
Nancy Pelosi

[Congressional biography]

Born: March 26, 1940 in Baltimore, MD


  • Trinity College, B.A., 1962


  • CA Democrat party chairman (northern district), 1977-1981
  • CA state Democrat party chairman, 1981-1983
  • DSCC finance chairman, 1985-1986
  • P.R. executive, 1986-1987

Other notes:

  • Daughter of Thomas D'Alesandro

Key House Vote Data for Nancy Pelosi in 2020

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2020-01-15 Appointing Impeachment Managers for the Trial of President Donald J. Trump [HRES798] Agreed To
In a purely partisan effort, Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) and Democratic Minority Leader Schumer (D-NY) launched a coup attempt against the President of the United States via this resolution that appoints seven members of the House of Representatives to serve as managers. These seven members, who all have abysmal ACUF Lifetime Ratings, are: Reps. Schiff (D-CA), Nadler (D-NY), Lofgren (D-CA), Jeffries (D-NY), Demings (D-FL), Crow (D-CO), and Garcia (D-TX). ACU recognizes the Constitution permits impeachment only in cases of "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors" and that the framers explicitly rejected the parliamentary system wherein a legislative body may remove an executive merely because legislators dislike the President. ACU opposes this motion to advance a coup against a President who has courageously fought for and advanced countless conservative principles and policies.

2020-02-13 Violating the Constitutional Amendment Process in Order to Advance the Long-Expired Equal Rights Amendment [HJRES79] Agreed To
This resolution, sponsored by Rep. Speier (D-CA), seeks to ratify the left's Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution by eliminating the 1979 ratification deadline. The ERA has nothing to do with treating individuals equally, but instead is a tool that was introduced by the left in 1972 to provide judges carte blanche authority to abuse the legal system, including attacking the private sector and providing "rights" to abortions. Proponents of the ERA failed to meet the congressionally established deadline (1979) for ratification by 37 states. In response, this unconstitutional resolution seeks to provide a retroactive 41-year extension.

2020-02-28 Infringing Individual Liberties by Imposing Draconian Restrictions on the Nicotine Industry [HR2339] Passed
The Protecting American Lungs and Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2020, sponsored by Rep. Pallone (D-NJ), would infringe individual liberties by imposing a series of draconian restrictions on tobacco and nicotine products. Most concerningly, the bill would ban all flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes, and would apply the flavor ban to all electronic nicotine delivery systems, including "vaping" devices. Additionally, the bill would end the sale of nearly all online tobacco products and force the federal Food and Drug Administration to implement "track and trace" technology on all tobacco products. Furthermore, the bill would impose new fees and taxes on nicotine products and their manufacturers, enact additional labeling and marketing mandates and increase civil penalties for violations. ACU believes the usage of tobacco and e-cigarettes is a personal liberty issue, and believes government regulations on products are only appropriate when their usage substantially impacts others.

2020-03-14 Imposing Costly New Mandates on Businesses Battling COVID-19 and Advancing Billions in New Spending with No Offsets [HR6201] Agreed To
The so-called Families First Coronavirus Response Act imposes serious threats to small businesses amid the disastrous economic shutdowns imposed in reaction to the Chinese coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Specifically, the bill increases spending by $300 billion despite massive revenue shortfalls and imposes costly paid leave mandates. Under the bill, other public and private paid-leave policies are duplicated by forcing businesses with fewer than 500 workers to provide employees with 10 weeks' pay at two-thirds of normal pay if they are attending to a family member due to the outbreak. An additional two weeks' leave must be provided for "self-quarantining," attending to an individual who is isolated, or attending to a child whose school or childcare provider has been closed. While employers are eventually reimbursed these costs, the bill's refundable payroll tax credit approach does not provide timely relief to cash-strapped businesses. Furthermore, the bill includes no offsets to account for the massive new spending, which includes increases for unemployment, Medicaid and other government welfare programs.

ACU recognizes that while certain improvements were made to the bill prior to passage, such as softening the impact on businesses with fewer than 50 workers, lawmakers failed to pass provisions similar to the Sen. Johnson (R-WI) amendment which would have included critical reforms and removed the paid leave mandates. ACU encourages private employers to be sensitive to their employees' needs, but we oppose government imposing new burdens on employers that may destroy some businesses and end employment for those most in need.

2020-05-15 Fueling Pelosi's Quest for Power by Authorizing Proxy Voting [HRES965] Agreed To
This resolution, sponsored by Rep. McGovern (D-MA), enables Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) to further her quest for power by permitting proxy voting, or the assignment of one member's vote to another, for the first time in the 231-year history of the U.S. House of Representatives. The resolution also permits remote committee proceedings and authorizes both of these schemes to take place for 45 days during the Chinese coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Of course, once achieving this "temporary" power, Speaker Pelosi extended the scheme through the 2021 session. ACU recognizes proxy voting directly violates the U.S. Constitution's quorum and "yeas and nays" requirements that serve as a safeguard against replacing the votes of lawmakers elected by the People with the votes of lawmakers favored by political leadership. ACU opposes these schemes that are designed to silence the American people's voices during a crisis in order to advance the authoritarian aspirations of Speaker Pelosi.

2020-05-15 Advancing an Endless List of Leftist Initiatives through the $3.4 Trillion HEROES Act [HR6800] Passed
The so-called Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, sponsored by Rep. Lowey (D-NY), represents the largest spending bill in our nation's history. The 1,800-page bill, supposedly in response to the Chinese coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, would provide $3.4 billion for countless leftist initiatives and would eliminate numerous safeguards of election integrity ahead of the 2020 presidential election. For example, the bill would provide $915 billion in bailouts to state and local governments, a bailout of the US Postal Service, another round of $1,200 stimulus checks (including to illegal immigrants), tens of millions in "environmental justice" grants and up to $10,000 in student loan forgiveness. Additionally, the bill would force all states to conduct mail in voting and would forbid them from enacting any type of identification requirement, such as voter ID. Furthermore, the bill would empower fraudulent ballot harvesting schemes by allowing ballots to be returned by individuals other than the voter. Finally, the bill extends the weekly $600 federal unemployment benefit through January 2021, which disincentivizes work due to some employees earning more on unemployment than on the job.

ACU finds it unfathomable that Congress would consider a $3.4 trillion spending package just two months after enacting a $2.2 trillion package and recognizes that this enormous spending amounts to $16,850 (plus interest) per every American. ACU opposes this irresponsible liberal wish list constructed by Speaker Pelosi (D-CA).

2020-05-28 Advancing Warrantless Surveillance of Americans via FISA Reauthorization without Conservative Reforms [HR6172] Agreed To
This procedural motion is designed to advance the USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act without conservative reforms, such as those advocated by President Trump or implemented under the amendment offered by Sen. Lee (R-UT) and Sen. Leahy (D-VT). Specifically, the measure reauthorizes through 2023 three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) authorities that had expired under the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001. The FISA courts are designed to surveil foreign threats to U.S. national security and operate largely independently from the U.S. justice system with judges picked solely by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. By reauthorizing without reforms, FISA courts would be able to continue to deviate from their foreign assignments and instead circumvent the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution and infringe the privacy rights of millions of American citizens.

ACU recognizes that the nation witnessed demonstrable evidence of the need for reform, given that the Obama FBI was caught red-handed exploiting FISA courts to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign. ACU supports the founders' belief in the Fourth Amendment and supports significant reforms to the Patriot Act and FISA to help protect Americans from unlawful search and seizure. The House passed a motion to disagree with the Senate amendments and send the bill to conference. (Following this vote, the bill was formally withdrawn from consideration.)

2020-06-25 Advancing the Left's All-Out Attack on the Police [HR7120] Passed
The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020, sponsored by Rep. Bass (D-CA), serves as an all-out attack on law enforcement and would have tremendous negative consequences on local communities and public safety. Unlike the meaningful reforms laid out in the JUSTICE Act sponsored by Sen. Scott (R-SC), this bill contains numerous provisions that would expose officers to such great criminal and legal liabilities that they would be unable to properly carry out their duties as public servants. The bill also contains provisions that would essentially federalize local police departments, while doing nothing to address collective bargaining agreements which protect bad cops by making it nearly impossible to fire them. ACU supports improving government accountability and increasing transparency through measures such as the JUSTICE Act and believes all police misconduct should be investigated and penalized according to the law. However ACU opposes the promotion of lawlessness through the leftist notion of "defunding the police" and opposes this measure which harms public safety.

2020-06-26 Expanding Democratic Political Power through DC Statehood [HR51] Passed
The Washington DC Admission Act, sponsored by Rep. Norton (D-DC), is designed to expand the power of the Democrat Party by making the District of Columbia the 51st state. Under the bill, the heavily Democratic-leaning district would be apportioned two senators in the U.S. Senate and one representative in the U.S. House of Representatives. The federal district would be reduced to a small strip of land that would include the U.S. Capitol Building, the White House and the National Mall. ACU recognizes this is purely a political measure to shift the balance of power in Congress by granting a heavily liberal region three new members. ACU further recognizes that if politicians truly cared about representation, they would ask Maryland to follow Virginia's lead in absorbing its portion of the district that was previously included in the state's borders.

2020-12-10 Attempting to Restore Election Integrity
In the 2020 presidential election, Americans witnessed the intentional undermining of our election integrity systems. Using the Chinese coronavirus (COVID-19) as cover, scores of states implemented universal "mail-in ballot" schemes and other policies that weakened ballot integrity and produced widespread irregularities. In response, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed suit against four states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin) due to the actions of their government officials. The Attorneys General of 17 additional states filed a joint brief in support of Texas v. Pennsylvania, et al., and 126 members of the House of Representatives filed an amicus brief in support of the suit. ACUF's Center to Protect Elections is a leader in rebuilding the safeguards of our election systems and ensuring that every legal vote counts. If our election system does not respect that principle, then American democracy will cease to exist.

ACU applauds the 126 lawmakers who stood up to defend the integrity of our election system that is inherent to our democracy and recorded them as supporting the ACU position. The 309 members who remained silent or actively obstructed the resolution were recorded as opposing the ACU position. The Texas amicus brief was submitted on December 10, 2020. The Supreme Court dismissed the case "on standing" without examining the evidence through litigation on December 11, 2020.

2020-12-28 Expanding Wealth Redistribution by Hiking Stimulus Check Payouts from $600 to $2,000 [HR9051] Agreed To
The Caring for Americans with Supplemental Help Act, sponsored by Rep. Neal (D-MA), would expand wealth redistribution by increasing stimulus check payouts (the $2.3 trillion spending package) from $600 to $2,000. As a result, every individual and each of their dependents earning up to $75,000 ($150,000 per couple) would be provided $2,000. Even individuals earning up to $87,000 ($174,000 per couple) would receive cash welfare, albeit in smaller checks. ACU supports the right of Americans to manage their own risks related to illnesses and believes many of government's reactions to COVID-19 have done more harm than good. ACU opposes utilizing the pandemic as an excuse to grow government and redistribute wealth via "stimulus" which will only further grow the nation's $27 trillion national debt.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).