
Mike Rounds

[Congressional biography]

Born: October 24, 1954 in Huron, SD


  • South Dakota State University, B.S., 1977


  • Insurance/real estate executive

Elected Office:

  • SD Senate, 1991-2000

Key Senate Vote Data for Mike Rounds in 2018

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2018-01-24 Confirming Sam Brownback as Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Confirmed
This vote confirms Sam Brownback as the U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, whose duties include monitoring persecution and discrimination on a global scale through the Office of International Religious Freedom. ACU supported the confirmation of Brownback who, as a Governor, Senator and Representative of Kansas, compiled a strong voting record and demonstrated a commitment to conservative principles.

2018-01-29 Banning Abortions of Pain-Capable Unborn Children [S2311] Rejected
Motion to invoke cloture (end debate) on a bill known as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which makes it unlawful to abort pain-capable unborn children. The bill states that unborn children are pain-capable at 20 weeks of pregnancy and provides exceptions if the abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother or if the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest. At this stage in a pregnancy, unborn babies react to touch, are fully formed and have beating hearts and functional brains.

2018-02-15 Defunding "Sanctuary Cities" and Strengthening the Enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws [HR2579] Rejected
Motion to invoke cloture (end debate) on the Toomey (R-PA) amendment to an unrelated health care bill which establishes the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act. Under the act, a portion of a state's or local government's federal funding is withheld if they fail to cooperate with federal immigration authorities or fail to comply with federal immigration law. ACU supports efforts to force states to comply with federal authorities as they perform their constitutional role in enforcing the nation's immigration laws.

2018-02-28 Confirming Russell Vought as Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget Confirmed
No Vote
This vote confirms Russell Vought as Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget. The position plays a critical role in carrying out the president's policy agenda government-wide. ACU supported the confirmation of Vought, who has fought for the principles of limited government and fiscal responsibility throughout his career.

2018-03-14 Reforming Devastating Banking and Lending Regulations under Dodd-Frank [S2155] Passed
This bill modifies some of the devastating regulations imposed on the financial sector through an Obama-era bill known as Dodd-Frank, which resulted in 22,000 pages of new regulations. Some of the reforms under this bill include regulatory relief for both small and large banks, reduced red tape on mortgage lending, and other revisions to encourage capital formation. ACU believes no business is "too big to fail," supports expanding consumer access to credit and eliminating regulations under Dodd-Frank that have shuttered numerous banks, especially small lenders and credit unions.

2018-04-17 Repealing an Obama-Era Rule that Harms Indirect Auto Lending [SJRES57] Agreed To
This resolution invokes the Congressional Review Act to overturn an overreaching Obama administration rule that limited the ability of auto dealers to offer discounted-rate auto loans to customers. Specifically, the rule related to indirect auto lending and compliance with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. ACU supports the overturning of this Obama-era regulation that has stifled the free market and increased the cost of auto loans.

2018-05-16 Re-Imposing "Net Neutrality" Regulations on the Internet [SJRES52] Passed
This Democrat-led resolution invokes the Congressional Review Act to re-impose Obama-era "net neutrality" regulations on the internet. These regulations, which were overturned by Chairman Ajit Pai and the Federal Communications Commission, are price controls that prohibit ISPs from charging different rates for faster service or blocking websites. ACU supports an internet free of government interference, which has allowed it to thrive since its conception, and opposes heavy-handed government regulations such as net neutrality, which have favored some companies while placing over 1,000 small ISPs at a competitive disadvantage.

2018-06-14 Providing Congressional Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Investment [HR5515] Rejected
Motion to invoke cloture (end debate) on the Toomey (R-PA) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which establishes congressional oversight of the rulemaking authority of unelected bureaucrats within the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). Under the bill, all major regulations (including those with an economic impact of $100 million or greater) are required to be approved by Congress before their enactment. Additionally, CFIUS must submit to Congress a written report that contains data, economic studies and cost-benefit analysis justifying the implementation of any new regulation. ACU supports increasing government transparency and checks on the rulemaking power of government agencies.

2018-06-21 Strengthening Property Rights by Repealing the "Waters of the United States" Rule [HR5895] Agreed To
Motion to table (kill) the Lee (R-UT) amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations Act repealing the Obama-era "Clean Water Rule: Definition of Waters of the United States," which provided unelected bureaucrats within the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) carte blanche authority to interpret the definition of a "navigable waterway." As a result, the EPA had expanded its jurisdiction to regulate nearly any water source, including ponds, ditches and even puddles. The ACU Foundation's Center for 21st Century Property Rights is a leading voice on this issue and works to ensure the constitutional rights of all landowners are protected from government overreach. ACU opposes the unconstitutional action taken by the Obama administration and supports strengthening property rights.

2018-06-28 Reducing Fraud and Strengthening Work Requirements to Receive Government Assistance [HR2] Agreed To
Motion to table (kill) the Kennedy (R-LA) amendment to the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (i.e., farm bill) which helps encourage self-sufficiency by making reforms to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Some of these reforms to the food stamp program include updating photo identification requirements and strengthening work and job training requirements for single, work-ready adults without children. ACU supports strengthening work and job training requirements for welfare, which encourages self- sufficiency and reduces intergenerational poverty.

2018-06-28 Reducing Cronyism in Agricultural "Checkoff" Programs [HR2] Rejected
Lee (R-UT) amendment to the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (i.e., farm bill) makes numerous reforms to "checkoff" programs within the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These programs force all producers of agricultural products to pay into a fund for industry promotion. The programs are rife with cronyism and oftentimes reduce competition between producers, particularly at the expense of small businesses. Some of the reforms under the bill include the establishment of uniform standards that prohibit anti-competitive activity within the programs, as well as measures that prohibit employees and agents of checkoff boards from engaging in activities that pose a conflict of interest. ACU opposes checkoff programs and supports this measure to reduce corruption and increase transparency.

2018-07-31 Extending the National Flood Insurance Program [S1182] Agreed To
This bill extends government control of the National Flood Insurance Program through November 30, 2018. The program is over $20 billion in debt, and the extension lacks any reforms, including reforms to ensure flood maps are updated and that insurance premiums reflect actual risk. ACU believes flood insurance should be provided by the private sector and opposes this program, which discourages flood prevention measures and forces taxpayers to subsidize the risk of select property owners.

2018-08-01 Preventing Overregulation by the FDA in the Milk Industry [HR6147] Rejected
Lee (R-UT) amendment to a multi-agency appropriations bill prevents the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from inappropriately interfering in the marketplace. Specifically, the amendment prohibits the FDA from enforcing a rule that prevents producers of plant-based products (such as almond milk) from using the word "milk" in its branding. The FDA claims its rule is necessary to protect consumers from confusion, but consumers are not confused about whether almond milk comes from a cow. Instead, the FDA's action is an example of government favoring certain companies over others. ACU supports a free and competitive marketplace and opposes unnecessary interference designed to restrict competition.

2018-08-01 Protecting Residents from DC's Replacement of the Obamacare Individual Mandate [HR6147] Agreed To
Motion to table (kill) the Cruz (R-TX) amendment to a multi-agency appropriations bill which prohibits any money appropriated to the District of Columbia from funding the District's health care insurance individual mandate. The amendment is in response to actions taken by the District to establish its own individual mandate after the Obamacare financial penalty for lacking insurance was zeroed out under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. ACU has long opposed Obamacare and its costly provisions, such as the individual mandate.

2018-08-23 Defunding Planned Parenthood and Abortion Providers [HR6157] Rejected
Paul (R-KY) amendment to a multi-agency appropriations bill prohibits federal money from funding entities that perform abortions, such as Planned Parenthood.

2018-10-06 Confirming Brett Kavanaugh as Justice of the Supreme Court Confirmed
This vote confirms the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The nomination is in response to the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy who was nominated by President Ronald Reagan and served 30 years on the court. ACU supported the nomination of Kavanaugh, an ardent defender of the Constitution and equal rights under the law with an outstanding track record as a United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia. (Though not voting, Senator Murkowski (R-AK) was recorded as opposing and Senator Daines (R-MT) was recorded as supporting, based upon the declared positions of both members.)

2018-10-10 Prohibiting Low-Cost Alternatives to Obamacare [SJRES63] Defeated
This Democrat-led resolution invokes the Congressional Review Act to prevent consumers from purchasing short-term limited duration insurance plans, which are low-cost alternatives to Obamacare. Specifically, the bill overturns a rule by Department of Health and Human Services that expands the sale of these plans, that are exempt from many of the costly mandates under Obamacare, such as the mandate to cover "essential health benefits." ACU supports efforts to bypass Obamacare and provide consumers with greater freedom to purchase the health care plans that best fit their needs.

2018-12-11 Ensuring Judicial Nominees are Confirmed to the Federal Bench Confirmed
This roll call confirms Jonathan A. Kobes as the Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. The vote is significant considering Senator Flake (R-AZ) attempted to blackmail the Senate and oppose all judicial nominees until a bill protecting the Mueller investigation was brought to a vote. ACU supports Kobes and other judicial nominees who have demonstrated a commitment to defending the Constitution.

2018-12-12 Suppressing Free Speech through Donor Disclosure Rules [SJRES64] Passed
This Democrat-led resolution invokes the Congressional Review Act to limit free political speech by requiring certain tax-exempt organizations to collect and make available to the Internal Revenue Service the names and addresses of their contributors. Specifically, the resolution nullifies the Department of the Treasury rule that protects donor identity ("Returns by Exempt Organizations and Returns by Certain Non-Exempt Organizations"). ACU opposes efforts to chill free political speech through donor intimidation.

2018-12-18 Reforming the Criminal Justice System -- the "First Step Act" [S756] Agreed To
This bill, known as the First Step Act, makes numerous reforms to the criminal justice system to reduce costs, responsibly lower incarceration rates and improve public safety. The bill focuses on reforming sentencing, inmate rehabilitation and prison safety.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).