
Tim Ryan

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 16, 1973 in Niles, OH


  • John F. Kennedy High School (Warren, OH), 1991
  • Bowling Green State University, B.S., 1995
  • Franklin Pierce Law Center, J.D., 2000


  • Staff, Rep. James Traficant, 1995-1997

Elected Office:

  • OH Senate, 2000-2002

Key House Vote Data for Tim Ryan in 2007

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2007-01-10 Minimum Wage Increase [HR2] Passed
The House passed a bill increasing the federal minimum wage by $2.10 over two years, to $7.25 an hour, a 41 percent increase, after rejecting provisions that would have assisted small businesses in meeting its requirements.

2007-01-11 Stem Cell Research [HR3] Passed
The House passed a bill mandating federal funding of embryonic stem cells derived from surplus embryos at fertilization clinics.

2007-02-16 Limiting Troop Deployment [HCONRES63] Agreed To
The House adopted a resolution opposing the "surge" of 20,000 additional troops into Iraq.

2007-03-01 Union Election Reform [HR800] Rejected
McKeon (R-CA) amendment that would have preserved the right of workers to a secret-ballot in union representation decisions, rather than allowing use of the "card check" method.

2007-03-27 Amtrak Funding [HR1401] Rejected
Sessions (R-TX) amendment that would have eliminated taxpayer funding of the 10 Amtrak long-distance routes that have lost the most passenger revenue.

2007-04-19 District of Columbia Congressional Seat [HR1905] Passed
The House passed legislation increasing the size of the House of Representatives to 437, giving a seat to the District of Columbia and an additional seat to Utah.

2007-05-02 Religious Freedom [HR1429] Failed
The House defeated a motion that would have allowed religious organizations providing services under the federal Head Start program to consider religion in their hiring practices.

2007-05-02 Earmark Reform [HR1867] Rejected
Campbell (R-CA) amendment to the National Science Foundation reauthorization that would have eliminated spending on such projects as archives of Andean knotted-string records and bison hunting on the late prehistoric Great Plains.

2007-05-03 "Hate" Crimes [HR1592] Passed
The House passed a bill making violent crimes against an individual because of race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, stand-alone hate crime offenses.

2007-05-10 Iraq Troop Withdrawal [HR2237] Defeated
The House defeated a bill that would have required the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq within 180 days.

2007-05-17 Missile Defense [HR1585] Rejected
Franks (R-AZ) amendment restoring funds for the Missile Defense Agency that had been cut by $764 million.

2007-06-15 Border Security Fencing [HR2638] Rejected
Carter (R-TX) amendment to the Homeland Security Bill that would have accelerated the construction of a fence along the U.S.-Mexico border.

2007-06-21 "Mexico City" Policy [HR2764] Rejected
Smith (R-NJ) amendment to the State Department Appropriations Bill strengthening the "Mexico City" policy, which prohibits U.S. aid to international family planning organizations that perform or promote abortions.

2007-06-26 Offshore Natural Gas Development [HR2643] Rejected
Peterson (R-PA) amendment to the Interior Department Appropriations Bill that would have allowed the Interior Department to issue new leases for offshore natural gas development in areas at least 25 miles from the U.S. coast.

2007-07-19 Secret Union Ballot [HR3043] Rejected
Souder (R-IN) amendment to an appropriations bill designed to preserve workers' rights to a secret-ballot election in union representation decisions.

2007-07-19 Planned Parenthood Support [HR3043] Rejected
Pence (R-IN) amendment to the Health and Human Services Appropriations Bill that would have withheld taxpayer funds from Planned Parenthood.

2007-07-26 Requirement to Speak English [HR3093] Rejected
Stearns (R-FL) amendment to an appropriations bill that would have prevented the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) from suing employers who require their employees to speak English in the workplace.

2007-07-26 Political Speech [HR3093] Agreed To
Pence (R-IN) amendment that would have eliminated some of the restrictions placed on electioneering communications imposed by the 2001 Campaign Finance Reform Act.

2007-08-01 Health Insurance and Medicare Expansion [HR3162] Passed
The House passed a major expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), authorizing $86 billion over five years and increasing subsidies. The measure prohibited the Department of Health and Human Services from requiring that poor children be covered before other groups. The costs of the expansion were to be paid from increased tobacco taxes.

2007-08-04 Energy Policy [HR3221] Passed
The House passed legislation regulating lights and appliances (including a ban on the incandescent light bulb), creating new programs for alternative energy sources, imposing more regulations on energy companies and mandating vastly increased use of "renewable" energy.

2007-10-10 Housing Trust Fund [HR2895] Passed
The House created a new federal welfare program to assist in the construction, rehabilitation and preservation of "affordable" housing for low-income persons. The fund would be financed from existing federal housing and lending agency income.

2007-10-18 Health Insurance and Medicare Expansion -- Veto Override [HR976] Veto Sustained
The House failed to override the President's veto of a major expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

2007-11-09 Alternative Minimum Tax Adjustment [HR3996] Passed
The House passed a one-year extension of a provision keeping 21 million middle-income taxpayers from being hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax designed to apply to millionaires. The measure included other tax increases to "pay for" the supposedly "lost" revenue.

2007-12-17 "Catch-All" Appropriations [HR2764] Agreed To
The House passed a last-minute appropriations bill, known as the "Omnibus Appropriations Bill," incorporating appropriations for 18 separate federal departments in a $474 billion package. The measure included major spending increases over and above increases requested by the Bush Administration.

2007-12-18 Energy Policy [HR6] Agreed To
The House passed new energy regulations mandating increased automobile mileage (paid for by $2.1 billion in new taxes), the production of 36 billion gallons of "biofuels" by 2022, and new energy efficiency standards on appliances, lights, and other consumer goods, while rejecting measures designed to allow an increase in the supplies of domestic oil and gas.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).