
Todd Platts

[Congressional biography]

Born: March 5, 1962 in York, PA


  • Shippensburg University, B.S., 1984
  • Pepperdine University, J.D., 1991


  • Judge, Common Pleas Court of York County, 2014-

Elected Office:

  • PA House, 1992-2000

Key House Vote Data for Todd Platts in 2010

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2010-02-23 Native Hawaiian Sovreignty [HR2314] Agreed To
Abercrombie (D-HI) amendment that formally recognizes Native Hawaiians as an indigenous group similar to an Indian tribe, without meeting the legal definition of a tribe. Requirements waived include the tribe already existing, members residing geographically together, having governing documents and showing evidence of membership from historical times.

2010-03-03 Federal Standards for School Punishments [HR4247] Passed
The House passed legislation federalizing enforcement over educational officials' use of seclusion and restraint to promote discipline in local schools receiving federal funds and opening local school action to additional lawsuits.

2010-03-21 Banning Taxpayer Funded Abortion [HR4872] Failed
The House defeated an effort to include a ban on federal funding of abortion in the health care overhaul legislation.

2010-03-24 Flexible Spending Accounts [HR4849] Failed
The House rejected an amendment to repeal provisions of the health care overhaul legislation that restricted the use of Flexible Spending Accounts, including the $2500 annual cap and the prohibition on the purchase of over-the-counter drugs.

2010-03-24 Disaster Relief / Summer Jobs [HR4899] Passed
The House passed $5.1 billion in "stimulus" funding for disaster relief and summer jobs. This bill was voted on less than 24 hours after introduction, not reviewed in committee and increased the deficit by $4.5 billion.

2010-03-25 Health Care Reconciliation [HR4872] Agreed To
After passing the health care overhaul bill in 2009, the House used the reconciliation process to get a bill through the Senate making some "fixes" to the Health Care Act, including tax increases and allowing federal funding of abortions. The bill also included a government takeover of the student loan program. ACU opposes this improper use of reconciliation and the substance of this effort.

2010-04-15 Estuary Protection Program [HR4715] Failed
The House voted down a motion to reduce a 53% increase in spending on estuary protection by imposing a spending cap as long as the budget is in deficit. ACU supported this modest attempt to limit spending on non-essentials while the budget is running a $1.4 trillion deficit.

2010-04-15 Unemployment Benefit Extensions [HR4851] Agreed To
The House adopted a Senate-passed extension of federal unemployment benefits, flood insurance programs, and other targeted spending programs without a corresponding spending reduction, increasing the deficit by $18 billion.

2010-04-22 Ethics Investigation [HRES1287] Rejected
The House rejected an effort to order the Ethics Committee to report on its investigations of the dealings of Members of the House with the PMA Group, a lobbying firm under federal investigation for corruption.

2010-05-06 Home Energy Retrofit Program [HR5019] Passed
The House passed legislation spending $6.6 billion for rebates to families earning up to $250,000 a year for energy-efficient home renovations in addition to $5 billion in "stimulus" funds spent for similar programs.

2010-05-27 Contractor Policies [HR5136] Agreed To
Sarbanes (D-MD) "insourcing" amendment extending Defense Department policies to other federal contractors, helping eliminate the use of private sector contractors, including racial preferences and union sourcing and adding to the federal workforce.

2010-05-28 Science and Technology Programs [HR5116] Passed
The House authorized the expenditure of $85.6 billion for science and research programs at various federal agencies. This was an unwarrented major increase in funding on top of increased funding in the "stimulus" bill and greatly expanded the scope of the program.

2010-06-10 FHA Mortgage Rate Revisions / Down Payment Requirement [HR5072] Rejected
Garrett (R-NJ) amendment to reduce taxpayer exposure for risky home mortgages by increasing the minimum down payment requirement from 3.5 percent to 5 percent and prohibiting closing costs from being financed through taxpayer-insured loans. ACU thinks loose lending practices by government agencies fueled the meltdown in the housing market that caused the recession, and so supported this tightening.

2010-06-24 Campaign Finance Disclosure [HR5175] Passed
This was an attempt to reverse the Supreme Court's recent decision upholding free speech rights for groups of private individuals, corporations and labor unions in political campaign advertising. Although some groups received waivers from the restrictions imposed by the bill, ACU supports a robust and untrammeled political debate and so opposed these restrictions.

2010-06-30 Financial Regulatory Overhaul [HR4173] Agreed To
The House passed a massive reorganization of the regulations governing financial institutions in the United States, creating dozens of new agencies, new reporting requirements, and making permanent the "too big to fail" doctrine that originated in the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Although billed as protecting credit consumers, this legislation actually protects large banks and other financial institutions at the expense of community banks and less traditional sources of credit and did nothing to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

2010-07-01 Unemployment Benefit Extension [HR5618] Passed
The House passed legislation not only extending unemployment benefits once again, but making the extension retroactive and providing for 100 percent federal [taxpayer] funding for these extended benefits. There was no corresponding reduction in spending, thus the deficit was increased by $34 billion.

2010-07-29 Sept. 11 Health and Compensation Fund [HR847] Failed
The House rejected a proposal to create a federal medical program for those involved in the response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 who became ill in later years. This version of the bill created an $8.4 billion fund to be spent for 21 years with no oversight which ACU opposed. Although the proposal did receive a majority vote, under House procedures a two-thirds majority was required. A bill costing half as much with oversight and a five year sunset provision later passed.

2010-07-29 Spending Reduction [HR5850] Rejected
Jordan (R-OH) amendment to reduce funding in the Transportation-Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill to 2008 levels.

2010-07-30 Ending the Offshore Drilling Moratorium [HR3534] Failed
The House defeated an attempt to terminate moratoria on offshore drilling imposed by the Obama Administration in the wake of the Gulf oil spill. ACU regards these moratoria as completely unjustified as a matter of law and policy, especially when fuel prices are high and the economy so weak.

2010-09-16 Energy Efficiency Loan Programs [HR4785] Passed
The House voted to spend $5 billion to create two energy efficiency loan programs, providing subsidies for energy renovations. This bill was never reviewed in committee and ACU opposed these new programs as duplicative of many other programs.

2010-12-02 Child Nutrition Programs [S3307] Passed
A bill to continue the federal child nutrition programs for another five years, creating or expanding 17 programs while giving the federal government control over school meals. Also added was an unfunded mandate to school districts for "wellness" programs.

2010-12-08 Social Security / Railroad Retirement One-time Payment [HR5987] Failed
This bill would have given all Social Security and Railroad Retirement recipients a one-time payment of $250 regardless of income because they did not get a cost-of-living increase this year, adding $14 billion to the deficit. Although a majority of the House voted for it, a two-thirds majority was required.

2010-12-08 Immigration Policy Revisions [HR5281] Agreed To
This bill grants children of illegal immigrants amnesty if they have been in the United States continuously for more than five years and were younger than 16 when they entered the country, acquired a GED or enlisted in the military, and were younger than 30 on the date of enactment. ACU opposes this kind of piecemeal amnesty for those in the country illegally.

2010-12-15 "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Repeal [HR2965] Agreed To
This bill repeals the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, which prohibits military service by openly homosexual men and women. ACU opposed passing this major change in social policy during a lame-duck session of Congress in time of war.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).