
John Barrasso

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 21, 1952 in Reading, PA


  • Georgetown University, B.S., 1974, M.D., 1978


  • Orthopedic surgeon
  • Chief of Staff, Wyoming Medical Center

Elected Office:

  • WY Senate, 2002-2007
  • Appointed to the U.S. Senate on June 22, 2007 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Craig Thomas

Key Senate Vote Data for John Barrasso in 2007

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2007-06-26 Limiting Employee Rights [HR800] Rejected
The Senate refused to stop debate and move to a vote on a bill that would have stripped workers of the rights to a secret ballot when deciding on unionization.

2007-07-19 Prohibiting Social Security Benefits for Illegal Aliens [HR2669] Rejected
The Senate voted to continue to allow Social Security benefits to be paid for illegal and fraudulent work, including the work of illegal aliens. Although a majority of the Senate voted to waive the Budget Act and allow a direct vote on the prohibition, under Senate rules 60 votes are required to waive the Budget Act.

2007-07-23 New Student Loan Program [S1642] Rejected
The Senate killed an effort to establish a new program of government loans to full-time undergraduate and graduate students.

2007-09-06 Cuts to U.N. Peacekeeping Operations [HR2764] Rejected
The Senate killed an amendment designed to stop an increase in the U.S. share of United Nations peacekeeping costs, which is now 25 percent.

2007-09-06 Defunding Abortion and Sterilization [HR2764] Agreed To
The Senate adopted an amendment that would bar the use of taxpayer money for any organization or program that supports or manages a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.

2007-09-06 "Mexico City" Policy Repeal [HR2764] Agreed To
The Senate adopted an amendment repealing the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits the use of taxpayer funds by organizations that promote or perform abortions.

2007-09-12 Davis-Bacon Requirement [HR3074] Agreed To
The Senate voted to kill an amendment prohibiting implementation of the Davis-Bacon Act, which requires union rates to be paid on federal construction projects.

2007-09-18 District of Columbia Congressional Seat [S1257] Rejected
The Senate refused to stop debate and vote on legislation increasing the size of the House of Representatives to 437, giving a seat to the District of Columbia and an additional seat to Utah.

2007-09-27 "Hate" Crimes [HR1585] Agreed To
The Senate voted to stop debate and vote on an amendment establishing a special category of crime if it was based on the victim's race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender or disability.

2007-09-27 Government Health Insurance Expansion [HR976] Agreed To
The Senate passed a major expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) program authorizing $60 billion over five years, increasing subsidies and prohibiting the Department of Health and Human Services from requiring that poor children be covered before other groups. The costs of the expansion were to be paid from increased tobacco taxes.

2007-12-13 Energy Policy [HR6] Rejected
Although the Senate had earlier voted for new energy regulations, the House then revised them, and the Senate refused to shut off debate and move to a final vote on the revised bill mandating increased automobile mileage, the production of 36 billion gallons of "biofuels" by 2022, and new energy efficiency standards on appliances, lights, and other consumer goods while increasing taxes on domestic oil and gas companies.

2007-12-13 Eminent Domain Reform [HR2419] Rejected
The Senate defeated an amendment that would have prohibited federal, state and local governments from misusing eminent domain by taking farmland or grazing land to use it for parks, open space or similar purposes.

2007-12-13 Energy Policy [HR6] Agreed To
Voting on a third revision of the Energy Bill, the Senate this time voted to pass legislation imposing massive new burdens on the energy industry of the United States while rejecting measures to increase domestic supplies of oil and gas.

2007-12-18 Alternative Minimum Tax Adjustment [HR2764] Rejected
The Senate killed a one-year extension of a provision keeping 21 million middle-income taxpayers from being hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax designed to apply to millionaires.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).