
Dan Donovan

[Congressional biography]

Born: November 6, 1956 in Staten Island, NY

Key House Vote Data for Dan Donovan in 2015

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2015-05-13 Late-Term Abortion Restrictions [HR36] Passed
This bill prohibits abortions when the probable age of the fetus is 20 weeks or older, but includes exceptions for cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother.

2015-06-03 Spending Reduction [HR2578] Rejected
Blackburn (R-TN) amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill provides for an across the board 1 percent spending reduction. ACU supports this modest effort to reduce spending to help reduce the deficit.

2015-06-04 Eliminating Rural Air Service Subsidies [HR2577] Rejected
McClintock (R-CA) amendment to the Transportation-HUD Appropriations bill eliminates $155 million in funding for a program that subsidizes air service to rural airports with little passenger traffic. It applies these funds to deficit reduction. ACU opposes this wasteful spending on mostly short distance air service to destinations easily accessible by car or bus.

2015-06-09 Reforming Amtrak Subsidies [HR2577] Rejected
Sessions (R-TX) amendment to the Transportation-HUD Appropriations bill prohibits the use of funds to subsidize any Amtrak route that has a cost exceeding two times its revenue. ACU supports this fiscally responsible approach to taxpayer subsidies.

2015-06-10 Closing Guantanamo [HR2685] Agreed To
Nadler (D-NY) amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill removes a provision that bars funds from being used to construct, acquire, or modify any facility in the U.S. to house Guantanamo Bay detainees. ACU opposes moving terrorists from Guantanamo to the U.S.

2015-06-10 Afghanistan Funding [HR2685] Agreed To
Walberg (R-MI) amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill eliminates a provision allowing $50 million allocated to the Afghan Security Forces to be redirected to infrastructure programs. ACU opposes increasing funds for a program the Inspector General has found to be filled with waste, such as funds being spent on a $43 million natural gas filling station.

2015-07-08 Spending Reduction [HR2822] Rejected
Blackburn (R-TN) amendment to the Interior Appropriations bill provides for an across the board 1 percent spending reduction. The small decrease will assist in reducing the deficit. ACU supports this modest effort to reduce the bill's increased spending.

2015-07-08 Education Block Grants [HR5] Rejected
Walker (R-NC) amendment to the education overhaul bill, also known as the A-Plus amendment, puts the federal funds expended in the bill into block grants. This action allows the states to spend the funds for any educational purpose under state law.

2015-07-10 Reforming Mandatory Health Research [HR6] Rejected
This bill creates a new mandatory spending program for health research through the National Institute of Health. A key vote came on the Brat (R-VA) amendment, which makes the program part of discretionary spending, giving Congress more control over its budget. Current mandatory spending programs are responsible for annual increases of our $19 trillion debt.

2015-07-23 Defunding Sanctuary Cities [HR3009] Passed
This bill withholds some funds and grants from federal law enforcement, including local government grants that bar officials from enforcing federal immigration laws. ACU opposes the ability of local governments to create their own immigration laws, which the Constitution outlines as a federal responsibility.

2015-09-18 Defunding Planned Parenthood [HR3134] Passed
This bill bars federal funds from going to organizations that perform abortion services, such as Planned Parenthood, and redirects the funds to community health centers that do not provide abortions. This bill does not include limits on abortion services for cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother.

2015-10-01 Iran Sanctions [HR3457] Passed
This bill prohibits the President from waiving any of the sanctions under the Iran Nuclear Agreement until Iran pays the legal terrorism-related judgment it owes and all outstanding judgments. ACU supports forcing Iran to pay these judgments before lifting the sanctions.

2015-10-21 School Choice [HR10] Passed
This bill reauthorizes the District of Columbia's school voucher program, which allows eligible students to enroll in a participating private school.

2015-10-27 Reauthorizing the Export Import Bank [HR597] Passed
This bill reauthorizes the Export-Import Bank for four years. This Depression-era bureaucracy primarily helps a select few multi-billion dollar corporations increase their international business. ACU opposes this crony-capitalist policy, which gives foreign airline companies discounted loan rates to purchase American planes.

2015-10-28 Busting the Budget Caps [HR1314] Agreed To
This bill busts the budget caps voted on by Congress, increasing the caps by $50 billion in Fiscal Year 2016 and by $30 billion in Fiscal Year 2017. The bill also suspends the debt limit until March 15, 2017. ACU supports the budget caps as the only brake on increased federal spending, which has resulted in a national debt of $19 trillion.

2015-12-01 Disapproving the Existing Power Plant Emissions Rule [SJRES24] Passed
This resolution invokes the Congressional Review Act to disapprove the EPA's Existing Power Plant Emissions Rule. ACU opposes the the EPA's attempt to use federal executive action to impose the cap and trade plan rejected by Congress in 2010, a plan that will drive up electricity costs for everyone.

2015-12-18 Omnibus Appropriations [HR2029] Agreed To
This portion of the bill contains a 2,000 plus page Omnibus Appropriation that busts the budget caps by $50 billion and includes major increases for Obama pet programs while doing nothing to prevent the federal funding of Planned Parenthood. The bill also ignores many provisions passed by the House Appropriations Committee, including the restriction of funds for sanctuary cities and placing restrictions on the FCC's ability to enforce "net neutrality" rules, giving the federal government power to control the Internet. ACU opposes these massive bills that are passed with little discussion and are not allowed any amendments.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).