
Mo Brooks

[Congressional biography]

Born: April 29, 1954 in Charleston, SC


  • Grissom High School (Huntsville, AL), 1972
  • Duke University, B.A., 1975
  • University of Alabama, J.D., 1978


  • Tuscaloosa County prosecutor, 1978-1980
  • Clerk for Circuit Court Judge John Snodgrass, 1980-1982
  • Madison County district attorney, 1991-1993
  • Special asst. Attorney General for the state of Alabama, 1995-2002
  • Practicing attorney, 1993-2010

Elected Office:

  • AL House, 1983-1992
  • Madison County Commissioner, 1996-2010

Key House Vote Data for Mo Brooks in 2021

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the Americans For Democratic Action (ADA) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2021-01-12 Removal of President Trump [HRES21] Passed
Agreeing to the resolution that would state that the House of Representatives calls on Vice President Mike Pence to use his powers under section 4 of the 25th Amendment to convene and mobilize members of the president's cabinet to declare that President Donald Trump is unable to successfully discharge the duties and powers of his office.

2021-01-13 Impeaching President Donald J. Trump -- Second Impeachment [HRES24] Agreed To
Adoption of the article of impeachment that would impeach President Donald Trump for incitement of insurrection by "inciting violence against the government of the United States," culminating in the January 6th riots.

2021-02-25 Expanding Lawsuit Abuse and Attacking Women's Sports via the "Equality Act" [HR5] Passed
Passage of the bill that would prohibit discrimination or segregation based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity under 1964 Civil Rights Act protections, including in public facilities, public education, federal assistance programs, employment, jury service and areas of public accommodation. It would expand the definition of "public accommodations" to include transportation services and any establishment providing a good, service or program -- including retailers, health care facilities and legal services. The bill would define "gender identity" as "gender-related identity, appearance, mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual," regardless of designated sex at birth. It would also allow the Justice Department to intervene in equal protection cases regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.

2021-02-26 Waging War on American Energy Production via the "Protecting America's Wilderness and Public Lands Act" [HR803] Passed
Passage of the bill, as amended, that would designate nearly 1.5 million acres of federal lands in California, Colorado and Washington as new, expanded, or potential wilderness areas.

2021-03-02 Incarcerated Felon Voting Rights [HR1] Failed
Bush (D-MO) amendment that would that would strike language that would allow the denial of voting rights to individuals serving felony sentences in correctional institutions at the time of an election.

2021-03-03 Advancing the Left's All-Out Attack on the Police via the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act [HR1280] Passed
Passage of the bill that would establish reporting and oversight requirements related to policing data and restrict the use of certain policing practices by federal law enforcement agencies and state and local agencies receiving certain federal policing grants.

2021-03-03 Weakening Election Integrity and Infringing Free Speech via the "For the People Act" [HR1] Passed
Passage of the bill, as amended, that includes a package of provisions related to voter access, election administration, campaign finance and disclosures, and ethical standards for government officials. The bill would establish a number of national standards related to voter registration and access.

2021-03-09 Protecting the Right to Organize Act [HR842] Passed
Passage of the bill, as amended, that would expand enforcement authorities of the National Labor Relations Board and modify procedures by which employees may unionize and elect representation under federal labor law.

2021-03-10 American Rescue Plan Act [HR1319] Passed
Yarmuth (D-KY), motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the bill comprising a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package to further address the health and economic effects of COVID-19, including approximately $362 billion in direct aid to state and local governments; $47.8 billion for testing and contact tracing; $168 billion to assist educational institutions; and $53.6 billion to assist small businesses. It would extend federal unemployment compensation benefits through Sept. 6, 2021; provide tax rebates of $1,400 for individuals with incomes of $75,000 or less; and extend or expand a number of employer and individual tax credits, including credits to subsidize health insurance premiums.

2021-03-11 Establishing a Costly and Burdensome Barrier to Exercise Second Amendment Rights via the "Bipartisan Background Checks Act" [HR8] Passed
Passage of the bill, as amended, that would expand firearms purchasing background check provisions through the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

2021-03-11 Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021 [HR1446] Passed
Passage of the bill, as amended, that would require a licensed gun dealer to wait up to 20 business days, as opposed to three under current law, for notification from the FBI regarding an individual's background check before completing the sale or transfer of a firearm.

2021-03-17 Law Enforcement Grants to Prosecute Violence [HR1620] Agreed To
Wagner (R-MO) amendment that would expand an existing Justice Department grant program aimed at improving criminal justice policies in response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking against individuals. The provision also established hefty penalties for "fraud" which Democrats said could unfairly hit small mostly volunteer-run service providers, who provide the bulk of services, which may be more susceptible to making minor errors that could be wrongly categorized as "fraud".

2021-04-22 Expanding Democratic Political Power through DC Statehood [HR51] Passed
Passage of the bill that would provide for the establishment of most of the current District of Columbia as the 51st state in the Union, to be known as "Washington, Douglass Commonwealth". It would require, within 30 days of enactment, an election for two senators and one representative for the state in Congress.

2021-06-16 Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") Disclosures [HR1187] Passed
Passage of the bill that would establish new disclosure requirements for publicly traded companies related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics; climate-related risks; political expenditures; executive pay; and tax information regarding overseas subsidiaries.

2021-07-27 Activities Promoting Drug Legalization [HR4502] Failed
Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) amendment that would strike from the bill a provision that would prohibit the use of funds provided by the bill for any activity that promotes the legalization of any drug or other schedule I controlled substance except when there is significant medical evidence of a therapeutic advantage to the use of such substance or ongoing federally sponsored clinical trials to determine a therapeutic advantage.

2021-09-22 Private Education Loan Discharges [HR4350] Agreed To
Dean (D-PA) amendment that would direct the holder of a private education loan to discharge the loan in the event of the borrower's death or total and permanent disability.

2021-09-23 End Support for Saudi Involvement in Yemen [HR4350] Agreed To
Khanna (D-CA) amendment that would terminate U.S. military logistical support and transfer of spare parts to Saudi warplanes conducting aerial strikes against the Houthis in Yemen. It would also permanently end intelligence sharingthat enables offensive strikes and any U.S. effort to command, coordinate, participate in the movement of, or accompany Saudi-led coalition forces in the war in Yemen.

2021-09-23 Cutting National Defense to Expand Leftist Welfare Initiatives [HR4350] Rejected
Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) amendment that would reduce the overall funding authorization level by 10 percent, other than funding for military personnel, the Defense Department federal civilian workforce, and defense health program accounts.

2021-09-23 Reduce and Transfer Defense Funding [HR4350] Failed
Jacobs (D-CA) amendment that would reduce amounts authorized for defense spending in fiscal 2022 by $23.96 billion and require the Defense Department to transfer, from amounts made available for fiscal 2022, no less than $1.6 billion to the general fund of the Treasury.

2021-12-09 GAO Information Access [HR5314] Failed
Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) amendment that would require the national intelligence director to ensure that Government Accountability Office personnel are provided with access to all information in the possession of the intelligence community that the GAO determines is necessary to conduct an analysis, evaluation or investigation of a program or activity of an element of the intelligence community that is requested by Congress. It would require the GAO to establish procedures to protect the confidentiality of such information.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the liberal position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).