
Ben Lujan

[Congressional biography]

Born: June 7, 1972 in Santa Fe, NM


  • Attended University of New Mexico, 1990-1995
  • New Mexico Highlands University, B.B.A., 2007


  • NM Public Regulatory Commission, 2005-2007
  • NM Deputy Treasurer
  • CFO, NM Cultural Affairs Department
  • Chairman, Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee, 2015-2019

Key House Vote Data for Ben Lujan in 2014

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2014-01-15 Omnibus Appropriations [HR3547] Agreed To
This $1.1 trillion spending bill for Fiscal Year 2014 increased spending by $45 billion over the Budget Control Act of 2011 with a massive increase of 25-29% for Obama Administration programs in the Interior-Environment, Labor-HHS-Education and State Department sections. It also included bills that have nothing to do with appropriations, such as an extension of flood insurance subsidies. ACU opposes these bills that are written in secret and passed with no amendments allowed.

2014-01-28 Preventing Taxpayer Funding of Abortion [HR7] Passed
This bill would have permanently prohibited the use of federal funds, facilities or staff to provide abortion coverage and services with exceptions for rape and incest and to save the life of the mother.

2014-01-29 Farm Bill [HR2642] Agreed To
This bill is the final version of the farm bill that replaces direct payments to farmers with a more expensive increase in crop insurance subsidies with no caps on subsidies for wealthy farm corporations. ACU has long opposed these Depression-era programs.

2014-02-05 Federal Land Use [HR3590] Rejected
DeFazio (D-OR) amendment would have defeated the purpose of a bill to open more federal land for recreational hunting, fishing and shooting by requiring a lengthy environmental review of each area of land affected.

2014-03-06 Limiting Greenhouse Gas Regulations [HR3826] Passed
This bill would limit EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions by blocking new regulations on existing power plants designed to eventually eliminate coal-fired power plants and drive up the cost of energy in the name of "global warming".

2014-04-10 Conservative Budget [HCONRES96] Rejected
Woodall (R-GA) amendment to the budget bill presented a conservative alternative that would have balanced the budget in four years by freezing domestic spending at $60 billion below current levels, reformed entitlement programs, and eliminated wasteful programs that ACU has long opposed. ACU supported this alternative as a reasonable attempt to stop increases in our national debt which reached $18 trillion in 2014.

2014-05-21 Nuclear Launchers [HR4435] Agreed To
Daines (R-MT) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Bill would eliminate a provision that ends the requirement of keeping nuclear launchers in a "warm status" in 2021. ACU opposes arbitrary deadlines that affect national security.

2014-05-22 Defense Spending [HR4435] Agreed To
McKinley (R-WV) amendment to the National Defense Authorization bill bars the use of funds to conduct climate change assessments and reports. ACU opposes diverting needed dollars for defense on needless non-defense programs.

2014-05-22 Preventing Terrorist Detention [HR4435] Rejected
Smith (D-WA) amendment to the National Defense Authorization bill would have eliminated language that provides for mandatory military custody of those detained under the Authorization for Use of Military Force authority.

2014-05-22 Private Sector Contracts [HR4435] Rejected
Jenkins (R-WV) amendment to the National Defense Authorization bill would have placed a moratorium on the conversion of private sector contracts to government employees within the Department of Defense.

2014-05-29 Blocking Wasteful Spending [HR4660] Rejected
Pompeo (R-KS) amendment to the Commerce, Science, Justice Appropriations bill would have eliminated the Economic Development Administration and used the funds to reduce the deficit. ACU has long opposed this agency that uses taxpayer money for pork barrel projects that serve as monuments to politicians, such as the Harry Reid Research and Technology Park in Las Vegas.

2014-05-29 Eliminating "Social Science" Funding [HR4660] Agreed To
Smith (R-TX) amendment to the Commerce, Science, Justice Appropriations bill eliminates an increase in funding for "social science" at the National Science Foundation to help restore cuts to the physical sciences and engineering. ACU opposes the use of NSF funds for projects such as the study of rangeland management in Mongolia.

2014-05-29 Defunding the Legal Services Corporation [HR4660] Rejected
Scott (R-GA) amendment to the Commerce, Science, Justice Appropriations bill would have eliminated funding for the Legal Services Corporation. ACU has long opposed funding for this agency that has not been authorized by Congress for the last 34 years and is filled with waste and fraud.

2014-05-30 Closing Guantanamo [HR4660] Rejected
Moran (D-VA) amendment to the Commerce, Science, Justice Appropriations bill would have eliminated provisions that prohibit the use of funds to construct a facility in the United States to house terrorists held at Guantanamo.

2014-06-09 Reducing Government Housing Programs [HR4745] Rejected
Chabot (R-OH) amendment to the Transportation and Housing Appropriations bill would have reduced the Section 8 housing voucher program by 10 percent and applied the funds to deficit reduction. ACU opposes welfare programs that have no time limits or work requirements.

2014-06-10 Highway Funding Integrity [HR4745] Rejected
Hartzler (R-MO) amendment to the Transportation and Housing Appropriations bill would have eliminated funding for so-called "highway beautification." ACU opposes diverting money in the Highway Trust Fund for unrelated programs.

2014-06-10 Housing Program Reform [HR4745] Agreed To
Schock (R-IL) amendment to the Transportation and Housing Appropriations bill to reduce the power of the HUD Secretary to hand out Section 8 vouchers over the authorized limit, in some cases valued at $4,000 a month, while keeping others on a waiting list for any type of affordable housing. ACU supports this modest effort at reforming a program rife with waste and abuse.

2014-06-10 Cutting Amtrak Subsidies [HR4745] Rejected
Sessions (R-TX) amendment to the Transportation and Housing Appropriations bill would have eliminated the subsidy for Amtrak's worst performing train, the Sunset Limited, which loses $40 million per year and has an on time record of 46 percent. ACU opposes Amtrak subsidies that were scheduled to end in 2002.

2014-06-19 Guantanamo [HR4870] Agreed To
Cotton (R-AR) amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill would prohibit funds from being used to transfer terrorists being held at Guantanamo to any foreign country.

2014-06-20 Prohibiting Biofuel Mandates [HR4870] Rejected
Gosar (R-AZ) amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill would prohibit the Defense Department from using biofuels instead of far less expensive petroleum based fuels. ACU opposes diverting funds that should go for national security purposes to politically-motivated "global warming" programs.

2014-07-09 Eliminating Energy Subsidies [HR4923] Rejected
McClintock (R-CA) amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill eliminates $3 billion in energy subsidies.

2014-07-10 Labor Law Reform [HR4923] Rejected
King (R-IA) amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill would have barred the use of funds to enforce the Davis-Bacon Act. ACU has long opposed this act's requirement to pay "prevailing wages" on federal projects, thus driving up their cost.

2014-07-16 Second Amendment [HR5016] Agreed To
Massie (R-KY) amendment to the Financial Services Appropriations bill that would prohibit the District of Columbia from taking any action to prevent law-abiding citizens from possessing, using or transporting a firearm.

2014-08-01 Limiting Illegal Immigration [HR5272] Passed
This bill reverses President Obama's Executive order deferring action on some illegal immigrants but not others. ACU opposes this type of executive action that allows the President to change existing law without legislation.

2014-12-11 Omnibus Appropriations [HR83] Agreed To
This 1,600 page bill uses $19 billion in budget gimmicks to comply with spending caps, increases funding for pork barrel programs such as Community Development Block Grants and includes hundreds of pages of bills that have nothing to do with appropriations and that have not been voted on by either the House or Senate. ACU opposes these bills that are written in secret with no amendments allowed.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).