
Michael Cloud

[Congressional biography]

Born: May 13, 1975 in Baton Rouge, LA


  • Miamisburg High School (Miamisburg, OH), 1993
  • Oral Roberts University, B.S., 1997


  • Communications director, Faith Family Church
  • Owner of media company
  • Chairman, Victoria County Republican party, 2010-2017

Key House Vote Data for Michael Cloud in 2018

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2018-07-18 Prioritizing Government Land Maintenance instead of Land Acquisition [HR6147] Rejected
Biggs (R-AZ) amendment to a multi-agency appropriations bill transfers funds from the Bureau of Land Management land acquisition account to the National Park Service maintenance backlog account. The federal government owns roughly 28 percent of all the land in the United States and the National Park Service's deferred maintenance backlog currently tops $12 billion. ACU believes it is absurd for the federal government to continue to acquire land when it can't manage the enormous land holdings already under its control.

2018-07-18 Reducing Unnecessary Spending -- National Endowment for the Arts [HR6147] Rejected
Grothman (R-WI) amendment to a multi-agency appropriations bill reduces the appropriation for the National Endowment for the Arts by 15 percent. ACU supports reducing non-essential government spending, especially at a time when the nation is $22 trillion in debt and the private sector already contributes billions of dollars to the arts.

2018-07-18 Ensuring Proper Application of the Endangered Species Act [HR6147] Agreed To
Lamborn (R-CO) amendment to a multi-agency appropriations bill helps ensure the proper application of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) by prohibiting the use of funds to enforce the provisions under the ESA for any species of plant or wildlife that has not undergone a five-year review of its protected status, as is required under the act. The amendment is intended to ensure that enforcement and taxpayer resources support only the protection of species truly endangered. ACU opposes using the ESA as a means for seizing private land rights and supports close oversight and a significant reduction in the scope of the ESA, which has reduced development and infringed on the property rights of millions of Americans.

2018-07-18 Eliminating Unnecessary Spending -- "Environmental Justice" Grants [HR6147] Rejected
Hice (R-GA) amendment to a multi-agency appropriations bill eliminates funding for the Environmental Justice Small Grants Program of the Environmental Protection Agency. Funds for this program have often funded causes for political activism and purposes unrelated to the grant, including educational programs for "urban gardening" and the "negative consequences of automobile dependency." ACU believes the American people are smart enough to figure out how to plant seeds without federal money and opposes the use of taxpayer funds for political advocacy and supports meaningful cuts in government spending, especially at a time when the nation is $22 trillion in debt.

2018-07-18 Protecting Residents from DC's Replacement of the Obamacare Individual Mandate [HR6147] Agreed To
Palmer (R-AL) amendment to a multi-agency appropriations bill prohibits any money appropriated to the District of Columbia from funding the District's health care individual mandate law. The amendment is in response to actions taken by the District to establish its own individual mandate after the Obamacare financial penalty for lacking insurance was zeroed out under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. ACU has long opposed Obamacare and its costly provisions, such as the individual mandate.

2018-07-18 Prohibiting the Post Office from Competing with the Private Financial Sector through Expansion of Services [HR6147] Rejected
McHenry (R-NC) amendment to a multi-agency appropriations bill prohibits the United States Postal Service from using any funds to expand its offerings of financial services and banking products. ACU supports meaningful reforms to the postal service to place it on a sound financial footing and opposes expanding its duties and competing with the private sector, especially considering fulfillment of its constitutional purpose is often "returned to sender".

2018-12-20 Reforming the Criminal Justice System -- "First Step Act" [S756] Agreed To
This bill, known as the First Step Act, makes numerous reforms to the criminal justice system to reduce costs, responsibly lower incarceration rates and improve public safety. The bill focuses on reforming sentencing, inmate rehabilitation and prison safety.

2018-12-21 Extending the National Flood Insurance Program [S3628] Agreed To
This bill extends the National Flood Insurance Program through May 31, 2019. The program is over $20 billion in debt, and the extension lacks any reforms, including reforms to ensure flood maps are updated and that insurance premiums reflect actual risk. ACU believes flood insurance should be provided by the private sector and opposes this program, which discourages flood prevention measures and forces taxpayers to subsidize the risk of select property owners.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).