
Greg Murphy

[Congressional biography]

Born: March 5, 1963 in Raleigh, NC


  • Davidson College, B.S., 1985
  • University of North Carolina, M.D., 1989


  • Urologic surgeon

Elected Office:

  • NC House, 2015-2019

Key House Vote Data for Greg Murphy in 2019

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2019-11-15 Expanding Cronyism by Reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank [HR4863] Passed
This bill would reauthorize the Export-Import bank for 10 years and rename the agency the "United States Export Finance Agency." Additionally, the bill would further expand cronyism and primarily benefit select companies such as Boeing and General Electric by significantly boosting the lending authority of the agency over the next decade to $175 billion. Furthermore, the bill would foster discrimination based on race and sex by establishing a new Office of Minority and Women Inclusion and would interfere in the energy and automotive markets through a new "renewable" energy export mandate to provide special favors for the electric vehicle industry. ACU supports the principles of free trade and opposes utilizing taxpayer funds to interfere in the marketplace and enrich select companies and manufacturers.

2019-11-19 Interfering in Private Business Operations by Mandating Diversity Reporting [HR5084] Agreed To
This bill would outrageously expand the power of the federal government in order to send a chilling effect to companies striving to find officers for their boards. Under the bill, companies that are publicly-traded are forced to report the racial, ethnic and gender composition of their boards of directors and executive officers. ACU recognizes that this bill is designed to impose government control over private hiring decisions and ultimately radicalize private companies by shaming, and eventually forcing, private companies to create quotas for appointing board members based on factors other than merit. ACU believes in equal rights under the law for all, vehemently opposes discrimination and believes those who discriminate will face repercussions in the marketplace. ACU opposes this measure which is designed to harass companies and foster discrimination based on race and sex.

2019-12-12 Rewarding Teaching Hospitals for the Misuse of Taxpayer Funds by Providing Additional Subsidies without Crucial Reforms [HR3] Agreed To
O'Halleran (D-AZ) amendment to a bill known as Pelosi's Drug Plan, which would force taxpayers to channel even more funds to private hospitals for graduate medical education (GME) expenses despite the enormous misuse of funds for existing programs. Currently, the federal government provides hospitals over $15 billion per year in GME funding to subsidize the education and residency costs of aspiring medical professionals. However, a recent study by the American Medical Association found that roughly $1.28 billion in funds are wasted annually by overpaying hospitals. This amendment would create yet another GME program specifically for hospitals located in rural areas. While ACU questions whether taxpayers should be forced to fund the education costs of select government-favored workers, we especially oppose this measure which would channel even greater taxpayer funds to an initiative known to be rife with waste and abuse.

2019-12-12 Undercutting Innovation by Imposing Socialist Price Controls on Prescription Drugs [HR3] Passed
This bill, known as Pelosi's Drug Plan, would enable government-sanctioned theft from the private sector and eliminate incentives for innovation by establishing price controls on prescription drugs. Under the bill, drug manufacturers would be extorted by government to "negotiate" with Medicare for below-market prices (maximum allowed under Medicare) for insulin products and at least 25 brand-name drugs. However, the "negotiated" price would be prohibited from exceeding 120% of the price charged for the drug in Canada and other countries with socialist pricing schemes. Furthermore, drug manufacturers would be forced to sell the drugs to consumers with private insurance at the same extorted price set by government. Finally, the bill would prevent manufacturers from raising drug prices at a rate greater than inflation and further socialize drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries by establishing a $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket drug costs. ACU opposes price controls and government extortion of private companies which devastates innovation. ACU supports reducing prescription drug costs by stopping foreign countries from freeloading on Americans by fostering free-market principles in international markets and streamlining the approval process at the FDA.

2019-12-17 Authorizing an Irresponsible $540 Billion Spending Package [HR1865] Agreed To
This bill is one of two "minibus" appropriations bills passed at the end of the session. This particular minibus appropriates roughly $540 billion in spending and includes countless irresponsible and wasteful spending provisions. For example, the bill (which includes appropriations for Labor-Health, Agriculture, Energy and Water, Interior and Environment, Legislative Branch, Military Construction, State and Foreign Affairs, and THUD) reauthorizes both the crony Export-Import Bank for seven years and the National Flood Insurance Program through 2020. Additionally, the bill busts discretionary spending caps by $170 billion and contains a laundry list of special interest subsidies and carve-outs to unions. Furthermore, the bill infringes individual liberties of adults by raising the age to use tobacco and nicotine products from 18 to 21. ACU opposes this outrageous spending and unabashed cronyism and believes tobacco and nicotine usage is a personal liberty issue.

2019-12-18 Impeaching President Donald J. Trump -- Article I [HRES755] Agreed To
This vote (Article I) impeaches President Donald J. Trump for "abuse of power." The article alleges President Trump abused his presidential power by discussing with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky the credible allegations of corruption involving former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. ACU finds it especially ironic that this impeachment hoax was deployed to cover up the very behavior it claimed to condemn through its attempt to shield former Vice President Joe Biden from transparency into his use of government power for personal gain. ACU further recognizes the Constitution permits impeachment only in cases of treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors and that the framers explicitly rejected the parliamentary system wherein a legislative body may remove an executive merely because legislators dislike the President. ACU opposes this coup against a President who has courageously fought for and advanced countless conservative principles. (This vote was double- weighted due to its egregious attempt to reject the will of the people and reverse the results of the 2016 presidential election.)

2019-12-19 Impeaching President Donald J. Trump -- Article II [HRES772] Agreed To
This vote (Article II) impeaches President Donald J. Trump for "obstruction of Congress." The article alleges President Trump directed defiance of certain subpoenas issued by Democrats in the House of Representatives. ACU recognizes the Constitution only calls for impeachment in cases of treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors and that the Constitution specifically creates checks and balances, and when the executive and legislative branches have a conflict, those conflicts shall be resolved by the judiciary; conflicts are inevitable, and must not be the basis for removing a duly elected President. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Schiff (D-CA), and Rep. Nadler (D-NY) have lawlessly advanced an illegal coup against a seated President. (This vote was double- weighted due to its egregious attempt to reject the will of the people and reverse the results of the 2016 presidential election.)

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).