
Jane Harman

[Congressional biography]

Born: June 28, 1945 in New York City, NY


  • Smith College, B.A., 1966
  • Harvard University, J.D., 1969


  • Assistant to Sen. John Tunney, 1972-1973
  • Adjunct professor at Georgetown University, 1974-1975
  • Counsel to U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, 1975-1977
  • Deputy Cabinet Secretary, White House, 1977-1978
  • Counsel to Department of Defense, 1979

Key House Vote Data for Jane Harman in 2011

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2011-02-16 Defunding the Legal Services Corporation [HR1] Rejected
Duncan (R-SC) amendment to the 2011 appropriations bill that would have struck all funding for the Legal Services Corporation from the budget bill. ACU has always opposed this wasteful program which has been used primarily to expand the welfare state and was found by a GAO study to be rife with waste, fraud and abuse and supported this amendment.

2011-02-17 National Endowment for the Arts Spending [HR1] Agreed To
Walberg (R-MI) amendment to the 2011 appropriations bill reducing funding for the National Endowment for the Arts by $20.6 million. This program had received major increases in funding since 2008.

2011-02-18 Defunding Planned Parenthood [HR1] Agreed To
Pence (R-IN) amendment to the 2011 appropriations bill prohibiting federal funding for Planned Parenthood which offers abortion services.

2011-02-18 Blocking Firearm Reporting Requirements [HR1] Agreed To
No Vote
Boren (D-OK) amendment to the 2011 appropriations bill barring the use of funds for licensed firearm dealers to report certain types of multiple firearm purchases to the Justice Department. ACU opposes this backdoor approach to gun registration.

2011-02-19 Blocking Funding of Project Labor Agreements [HR1] Rejected
No Vote
Guinta (R-NH) amendment to the 2011 appropriations bill that would bar funds to enforce Project Labor Agreements, which force companies that seek government contracts to agree to union demands.

2011-02-19 Federal Pay Freeze [HR1] Rejected
No Vote
Issa (R-CA) amendment to include federal pay step increases given for seniority in the federal pay freeze. They have been exempt from the current freeze as have pay increases given for living or working in high cost cities, such as Washington, DC. ACU supports a pay freeze that actually freezes federal pay.

2011-02-19 Limiting Davis-Bacon Wage Requirements [HR1] Rejected
No Vote
King (R-IA) amendment to the 2011 appropriations bill barring the use of funds to enforce the Davis-Bacon Act. This requires federal projects to pay workers the "prevailing" wage, usually union wage rates which are often well above the local market rate. This adds billions of dollars in cost to federal programs and adds to the deficit.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).