
Ron Barber

[Congressional biography]

Born: August 25, 1945 in Wakefield, England

Key House Vote Data for Ron Barber in 2012

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2012-06-19 Weakening Border Security [HR2578] Rejected
Grijalva (D-AZ) amendment to the Conservation and Economic Growth Act. The amendment would have eliminated language in the Conservation and Economic Growth Act that exempts border security programs from those environmental and land use laws that block enforcement.

2012-06-26 Eliminating Air Service Subsidies [HR5972] Rejected
McClintock (R-CA) amendment to the Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill that would have eliminated a $200 million program that subsidizes air service to rural airports with little passenger traffic.

2012-06-27 Defunding Community Development Block Grant Program [HR5972] Rejected
McClintock (R-CA) amendment to the Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill that would have eliminated funding for the $3.4 billion Community Development Block Grant program. This program, unauthorized since 1994, has been used primarily as a federal slush fund for pet projects of local politicians. HUD's own Inspector General has found this program rife with waste, fraud and abuse.

2012-07-11 Repealing Obamacare [HR6079] Passed
A bill that would repeal the 2010 health care overhaul law that requires most people to purchase government-approved health insurance and gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services control over many aspects of the health care system.

2012-07-25 Domestic Energy Production [HR6082] Passed
A bill that would replace the Interior Department's current offshore oil and gas drilling plan with a timeline to nearly double the current number of leases and restore the 2009 leasing plan blocked by the Obama Administration.

2012-09-14 Energy Project Loan Guarantees [HR6213] Rejected
Waxman (D-CA) amendment to the "No More Solyndras" bill that would have eliminated provisions in the bill that end the loan guarantee program for energy projects that led to the Solyndra scandal.

2012-09-20 Welfare Reform [HJRES118] Passed
A resolution of disapproval of a ruling by the Health and Human Services Department that guts the work requirements in the welfare reform legislation passed in 1996.

2012-09-21 Barring New EPA Regulations [HR3409] Passed
A bill that would bar the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from issuing regulations on greenhouse gas emissions in the name of "global warming" and transferring authority from the EPA to the states on issues regarding water quality standards.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).