous negative consequences on local communities and public safety. The bill contains numerous provisions that would expose officers to such great criminal and legal liabilities that they would be unable to properly carry out their duties as public servants. Additionally, the bill would essentially federalize local police departments, while doing nothing to address collective bargaining agreements which protect bad cops by making it nearly impossible to fire them. ACU opposes the promotion of lawlessness through the leftist notion of "defunding the police" and opposes this measure which harms public safety.

2021-03-03 Weakening Election Integrity and Infringing Free Speech via the "For the People Act" [HR1] Passed
The "For the People Act," sponsored by Rep. Sarbanes (D-MD), should be titled as the "For the Politicians Act" as it attempts to improve chances of election victories for Democrat politicians at the federal, state and local levels. The bill contains countless provisions which weaken election integrity and promote vote fraud such as same-day, online and automatic voter registration. The bill also imposes a myriad of new campaign finance disclosure requirements and even makes Election Day a federal holiday. ACU opposes this partisan political ploy which infringes free speech and disenfranchises legitimate voters by increasing the risk of voter fraud.

2021-03-11 Establishing a Costly and Burdensome Barrier to Exercise Second Amendment Rights via the "Bipartisan Background Checks Act" [HR8] Passed
The so-called Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, sponsored by Rep. Thompson (D-CA), would make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights by mandating "universal" background checks for nearly all private firearm sales and transfers. As a result, individuals privately selling a firearm would be forced to conduct the sale through a federal firearms licensee (FFL) and pay any fees charged by the FFL dealer. ACU recognizes that countless studies have found no correlation between imposing universal background checks and reducing unlawful usage of firearms. These sorts of legislative barriers do nothing to stop criminals from engaging in additional criminal behaviors; they just make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens who are not committing crimes to exercise their constitutional rights.

2021-03-17 Violating the Constitutional Amendment Process in Order to Advance the Long-Expired Equal Rights Amendment [HJRES17] Agreed To
This resolution, sponsored by Rep. Speier (D-CA), seeks to ratify the left's Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution by eliminating the 1979 ratification deadline. The ERA has nothing to do with treating individuals equally, but instead is a tool that was introduced by the left in 1972 to provide judges with carte blanche authority to abuse the legal system, including attacking the private sector and providing "rights" to abortions. Proponents of the ERA failed to meet the congressionally established deadline (1979) for ratification by 37 states. In response, this unconstitutional resolution seeks to provide a retroactive 41-year extension.

2021-03-17 Reauthorizing and Expanding Gun Control Measures within the "Violence Against Women Act" [HR1620] Passed
This bill, sponsored by Rep. Jackson-Lee (D-TX), would reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and violate Second Amendment rights through the expansion of the program's gun control measures. Specifically, the bill would rescind the Second Amendment rights of individuals with certain misdemeanors, a significant expansion which was previously only applied to individuals with certain felony convictions. Additionally, the bill would prevent a "dating partner" who is subject to restraining orders from purchasing a firearm, another expansion which the law currently only applies to married partners. The bill also contains countless new spending initiatives. ACU opposes this infringement of Second Amendment rights, and recognizes that VAWA has grown exponentially since its original passage and provides millions of taxpayer dollars to leftist organizations.

2021-03-18 Providing Amnesty and Welfare Benefits to Immigrants who Entered the Country Unlawfully via the "American Dream and Promise Act" [HR6] Passed
The American Dream and Promise Act of 2021, sponsored by Rep. Roybal-Allard (D-CA), rewards immigrants who entered the country illegally as minors with amnesty and full access to taxpayer-funded benefits. Under the bill, immigrants who entered the country prior to 2021 when they were supposedly under the age of 18, are provided a pathway to citizenship, including voting rights and eligibility for welfare and subsidized college. The bill even grants amnesty to immigrants with criminal histories.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).