
Kathy Hochul

[Congressional biography]

Born: August 27, 1958 in Buffalo, NY


  • Syracuse University, B.A., 1980
  • Catholic University, J.D., 1983


  • Lawyer
  • Aide to NY Rep. John LaFalce, 1984-1986
  • Aide to NY Sen. Daniel Moynihan, 1986-1988
  • Deputy Erie County clerk, 2003-2007
  • Erie County clerk, 2007-2011

Key House Vote Data for Kathy Hochul in 2011

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2011-06-02 Preventing "Insourcing" [HR2017] Agreed To
Sessions (R-TX) amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill that removes a section barring the use of private contractors for certain positions. This would affect the Obama Administration's efforts throughout the federal government to reduce the number of contracts available to private enterprise and greatly increase the federal workforce, a process known as "insourcing."

2011-06-15 Eliminating the Foreign Agriculture Service [HR2112] Rejected
Broun (R-GA) amendment to the Agricultural Appropriations Bill to eliminate the Foreign Agricultural Service. This agency uses taxpayer money to fund 98 offices around the world to help find export opportunities for large corporations. ACU opposes this wasteful spending when our national debt stands at $15 trillion.

2011-07-07 Defense of Marriage Act [HR2219] Agreed To
Foxx (R-NC) amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill which would bar the use of funds to contravene the Defense of Marriage Act.

2011-07-08 Don't Ask, Don't Tell [HR2219] Agreed To
Huelskamp (R-KS) amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill to bar the use of funds to train military chaplains in implementing the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

2011-07-12 Light Bulb Ban Repeal [HR2417] Failed
An attempt to repeal a de facto ban on the manufacture of incandescent light bulbs mandated by the 2007 energy bill. ACU opposed the 2007 energy bill and the light bulb ban. Under the "fast track" procedure used, the bill required a two-thirds vote for passage.

2011-07-14 Eliminating Vehicle Subsidies [HR2354] Rejected
Broun (R-GA) amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill that would eliminate funding for the Advanced Manufacturing Loan Program and apply the funds saved to the federal deficit. This program gives taxpayer money to manufacturers who work on vehicle programs favored by the government. ACU opposes government programs that pick winners and losers in the marketplace.

2011-07-15 Spending Increase [HR2354] Agreed To
Kaptur (D-OH) amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill increasing spending on renewable energy and energy efficiency programs by $10 million. These programs had received massive increases in the 2009 budget and the Obama stimulus program. ACU opposes these attempts to reverse modest spending cuts.

2011-07-19 Cut, Cap and Balance [HR2560] Passed
A bill that would raise the debt limit contingent on Congress placing a cap on federal spending and sending a constitutional amendment to the states that would require a balanced federal budget, a cap on federal spending and require a two-thirds vote of Congress to raise taxes.

2011-07-27 Endangered Species Act [HR2584] Agreed To
Dicks (D-WA) amendment to eliminate a provision in the Interior Appropriations Bill that would place a moratorium on new listings under the Endangered Species Act. ACU supports a moratorium on a program that has been used as a vehicle to stop development and harass private property owners.

2011-08-01 Debt Limit Increase [S365] Passed
A bill that allowed a debt increase of up to $2.5 trillion with no spending reductions required in Fiscal Year 2012. The bill also set up a "supercommittee" of twelve members of Congress who were to meet in secret to negotiate a deficit reduction of $1.2 trillion over 10 years. The bill also requires a "sequestration" or automatic reduction of $1.2 trillion in spending over 10 years if no other agreement is reached by 2013.

2011-12-16 Catch-All Appropriations [HR2055] Agreed To
A year-end appropriations bill, known as the Omnibus bill that funded $915 billion dollars in one 2,300 page bill for Fiscal Year 2012 The bill avoided limits imposed in the debt-limit negotiations by labeling additional spending as "emergency" spending so the total spending for the year is an increase over Fiscal Year 2011. ACU opposes these massive bills that are written in secret and passed with no amendments allowed.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).