
Janice Hahn

[Congressional biography]

Born: March 30, 1952 in Los Angeles, CA


  • Abilene Christian University, B.S., 1974


  • Teacher
  • Businesswoman
  • Los Angeles charter reform commission, 1997-1999

Elected Office:

  • L.A. city council, 2001-2011
  • Candidate for CA Lt. Governor, 2010

Key House Vote Data for Janice Hahn in 2011

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2011-07-19 Cut, Cap and Balance [HR2560] Passed
A bill that would raise the debt limit contingent on Congress placing a cap on federal spending and sending a constitutional amendment to the states that would require a balanced federal budget, a cap on federal spending and require a two-thirds vote of Congress to raise taxes.

2011-07-27 Endangered Species Act [HR2584] Agreed To
Dicks (D-WA) amendment to eliminate a provision in the Interior Appropriations Bill that would place a moratorium on new listings under the Endangered Species Act. ACU supports a moratorium on a program that has been used as a vehicle to stop development and harass private property owners.

2011-08-01 Debt Limit Increase [S365] Passed
A bill that allowed a debt increase of up to $2.5 trillion with no spending reductions required in Fiscal Year 2012. The bill also set up a "supercommittee" of twelve members of Congress who were to meet in secret to negotiate a deficit reduction of $1.2 trillion over 10 years. The bill also requires a "sequestration" or automatic reduction of $1.2 trillion in spending over 10 years if no other agreement is reached by 2013.

2011-12-16 Catch-All Appropriations [HR2055] Agreed To
A year-end appropriations bill, known as the Omnibus bill that funded $915 billion dollars in one 2,300 page bill for Fiscal Year 2012 The bill avoided limits imposed in the debt-limit negotiations by labeling additional spending as "emergency" spending so the total spending for the year is an increase over Fiscal Year 2011. ACU opposes these massive bills that are written in secret and passed with no amendments allowed.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).