
Jeff Merkley

[Congressional biography]

Born: October 24, 1956 in Myrtle Creek, OR


  • Stanford University, B.A., 1979
  • Princeton University, M.P.P., 1982


  • Presidential fellow, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1982-1985
  • National security analyst for Congressional Budget Office, 1985-1989
  • Portland Habitat for Humanity, 1991-1994
  • Director of housing development, Human Solutions, 1995-1996
  • President, World Affairs Council of Oregon, 1996-2003

Elected Office:

  • OR House, 1999-2008 (Speaker, 2007-2008)

Key Senate Vote Data for Jeff Merkley in 2010

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2010-01-21 TARP Elimination [HJRES45] Rejected
The Senate defeated an amendment eliminating the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and lowering the debt ceiling by the amount of TARP funds repaid. ACU opposed TARP from the beginning and supported this amendment. Although a majority of the Senate voted to eliminate TARP, under Senate procedures 60 votes were required.

2010-01-26 Debt Limit Increase / Spending Cuts [HJRES45] Rejected
The Senate defeated an amendment to the Debt Ceiling bill which would have cut federal spending by a total of $120 billion. Amendment opponents insisted on dividing the amendment into three separate votes. This vote was to eliminate $22 billion in excessive overhead and duplicative programs.

2010-02-09 Becker Nomination Rejected
The Senate voted against halting debate on the nomination of Craig Becker to be a member of the National Labor Relations Board. ACU opposed the nomination of Becker to the NLRB because his long record as a union organizer indicated his lack of objectivity for the position. In this case, although a majority of the Senate voted to stop debate and move to confirmation, under Senate rules 60 votes were required.

2010-03-16 Blocking Earmark Moratorium [HR1586] Agreed To
The Senate killed an amendment that would have imposed a one year moratorium on congressional earmarked spending provisions.

2010-03-16 D.C. School Choice [HR1586] Rejected
The Senate rejected an amendment that would have prevented the elimination of tuition vouchers in the District of Columbia for low-income students that was canceled by the Obama Administration.

2010-03-24 Blocking Health Care Bill Repeal [HR4872] Agreed To
The Senate voted to kill an amendment that would have repealed the so-called Obamacare Health Care overhaul enacted by Congress at the end of 2009.

2010-03-25 Health Care and Immigration Status [HR4872] Agreed To
Motion to table (kill) an amendment that would have limited federal health care programs to U.S. citizens or legal alien residents. ACU supported this effort to require documentation for eligibility.

2010-03-25 Health Care Reconciliation [HR4872] Passed
After passing the Obama Administration's health care "reform" bill in late 2009 on a party-line vote, Congress used the reconciliation process to get a bill through the Senate making some "fixes" to the Health Care Act, including tax increases and federal funding of abortion. The bill also included a government takeover of the student loan program. ACU opposes the procedure and the substance of this effort.

2010-05-06 Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac [S3217] Rejected
During consideration of the Financial Regulatory Overhaul bill, an effort was made to include government-sponsored financial institutions, such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the regulations, particularly with regard to limiting their size.

2010-05-11 Federal Reserve Audit [S3217] Rejected
The Senate defeated an effort to provide for an audit of the Federal Reserve Bank by the Government Accounting Office.

2010-05-12 FHA Mortgage Rate Revisions / Down Payment Requirement [S3217] Rejected
An amendment designed to reduce taxpayer exposure for risky home mortgages by increasing the minimum down payment requirement from 3.5 percent to 5 percent and placing other limits on taxpayer-guaranteed mortgages. ACU thinks loose lending practices by government agencies fueled the meltdown in the housing market, and so supported this tightening.

2010-05-20 Financial Regulatory Overhaul [S3217] Agreed To
The Senate agreed to stop debate and vote on a massive rewrite of the nation's financial services industry regulations. ACU strongly opposed this rewrite, judging that it will not protect consumers, and will in fact further destabilize the economy. Under Senate rules, 60 votes are required to limit debate.

2010-05-27 Blocking Recissions and Federal Salary Freeze [HR4899] Agreed To
The Senate killed an amendment that would offset the cost of a supplemental spending bill by freezing salaries of federal civilian employees and rescinding 5 percent of the budget authority for programs other than those in the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.

2010-05-27 U.S. Mexico Border Fence [HR4899] Rejected
The Senate failed to bring up an amendment that would require completion of a 700-mile southern border fence. Under Senate rules, a two-thirds majority was needed to bring up the amendment.

2010-06-10 Disapproving EPA Power Grab [SJRES26] Rejected
The Environmental Protection Agency has signaled its intent to regulate CO2, despite the absence of any congressional mandate to do so. ACU opposes this power grab by EPA, and supported the effort.

2010-07-21 Estate Tax Repeal [HR4213] Rejected
The Senate defeated an effort to bring up a permanent repeal of the death tax.

2010-07-21 Arizona Immigration Law [HR4213] Rejected
The Senate defeated an effort to bring up an amendment de-funding federal efforts to invalidate Arizona's state immigration law.

2010-08-05 Kagan Nomination Confirmed
The Senate voted to confirm the nomination of Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court. ACU opposed this nomination, considering Kagan's record as a political activist.

2010-09-23 Union Election Reform [SJRES30] Rejected
Congress has declined to pass the so-called "card check" legislation, which would make it easier for labor unions to organize workers. Nevertheless, the National Mediation Board has promulgated rules that would accomplish the same result. On September 23, 2010, the Senate rejected a motion to proceed to consider a resolution of disapproval of the NMB action.

2010-09-23 Campaign Finance Disclosure [S3628] Rejected
In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision upholding free speech rights for groups of private individuals, corporate entities, and labor unions in political campaign advertising, efforts were made in both houses of Congress to overturn it. The House did pass such legislation, but the Senate refused to take up a bill imposing federal requirements on political advertising. Although a majority of the Senate did vote for it, under Senate rules 60 votes were required.

2010-09-29 Spending Reductions [HR3081] Rejected
The Senate defeated an amendment that would have cut federal spending by 5 percent (except for defense, veterans' and homeland security) after spending on these programs had increased by 20-30% since 2008.

2010-11-30 Burdensome Food Safety Regulations [S510] Passed
This bill overhauled food safety laws, expanded Food and Drug Administration enforcement powers and added 18,000 federal employees. The bill enormously increased the regulatory red tape to operate farms and processing centers but did nothing to reduce the many agencies now dealing with the same issue and did not in fact increase meat and poultry safety.

2010-12-18 Immigration Policy Revisions (DREAM Act) [HR5281] Rejected
The Senate defeated an attempt to stop debate and pass a bill granting children of illegal immigrants legal status if they have been in the United States continuously for more than five years and were younger than 16 when they entered the country, acquired a GED or enlisted in the military, and were younger than 30 on the date of enactment. ACU opposes this kind of piecemeal amnesty for those in the country illegally, and while a majority of the Senate did vote to put this measure to a vote, under Senate rules 60 votes are required to limit debate.

2010-12-18 "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy Repeal [HR2965] Agreed To
The Senate voted to repeal the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, which prohibits military service by openly homosexual men and women. ACU opposed this major change in social policy during a lame duck session of congress in time of war.

2010-12-22 New START Nuclear Arms Treaty [TREATYDOC1115] Agreed To
The Senate voted to ratify a New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with Russia. ACU opposed this treaty for its ambiguity regarding missile defense and other matters of substance without legal understandings to the contrary. ACU also opposed its adoption by a lame-duck session of Congress without proper consideration and debate.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).