
Albert Wynn

[Congressional biography]

Born: September 10, 1951 in Philadelphia, PA


  • University of Pittsburgh, B.A., 1973
  • Georgetown University, J.D., 1977

Elected Office:

  • MD House, 1983-1987
  • MD Senate, 1987-1993

Key House Vote Data for Albert Wynn in 2008

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2008-01-17 Housing Bill [HR3524] Passed
The House passed a bill that authorized a reckless 700% increase in spending on the HOPE VI Public Housing Program that has $2 billion in unspent funds and was recommended for elimination by the Bush Administration.

2008-01-23 Children's Health Insurance Veto [HR3963] Veto Sustained
The House sustained the President's veto of a bill to more than double spending on the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) for poor children but which also prohibited HHS from requiring poor children to be covered first. The bill included a 156% increase in the federal excise tax on tobacco.

2008-03-13 Budget Resolution [HCONRES312] Rejected
Ryan (R-WI) Republican substitute for the Democrat Budget Resolution. The substitute would have made the Bush tax cuts permanent, capped discretionary spending at $973 billion, reduced mandatory spending by $12 billion over five years, and imposed a moratorium on pork barrel "earmarks." ACU thinks both budgets were too high, but this one was clearly superior.

2008-04-15 Stopping Illegal Immigration [HR5719] Failed
The House rejected an attempt to tighten up IRS procedures so that illegal aliens do not receive certain tax benefits, and to pressure state and local governments to report illegal immigrants to federal officials.

2008-05-08 Foreclosure Relief Restrictions [HR5818] Failed
The House rejected an effort to bar drug or sex offenders and mortgage fraud perpetrators from benefiting from the foreclosure relief funds contained in the bill.

2008-05-08 Mortgage Bailout Program [HR3221] Agreed To
The House adopted a bill expanding the government-sponsored housing authorities, guaranteeing loans made by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac while reducing their capital by creating a $4 billion trust fund available to ACORN and other groups.

2008-05-14 Oil and Gas Exploration [SCONRES70] Failed
No Vote
The House rejected a motion designed to encourage expansion of federal leases for oil and gas exploration in the West, on the Outer Continental Shelf, and in a small portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

2008-05-15 Supplemental Appropriations [HR2642] Agreed To
The House passed additional appropriations for various agencies in three sections. This portion included an income tax surcharge as an offset for veterans' benefits and prevented the Department of Health and Human Services from implementing Medicaid reforms already approved by Congress.

2008-05-21 Tax Provision Extensions [HR6049] Passed
No Vote
The House passed a bill extending expiring and expired tax provisions. The bill extended tax credits for so-called "renewable" and alternative energy sources for one year while permanently increasing some business taxes.

2008-05-22 Missile Defense [HR5658] Rejected
No Vote
Franks (R-AZ) amendment to strengthen the nation's immediate antiballistic missile program.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).