
Scott Murphy

[Congressional biography]

Born: January 26, 1970 in Columbia, MO


  • Harvard University, B.A., 1992


  • Businessman
  • Professional advocate

Key House Vote Data for Scott Murphy in 2009

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2009-04-29 "Hate" Crimes [HR1913] Passed
The House passed a bill expanding federal "hate crimes" law to include sexual orientation, gender, or disability.

2009-05-07 ACORN Grant Eligibility [HR1728] Agreed To
Frank (D-MA) amendment to the Mortgage Lending Standards bill that watered down an amendment approved in committee to bar ACORN or other organizations which employ people who have been convicted of election law violations from access to funds under the bill. This version only applies to executives of an organization that have been convicted of a felony.

2009-05-21 Blocking Johnstown Airport Earmark [HR915] Failed
The House defeated an attempt to delete an "earmark" in the Federal Aviation Administration authorization requested by Rep. John Murtha for an airport near Johnstown, Pa. named after Rep. Murtha. This airport handles six flights a week and has already received $150 million in taxpayer subsidies.

2009-06-04 Parental Leave for Federal Employees [HR626] Passed
The House passed a bill providing that four of the 12 weeks of parental leave provided by the federal government to its employees would be paid leave, and removing the requirement that employees demonstrate a medical need for sick leave used.

2009-06-09 Cash for Clunkers [HR2751] Agreed To
The House voted to establish a new $4 billion program under which the Department of Transportation would buy old cars from people for up to $4,500 each, so that people could buy new, more fuel-efficient cars. ACU saw that this program would be as wasteful and ineffective as it turned out to be, and so opposed it.

2009-06-18 Defunding the Legal Services Corporation [HR2847] Rejected
Hensarling (R-TX) amendment that would have struck $440 million from the Commerce Department Appropriations Bill for the Legal Services Corporation. ACU has always opposed this wasteful program which has been used primarily to expand the welfare state and was recently found by the GAO to be rife with waste, fraud and abuse.

2009-06-25 Missile Defense [HR2647] Rejected
Franks (R-AZ) amendment to the Defense Department Authorization Bill that would have increased the amount authorized for the Missile Defense Agency by $1.2 billion and established the policy of continued development of missile defense systems. ACU has always supported missile defense as a justified constitutional duty of the government and opposes major reductions by the Obama Administration.

2009-06-26 Cap-and-Trade Emissions Limits [HR2454] Passed
The House passed a bill establishing a "cap-and-trade" program for limiting greenhouse gas emission. The program is a complicated system of emission allowances and auctions, but its effect would be to roll back CO2 emissions to 17 percent of current levels, at enormous cost to individuals and to the competitive position of the United States in the world.

2009-07-22 Spending Caps [HR2920] Rejected
Ryan (R-WI) amendment that would have established spending caps through fiscal year 2014, limiting spending and deficit limits to a percentage of Gross Domestic Product.

2009-07-23 Spending Cuts [HR3288] Rejected
Blackburn (R-TN) amendment that would have cut discretionary government spending in the appropriations for the Departments of Housing and Transportation by 5 percent, less than the recent annual increase in appropriations.

2009-07-24 Defunding Planned Parenthood [HR3293] Rejected
Pence (R-IN) amendment to the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill that would have eliminated funding for Planned Parenthood family planning services, which includes abortion services.

2009-11-07 Blocking Abortion Funding [HR3962] Agreed To
Stupak (D-MI) amendment which would insert into the health care overhaul bill the traditional ban on using taxpayer funds to provide abortion services.

2009-11-07 Health Care Overhaul -- Republican Substitute [HR3962] Rejected
Boehner (R-OH) amendment which served as the Republican substitute to the health care overhaul bill. The substitute would create state high-risk pools for uninsurable individuals, permit competition in health insurance across state lines, reform medical malpractice law, and allow small business to pool employees to get low-cost insurance.

2009-11-07 "Affordable" Care Act ("Obamacare") [HR3962] Passed
The House passed a massive overhaul to the nation's health care and health insurance industry, by creating a government-run insurance program, forcing everyone to purchase insurance approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services or pay a steep tax, taxing companies that do not provide insurance, and requiring insurers to accept individuals who are already sick. The bill also imposed an income tax surcharge to help cover costs.

2009-12-03 Estate Tax Repeal [HR4154] Failed
The House defeated an attempt to extend the repeal of the estate ("death") tax through 2011, instead of re-instituting it at the end of 2010.

2009-12-03 Estate Tax Extension [HR4154] Passed
The House passed a bill making permanent the estate and gift tax levels now in the law.

2009-12-11 Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) Repeal [HR4173] Failed
The House defeated an attempt to repeal the Troubled Asset Relief Program and lower the national debt limit.

2009-12-11 Financial Industry Regulation [HR4173] Passed
The House passed an overhaul of regulation of the financial industry that creates an entirely new government agency. The bill also sets national mortgage standards, federal registration of investment advisers, overrules state consumer financial laws, and authorizes the use of TARP funds for housing relief. ACU opposed this massive expansion of federal regulation without clear limits and definitions as to what would be regulated or how.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).