
Mark Souder

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 18, 1950 in Fort Wayne, IN
Died: September 26, 2022 in Fort Wayne, IN


  • Indiana University, B.S., 1972
  • Notre Dame University, M.B.A., 1974


  • Salesman, 1974-1983
  • Staff director, U.S. House Select Committee on Children, Youth & Families, 1984-1989
  • Assistant to Sen. Dan Coats, 1983-1984, 1989-1993

Key House Vote Data for Mark Souder in 2010

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2010-02-23 Native Hawaiian Sovreignty [HR2314] Agreed To
Abercrombie (D-HI) amendment that formally recognizes Native Hawaiians as an indigenous group similar to an Indian tribe, without meeting the legal definition of a tribe. Requirements waived include the tribe already existing, members residing geographically together, having governing documents and showing evidence of membership from historical times.

2010-03-03 Federal Standards for School Punishments [HR4247] Passed
The House passed legislation federalizing enforcement over educational officials' use of seclusion and restraint to promote discipline in local schools receiving federal funds and opening local school action to additional lawsuits.

2010-03-21 Banning Taxpayer Funded Abortion [HR4872] Failed
The House defeated an effort to include a ban on federal funding of abortion in the health care overhaul legislation.

2010-03-24 Flexible Spending Accounts [HR4849] Failed
The House rejected an amendment to repeal provisions of the health care overhaul legislation that restricted the use of Flexible Spending Accounts, including the $2500 annual cap and the prohibition on the purchase of over-the-counter drugs.

2010-03-24 Disaster Relief / Summer Jobs [HR4899] Passed
The House passed $5.1 billion in "stimulus" funding for disaster relief and summer jobs. This bill was voted on less than 24 hours after introduction, not reviewed in committee and increased the deficit by $4.5 billion.

2010-03-25 Health Care Reconciliation [HR4872] Agreed To
After passing the health care overhaul bill in 2009, the House used the reconciliation process to get a bill through the Senate making some "fixes" to the Health Care Act, including tax increases and allowing federal funding of abortions. The bill also included a government takeover of the student loan program. ACU opposes this improper use of reconciliation and the substance of this effort.

2010-04-15 Estuary Protection Program [HR4715] Failed
The House voted down a motion to reduce a 53% increase in spending on estuary protection by imposing a spending cap as long as the budget is in deficit. ACU supported this modest attempt to limit spending on non-essentials while the budget is running a $1.4 trillion deficit.

2010-04-15 Unemployment Benefit Extensions [HR4851] Agreed To
The House adopted a Senate-passed extension of federal unemployment benefits, flood insurance programs, and other targeted spending programs without a corresponding spending reduction, increasing the deficit by $18 billion.

2010-04-22 Ethics Investigation [HRES1287] Rejected
The House rejected an effort to order the Ethics Committee to report on its investigations of the dealings of Members of the House with the PMA Group, a lobbying firm under federal investigation for corruption.

2010-05-06 Home Energy Retrofit Program [HR5019] Passed
The House passed legislation spending $6.6 billion for rebates to families earning up to $250,000 a year for energy-efficient home renovations in addition to $5 billion in "stimulus" funds spent for similar programs.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).