
Chris Collins

[Congressional biography]

Born: May 20, 1950 in Schenectady, NY

Key House Vote Data for Chris Collins in 2019

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the Americans For Democratic Action (ADA) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2019-02-27 Establishing a Costly and Burdensome Barrier to Exercise Second Amendment Rights [HR8] Passed
Passage of HR 8, Bipartisan Background Checks Act. Prohibits transfers between private parties without a dealer's background check.

2019-02-28 Enhanced Background Checks Act [HR1112] Passed
Passage of HR 1112. Enhanced Background Checks Act, would increase background check for firearm transfers from dealer to unlicensed persons and not to persons with mental illness, developmental disability, severe emotional instability.

2019-03-08 Weakening Election Integrity and Infringing Free Speech through the "For the Politicians Act" [HR1] Passed
Passage of HR 1, For the People Act, increasing voter access, security, election integrity, Election Day a federal holiday, limit voter purges, establishes an independent nonpartisan redistricting commission, addresses spending disclosure, provides matching funds, 10-year tax return disclosure for Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.

2019-03-27 Paycheck Fairness Act [HR7] Passed
Passage of HR 7, Paycheck Fairness Act. Would increase access to data on pay disparities, eliminate prohibitions on disclosing wage information, increase penalties for violations.

2019-04-04 Expanding Gun Control Measures within the Violence Against Women Act [HR1585] Passed
Passage of HR 1585, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act.

2019-05-17 Equality Act [HR5] Passed
Passage of HR 5, Equality Act. Would extend all Civil Rights Act protections (education, employment, housing, credit, jury, including access to restrooms and locker rooms, dressing rooms) to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity.

2019-06-19 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations [HR2740] Passed
Passage of HR 2740, Appropriation for Labor-HHS, Education for FY 2020.

2019-06-27 SAFE Act [HR2722] Passed
Passage of HR 2722, Securing America's Federal Elections (SAFE) Act, Provides NSF grants to further election security, require durable paper ballots and privacy for disabled individuals, equipment made in U.S., no use of internet connection, secure post-election audits, decertification of insecure systems.

2019-07-12 National Defense Authorization Act [HR2500] Failed
Lee (D-CA) amendment to HR 2500, FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act. The amendment would decrease funding Overseas Contingency Operations by $16.9 billion.

2019-07-12 National Defense Authorization Act [HR2500] Failed
Adoption of Amash (I-MI) amendment to HR 2500, FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act. The amendment would eliminate any detention of a person detained under AUMF authority and transfer trial to U.S. Federal or state court.

2019-07-12 Prohibiting the Armed Forces from Supporting Enforcement of Immigration Laws along the Southern Border [HR2500] Rejected
Adoption of Ocasio-Cortez amendment No. 429 to HR 2500, FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act. To prohibit use of troops to enforce immigration on the southern border.

2019-07-18 Reducing Employment by Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $15 per Hour [HR582] Passed
Passage of HR 582, Raise the Wage Act. Increases federal minimum wage over 7 years to $15/hour for regular, tipped, teen and disabled workers, ending the special rates for disabled and tipped workers.

2019-09-11 Coastal and Marine Economies Protection Act [HR1941] Passed
Passage of HR 1941, Coastal and Marine Economies Protection Act. Prohibits the Dept. of Interior from offering any tracts for oil and gas leasing in the Atlantic or Pacific Outer Continental Shelf.

2019-09-12 Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act [HR1146] Passed
No Vote
Passage of HR 1146, Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act. Protects the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, providing for permanent fees for oil and gas leases, inspection fees.

2019-09-25 Homeland Security Improvement Act [HR2203] Passed
Passage of HR 2203, Homeland Security Improvement Act. Establishes an Ombudsman to help people at the border, handle complaints, a system to track children separated from family, for body cameras.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the liberal position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).