
Jake Ellzey

[Congressional biography]

Born: January 24, 1970 in Potter County, TX

Military Service:

  • U.S. Navy, 1992-2012

Elected Office:

  • TX House, 2021

Key House Vote Data for Jake Ellzey in 2021

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2021-09-23 Weakening National Security by Blocking Nuclear Weapon Modernization [HR4350] Rejected
Garamendi (D-CA) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which would severely jeopardize national security by blocking funding for nuclear weapon modernization initiatives. Specifically, the bill would prohibit funding for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Program and the W87-1 warhead modification program, which are replacing the nearly 50-year-old Minuteman III Intercontinental ballistic missile system. ACU firmly believes in President Ronald Reagan's "peace through strength" doctrine, and supports strengthening our national security by ensuring our military is as strong and prepared as possible, especially at a time when China is deploying an enormous new nuclear arsenal.

2021-09-23 Cutting National Defense to Expand Leftist Welfare Initiatives [HR4350] Rejected
Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which would enact an across the board 10% cut ($78 billion) to the defense budget, with the exception of military personnel. According to Rep. Ocasio-Cortez's testimony, the funds should be used to expand leftist welfare initiatives relating to affordable housing, healthcare, unemployment and COVID-19. ACU opposes redirecting funding to wasteful leftist welfare initiatives.

2021-09-24 Codifying Roe v. Wade and Providing a "Right" to Abortion at Any Stage via the "Women's Health Protection Act" [HR3755] Passed
The so-called Women's Health Protection Act of 2021, sponsored by Rep. Chu (D-CA), represents one of the most extreme attacks on the lives of the unborn. Specifically, the bill codifies Roe v. Wade into law while establishing a "right" to abortion on demand nationwide and at any stage of pregnancy. The bill would also force taxpayers, employers and insurers to pay for abortion and eliminate nearly every limitation or requirement put in place by any of the 50 states.

2021-09-30 Funding Biden's Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates and Reckless Spending [HR5305] Agreed To
This is the first continuing resolution that funds the federal government through early December 2021, including the enforcement of the Biden administration's unconstitutional vaccination mandates on private businesses. The resolution also represents a lost opportunity to force significant spending cuts and combat the ludicrous fiscal agenda of the Biden administration such as "Build Back Better". ACU opposes the Biden administration's attack on individual liberties through vaccination mandates and supports all efforts to reign in the nation's out-of-control spending and nearly $30 trillion national debt.

2021-10-19 Increasing Unnecessary Government Spending in the Pharmaceutical Industry [HR4369] Agreed To
The National Centers of Excellence in Advanced and Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Act of 2021, sponsored by Rep. Pallone (D-NJ), rams through $100 million in unnecessary spending within the pharmaceutical industry. The funds are to be doled out to institutions of higher education to "support the development and implementation of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing." ACU recognizes higher education subsidies represent one of the largest transfers of wealth from lower-income individuals to higher-income individuals, and believes the private sector is the best institution to advance and fund this research, instead of socializing these costs onto taxpayers.

2021-11-03 Expressing Support for a Free Cuba and Condemning the Communist Regime [HRES760] Agreed To
This resolution, sponsored by Rep. Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL), expresses solidarity with Cuban citizens demonstrating peacefully for fundamental freedoms and condemns the Communist Cuban regime. In July, thousands of Cubans took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction, and multiple additional demonstrations took place across the United States. ACU condemns all Communist and authoritarian governments and supports a free Cuba.

2021-11-05 Authorizing Countless Wasteful Spending Initiatives via the $1 Trillion "Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act" [HR3684] Agreed To
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act contains over $1 trillion dollars in spending, with only a small fraction of the funds directed to actual infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Instead, the bill contains funding for an endless list of liberal priorities such as electric vehicles, green energy and special programs to benefit labor unions. The bill also contains countless new costly regulations (such as automatic emergency braking systems for new vehicles) and various other protectionist mandates. ACU opposes this grab bag of wasteful spending to benefit special interests under the guise of improving the nation's roadways. (Members of "The Squad" who opposed the bill for not including even greater spending were recorded as opposing the ACU position.)

2021-11-19 Advancing $1.8 Trillion in New Social Spending via the "Build Back Better Act" [HR5376] Passed
The so-called "Build Back Better" Act is nearly 2,500 pages long and contains nearly every leftist priority ranging from subsidies for renewable energy to government-provided pre-K and childcare to a new federal paid leave program. The bill, which is a signature priority for the Biden administration, costs $1.8 trillion and includes numerous tax hikes on corporations and individuals. ACU opposes destroying economic growth and further growing the nation's $30 trillion national debt.

2021-11-30 Advancing a $400 Million Government Vaccine Tracking System via the "Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act" [HR550] Agreed To
The Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021, sponsored by Rep. Kuster (D-NH), serves as a slippery slope to a creeping Federal Vaccine Database. The bill authorizes $400 million to fund a "confidential" population-based, computerized database that records immunization doses administered by any health care provider to persons within the geographic area covered by that database. ACU supports strong privacy rights and opposes the surveillance state and government tracking of vaccination status which may be used to infringe individual liberties.

2021-12-07 Raising the Debt Limit and Fueling Run-Away Spending via the "Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act" [S610] Passed
The so-called Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act further fuels Congress' spending free-for-all by bypassing the filibuster and permitting the debt limit to be raised with only 51 votes in the Senate. Additionally, the bill once again overrides the sequester spending cuts applied to Medicare by preventing a 4% statutory cut through 2023 and delaying the other 2% cut through March 31, 2022. ACU believes the tea-party era sequester serves as one of the last hopes for fiscal responsibility and opposes Congress' continual action of "kicking the can down the road" at a time when the national debt is set to exceed $30 trillion.

2021-12-08 Expanding Government Bureaucracy via the "Oral Health Literacy and Awareness Act" [HR4555] Agreed To
The Oral Health Literacy and Awareness Act of 2021, sponsored by Rep. Cardenas (D-CA), further grows the role of government by expanding the Public Health Service Act to include "oral health literacy and awareness" in public education campaigns. There are countless initiatives already being conducted at the state and local levels surrounding oral health, and ACU believes the private sector and charitable organizations are best equipped to solve these issues.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).