
Bill Owens

[Congressional biography]

Born: January 20, 1949 in Brooklyn, NY


  • Manhattan College, B.S., 1971
  • Fordham University, J.D., 1974

Military Service:

  • U.S. Air Force, 1975-1979
  • U.S. Air Force Reserve, 1979-1982


  • Lawyer
  • Faculty, SUNY-Plattsburgh, 1978-1986

Key House Vote Data for Bill Owens in 2009

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2009-11-07 Blocking Abortion Funding [HR3962] Agreed To
Stupak (D-MI) amendment which would insert into the health care overhaul bill the traditional ban on using taxpayer funds to provide abortion services.

2009-11-07 Health Care Overhaul -- Republican Substitute [HR3962] Rejected
Boehner (R-OH) amendment which served as the Republican substitute to the health care overhaul bill. The substitute would create state high-risk pools for uninsurable individuals, permit competition in health insurance across state lines, reform medical malpractice law, and allow small business to pool employees to get low-cost insurance.

2009-11-07 "Affordable" Care Act ("Obamacare") [HR3962] Passed
The House passed a massive overhaul to the nation's health care and health insurance industry, by creating a government-run insurance program, forcing everyone to purchase insurance approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services or pay a steep tax, taxing companies that do not provide insurance, and requiring insurers to accept individuals who are already sick. The bill also imposed an income tax surcharge to help cover costs.

2009-12-03 Estate Tax Repeal [HR4154] Failed
The House defeated an attempt to extend the repeal of the estate ("death") tax through 2011, instead of re-instituting it at the end of 2010.

2009-12-03 Estate Tax Extension [HR4154] Passed
The House passed a bill making permanent the estate and gift tax levels now in the law.

2009-12-11 Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) Repeal [HR4173] Failed
The House defeated an attempt to repeal the Troubled Asset Relief Program and lower the national debt limit.

2009-12-11 Financial Industry Regulation [HR4173] Passed
The House passed an overhaul of regulation of the financial industry that creates an entirely new government agency. The bill also sets national mortgage standards, federal registration of investment advisers, overrules state consumer financial laws, and authorizes the use of TARP funds for housing relief. ACU opposed this massive expansion of federal regulation without clear limits and definitions as to what would be regulated or how.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).