
Ben Lujan

[Congressional biography]

Born: June 7, 1972 in Santa Fe, NM


  • Attended University of New Mexico, 1990-1995
  • New Mexico Highlands University, B.B.A., 2007


  • NM Public Regulatory Commission, 2005-2007
  • NM Deputy Treasurer
  • CFO, NM Cultural Affairs Department
  • Chairman, Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee, 2015-2019

Key House Vote Data for Ben Lujan in 2013

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2013-01-15 Disaster Relief [HR152] Rejected
Mulvaney (R-SC) amendment to the Superstorm Sandy relief bill would have required a $17 billion offset by reducing discretionary appropriations for 2013 by 1.63 percent.

2013-01-15 Eliminating Wasteful Spending [HR152] Agreed To
Flores (R-TX) amendment to the Superstorm Sandy relief bill eliminated $150 million in funding for Regional Ocean Partnerships, a program that has nothing to do with disaster relief.

2013-01-15 Cutting Funding for the Legal Services Corporation [HR152] Rejected
Duncan (R-SC) amendment to the Superstorm Sandy Relief bill would have eliminated increased funding for the Legal Services Corporation, a program that has nothing to do with disaster relief.

2013-02-28 Violence Against Women Act Expansion [S47] Passed
This bill greatly expands a 20 year old program to include gay and transgender individuals. The Violence Against Women Act, which started as a narrowly focused effort in 1994, has grown to a $660 million program that funds liberal organizations to carry out an ideological agenda without any results that show it has reduced violence against women.

2013-03-13 Welfare Reform [HR890] Passed
This bill reverses an Obama Administration Executive Order that gutted the work requirements of the 1996 welfare reform bill.

2013-03-20 Conservative Budget [HCONRES25] Rejected
No Vote
Woodall (R-GA) amendment to the budget bill presented a conservative alternative that would have balanced the budget in four years, reformed entitlement programs, repealed Obamacare and would have overhauled the tax code by giving taxpayers a choice of the current system or a two rate system capped at 25 percent while repealing the Death Tax. The bill would have frozen discretionary spending at slightly below 2008 levels and would have overhauled the farm subsidy program by reducing crop insurance subsidies and eliminating wasteful programs promoting brand name products around the world. ACU supported this alternative as a reasonable attempt to stop increases in our $17 trillion debt. 171 Democrats voted "present" as a parliamentary gimmick but will be counted as "no" votes.

2013-04-12 Limiting the National Labor Relations Board [HR1120] Passed
This bill will prevent the National Labor Relations Board from taking actions with members illegally appointed by President Obama while Congress was not in recess.

2013-06-04 Preventing Davis-Bacon Wage Requirements [HR2216] Rejected
King (R-IA) amendment to the Military Construction Appropriations Bill that would have barred the use of funds to enforce the Davis-Bacon Act. ACU has long opposed this act's requirement to pay "prevailing wages" on federal projects, usually union rates well above the market level, adding billions of dollars to the cost of federal projects.

2013-06-13 Government Reform [HR1960] Rejected
Rigell (R-VA) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act would have repealed the prohibition on private sector competition for certain Defense Department functions.

2013-06-14 Defunding Missile Defense [HR1960] Rejected
Holt (D-NJ) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act would have eliminated virtually all funding for the missile defense program.

2013-06-18 Right to Life [HR1797] Passed
This bill will prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy with exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother.

2013-06-19 Farm Bill Spending Caps [HR1947] Agreed To
Foxx (R-NC) amendment caps spending on the Farm Risk Management Election Program to 110 percent of cost estimates by the Congressional Budget Office. ACU supports spending caps for farm programs which currently cost taxpayers 51 percent more than predicted when the last farm bill passed in 2008.

2013-06-19 Cutting Farm Bill Waste [HR1947] Rejected
Chabot (R-OH) amendment, which would have ended the Market Access Program that has spent taxpayer money on such things as wine tastings in four foreign countries and an outdoor dinner party in India to discuss the value of prunes.

2013-06-20 Eliminating the Christmas Tree Tax [HR1947] Rejected
Walorski (R-IN) amendment to the Farm Bill, which would have eliminated a mandatory tax imposed on Christmas tree growers for marketing programs that benefit large firms. ACU opposes these special taxes that benefit some businesses at the expense of others.

2013-06-20 Food Stamp Reform [HR1947] Rejected
Huelskamp (R-KS) amendment to the Farm Bill, which would have tightened the qualifications for receiving food stamps and removed provisions that allow people to receive food stamps by qualifying for another welfare program.

2013-06-20 Farm Bill [HR1947] Defeated
This bill would have replaced direct subsidies for some farmers while continuing them for cotton farmers and replaced direct payments with an equally expensive increase in subsidies in crop insurance. The bill placed no caps on subsidies for wealthy farm corporations.

2013-07-10 Government Reform [HR2609] Rejected
Chabot (R-OH) amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill, which would have eliminated the Appalachian Regional Commission and several other agencies that serve no useful purpose. Formed to help economically depressed areas of Appalachia, this program, like many others, has now grown to include areas far from the region such as Mississippi.

2013-07-23 Limiting Defense Appropriations [HR2397] Rejected
Quigley (D-IL) amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill, which would have capped the number of land-based Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles at 300. ACU opposes tying the hands of the military with arbitrary caps of this kind.

2013-07-23 Blocking Wasteful Spending [HR2397] Rejected
Denham (R-CA) amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill, which would have eliminated funding for a government news website that caters to foreign audiences. ACU opposes these programs that are duplicated by other government agencies and found by the Government Accountability Office to be poorly run.

2013-07-24 Guantanamo [HR2397] Agreed To
Walorski (R-IN) amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill, which will prevent funds from being used to send terrorists held at Guantanamo to Yemen. ACU opposes a policy that has resulted in terrorists escaping from jails in Yemen to rejoin terrorist forces.

2013-07-30 Cutting Air Service Subsidies [HR2610] Rejected
Grayson (D-FL) amendment to the Transportation and Housing Appropriations bill, which would have cut in half a $200 million program that subsidizes air service to rural airports with little passenger traffic. ACU opposes this wasteful spending and supports eliminating the program but supported this amendment as a start.

2013-08-01 Reforming Government Regulation [HR1582] Agreed To
Vote on a Murphy (R-PA) amendment to a bill which requires the Environmental Protection Administration to produce a cost-benefit analysis for major regulations and prohibits using the so-called "social cost of carbon" in its analysis.

2013-08-02 Opposing Carbon Taxes [HR367] Agreed To
Scalise (R-LA) amendment to a regulatory reform bill, which puts the House on record opposing a tax on carbon as part of any tax legislation. ACU opposes a carbon tax that would increase the cost of many goods and harm the economy.

2013-09-19 Food Stamp Reform [HR3102] Passed
The House passed a bill separate from the large farm bill designed to streamline the food stamp program which has seen major increases over the past five years. The bill also reduces waivers for childless adults who are supposed to be subject to work requirements.

2013-12-12 Tax-and-Spend Budget [HJRES59] Agreed To
This bill eliminates the spending reductions agreed to in the sequester, more than doubles the airline ticket tax and uses budget gimmicks to claim savings in future years for spending increases now. ACU opposes tax-and-spend budgets at a time when our national debt is over $17 trillion.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).